Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 629 Three Bosses

Seeing this scene, the monks present were moved.

Even those three big brothers put away their previous contempt.

"Yu Lei Zhen Jie, are you from Tong Xuanzong?" Tun Tian Mang looked at Zhao Yang in surprise and said.

Zhao Yang shook his head, "It is true that I have practiced the True Solution of Yu Lei, but I am not a person of Tongxuanzong." Some identities cannot be faked, which will cause great karma.

"Since you are not from Tongxuanzong, there is no need to be afraid." Tuntian Mang said, "If you leave now, I can pretend that nothing happened."

Zhao Yang laughed, "Kongtonghua, I'm going to make a decision today. If anyone doesn't want to die, then go forward." When the last word fell, Zhao Yang rushed towards Kongtonghua.

"Looking for death." The swallowing python was furious.

"I see you are getting impatient." Jin Wu was furious.

"Dare to snatch the Kongtong flower under my nose, I'm afraid you want to die." The titan slashed at Zhao Yang with an ax in his hand.

Zhao Yang didn't even look at the crowd, and grabbed Kongtong Hua with his big hand.

And the moment he caught the Kongtong flower, everyone's attack also arrived.

The next moment an ancient bronze bell appeared around Zhao Yang.


The bronze bell trembled violently.

But it wasn't broken.

"How is it possible?" Jin Wu's expression changed drastically.

"How could this guy be so powerful?" Tuntian Python's face was full of disbelief.

"How could he resist my blow?" The titan's face was full of shock.

You must know that these three are all under the quasi-sage's sect, and if nothing happens in the future, they can set foot in the quasi-sage, but now they join forces and they can't shake Zhao Yang.

"The strength of the three of you is indeed good, but it is not enough in front of me." Zhao Yang said here that his body was filled with billowing flames.

The domineering pure yang flame made Jinwu and others back away in fright.

Because they felt the crisis of death just now.

"If you don't want to die, get lost." Zhao Yang shouted loudly.

The three of Jinwu looked at each other, and they all saw deep unwillingness in each other's eyes.

This is Kongtong flower.

Did you just give up?


The Tuntian Python turned into an off-string arrow and rushed towards Xiaoqian.

Even though Xiaoqian dodged hastily, she was still entangled by the Tuntian Python.

"Hand over the Kongtong flower, or I'll kill her." Tuntian Python said with a chilling gleam in his eyes.

Zhao Yang's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip water, "You're looking for death, you know that?"

"I don't have that much patience, I'll count three numbers, if you don't give it to me." Tuntian Python suddenly felt a sense of horror when he said this.

She is a dead cat.

She realized that there was an extremely terrifying existence targeting her.

Subconsciously, she wanted to let go of Xiaoqian.

But it was still too late.

A divine sense that dominated the world penetrated his sea of ​​consciousness and annihilated his soul.

Its body fell limply all of a sudden.

The pupils of the fallen Sky-swallowing Python Golden Crow shrank, "Do you know who you killed?"

"If you kill it, you will kill it." Xiaoqian said indifferently.

Jin Wu glanced at Xiaoqian in surprise, then Jin Wu turned and left.

The giant titan left after being silent for a while.

The remaining demons and ghosts also left one after another.

Soon Zhao Yang and his group were left on the top of the mountain.

Xiang Hanyu and others came up together, and they looked at Kongtong Hua with burning eyes.

They know very well what the Kongtong flower represents?

After Zhao Yang got the Kongtong flower, he would be able to make further progress in the Jade Fairyland.

"The leaves of the Kongtong flower are also treasures." At this time, the spirit of the Evergreen Lantern said, "The ranking of Kongtong leaves is ninth."

Looking at the nine leaves on the Kongtong flower, Zhao Yang's heart was burning.

"Kongtong Ye." Xiang Hanyu suddenly thought of something, "Kongtong Ye is ranked ninth."

"There are nine Kongtong leaves in total." Xiaoqian said in surprise.

"Let's get out of here quickly." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Those guys patronized to snatch Kongtong flowers before, but after they realized that Kongtong leaves are also treasures, there is no guarantee that they will not invite experts from the clan to come and fight for them.

After leaving Zixia Mountain, Zhao Yang and others headed towards the Great Ancient Dynasty.

Dagu Dynasty is the first destination of this trip.

This dynasty also paid the immortal stone to Dongxuanzong in the first year, but it did not give the immortal stone directly in the second and third years.

Of the 55 dynasties on the Liushuizong side, the Dagu Dynasty was the most uncooperative, so Zhao Yang was the first to choose to come here.

"Shall we enter the Great Ancient Dynasty now?" Xiang Hanyu asked.

"No, you go to the imperial city to inquire about the news first." Zhao Yang thought for a while and looked at Xiang Hanyu and said.

"Okay." Xiang Hanyu left.

After he left, Zhao Yang turned around and came to a valley.

"Next, I'm going to break through here, you two can do whatever you want." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

I got the Kongtong flower, why not take it?

"Let's protect the law for you." Zhu Ya said softly.

"I have already set up a formation here, and there are three other gods who are guarding in secret." Zhao Yang looked at Zhu Ya and said, "You can practice with peace of mind."

When Zhu Ya and Xiaoqian heard what Zhao Yang said, they put down their minds and began to practice with peace of mind.

Kongtong Ye Zhaoyang gave them one each.

They eagerly hope to step into the realm of Jade Immortals, so that they can eat Kongtong leaves.

Kongtong leaf is the ninth treasure.

Dong Xuanzong!

Since Zhao Yang left, Xu Huier has become listless.

She doesn't practice much, and stays in the courtyard all day long, staring at the distance.

"Hui'er, it's not a problem that you've been like this all the time." Yuan Jin'er said with some distress.

"I'm fine, don't worry." Xu Huier glanced at Yuan Jiner and said softly.

"You, if you like Zhao Yang, you can just go to him." Yuan Jin'er held Xu Huier's hand and said.

"Junior brother is a true dragon in the sky, and I will be a burden if I follow him." Xu Huier shook his head, "I know my aptitude very well. It would be great if I can reach the Golden Fairyland in the future, but my junior brother will become a saint in the future."

Yuan Jin'er opened his mouth to say something, but it turned into a deep sigh.

At this moment, Bai Yunfei and Bai Yan walked over from a distance.

Xu Huier and Yuan Jiner quickly stood up and saluted Bai Yunfei and Bai Yan.

Bai Yunfei waved his hand and said, "I'm here this time, mainly to deliver medicinal materials to you two."

"Medical material?" Yuan Jin'er was startled, "I don't know what kind of medicinal material it is?"

"Niulucao ranked 180th and [-]nd." Bai Yunfei said as he took out a brocade box.

"The one ranked 180th and second?" Yuan Jin'er was stunned.

"Do you know how much the ox-heron grass is?" Bai Yan said angrily, "One plant of ox-heron grass costs 500 million yuan."

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