Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 553 Goodbye Jian Wushuang

They were looking for Zhao Yang's figure.

That colorful thunderbolt was really terrifying, until now their minds are still swaying.

Furthermore, what Yi Ren just said was very clear, even the best of the true immortals could not stop the thunder.

So can Zhao Yang block it?

Soon they saw a figure covered in smoke.

Who else is it not Zhao Yang?

"Master is still panting." Tie Han pointed to the figure and said in surprise.

"How do you talk?" Yi Ren glared at Tiehan.

Zhao Yang was a little lucky at this time.

Fortunately, he bears the ancient blood of Zhao Zu, otherwise he would not be able to survive the Ninth Tribulation just now.

"Caihan didn't tell me that the Nine Heavens Tribulation is so terrifying?" Zhao Yang thought to himself.

In fact, this is no wonder Lin Caihan.

Since Lin Caihan herself did not cross the Nine Heavens, she knew that the Heavens had probably been adjusted.

In other words, the highest level should be the six heavenly tribulations.

How could Lin Caihan think that Zhao Yang dared to insult God?

God cannot be humiliated!

This is also the reason why Zhao Yang was lowered to the Nine Heavens Tribulation?

At this moment, streaks of auspicious colors fell from the depths of the sky, Zhao Yang's injuries immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time, his whole body was constantly changing.

This is a qualitative transformation, but also a huge evolution.

Zhao Yang felt that the whole person, both body and soul, was leaping towards a higher level.

I don't know how long it took for Zhao Yang to truly step into the Realm of Immortals, and at the same time, an emotionless voice rang in his ears.

"Congratulations on your successful robbing, you will go to the fairyland later."

"Is there no reward for surviving the Nine Heavens Tribulation?"

"The reward will be issued after you reach the fairyland."

Zhao Yang nodded in satisfaction and then made a move to condense the decree.

After he condensed this decree, he immediately felt a wave of attraction.

He knew that he was going to Xianyu.

He threw the decree to Yiren, "I'm leaving, see you all." After the words fell, Zhao Yang no longer resisted, letting the suction attract him to the depths of the sky.


I don't know how long Zhao Yang landed on an island.

He sniffed lightly.

It was found that the density of spiritual power here is dozens of times that of the Jinxian clan.

Only here can more powerful creatures be born.

Just as Zhao Yang was feeling emotional, a cold voice sounded in his ears, "Because you have survived the Nine Tribulations, you are qualified to go to the heavenly marrow washing pool to practice."

"Heaven-level marrow washing pool?" Zhao Yang asked puzzledly, "Can you tell me?"

"Any monk who has successfully overcome the catastrophe is eligible to go to the marrow washing pool to practice." The cold voice explained, "Divided according to the four types of first-level, third-level, sixth-level, and ninth-level Yellow-level marrow washing pool, mysterious marrow washing pool, earth-level marrow washing pool, and heaven-level marrow washing pool." After a pause, the other party continued, "You should thank you for your reckless actions, because the Nine Heavens Tribulation has been cancelled. And because You insulted the gods, and the gods made an exception and sent down nine catastrophes for you."

"Why cancel?"

"After repeated battles in the Immortal Territory, too many creatures have been lost, and they urgently need to be replenished."

There was a clear look in Zhao Yang's eyes, "How long can I stay in the marrow washing pool?"

"Wait until you feel it's useless."

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to see a hot pool filled with dense air.

"go in."

After Zhao Yang jumped in, he felt a tearing sensation, and then he felt that every cell was absorbing the energy in it.

Of course this feeling of expansion is painful.

But Zhao Yang never endured any pain.

Gradually, Zhao Yang found that his bloodline seemed to have improved as well.

"The heavenly marrow washing pool is a bit scary." Zhao Yang murmured.

"I must remind you once that the heavenly marrow washing pool will improve your aptitude, which will directly determine which sect you will go to next?" At this moment, the voice rang again.

Improve qualifications?

Zhao Yang's eyes showed curiosity.

To be honest, Zhao Yang is also curious about what level his aptitude is?

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Zhao Yang stayed here for seven days, and only when he found that there was no effect, Zhao Yang got up from the marrow washing pool.

"Where am I going now?" Zhao Yang asked.

The moment his voice fell, he was teleported to a square.

There are already many monks in the square.

These monks looked at Zhao Yang curiously.

"What is this place?" Zhao Yang looked at a young man in blue and asked.

As a result, the young man in blue glanced at him and then looked into the distance.

"What's the situation?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

"Brother Lan Ming is an expert who has survived the tribulation of thunder." At this time, a young man standing not far from Zhao Yang said in a low voice.

"Triple Lightning Tribulation?" Zhao Yang was taken aback.

"Are you scared? Let me tell you, those who are qualified to survive the triple thunder tribulation are all masters, and they cannot be provoked by existences like us."

Listening to this young man's words, Zhao Yang wanted to say that you misunderstood, I mean, I thought this guy had survived the sixth level of lightning tribulation?

Feelings have survived the triple thunder disaster?

Why do you say you are so arrogant?

Of course, Zhao Yang didn't have the same knowledge as Lan Ming.

"Everyone is waiting. When the number of monks who come here reaches [-], the six major dynasties of Zhengyang Region will come to select disciples."

"Zhengyang domain?"

"I heard that the Zhengyang domain is one of the large domains in the Eastern domain."

"How many large domains are there in the Eastern Region?"


The corner of Zhao Yang's mouth twitched.


so much?

No wonder Ao Fang said that the Immortal Territory is very big, beyond his imagination.

This is a bit more than I imagined.

Not long after, a young man in a white robe with a sword on his back appeared on the field.

The boy has a tall head and a smile on his face, confident and elegant.

His aura was sharp and sharp.

"Ancient Sword Cultivator."

"Those who walk this path are ruthless people."

"I don't know how many thunder disasters this person has survived?"

"I think at least triple?"

Soon, a beautiful girl came to the boy with a smile.

"I don't know how many catastrophes you have survived, my lord?"

"Sixfold." Jian Wushuang replied.

The monks around couldn't help but gasped.

Sixfold Heavenly Tribulation?

You must know that among the more than 900 monks present, none of them survived the six heavenly tribulations.

"My name is Pan Xiaoyu, I wonder if I can get to know him?" the girl said while looking at the boy with fiery eyes.

"My name is Jian Wushuang." The boy said with a smile, "Nice to meet you."

Seeing that boy talking intimately with Pan Xiaoyu, some women wished they could replace him with their own bodies.

"Jian Wushuang?" Zhao Yang took a look at Jian Wushuang and withdrew his gaze.

Jian Wushuang was Zhao Yang's fifth opponent when he challenged in the Three Thousand Worlds.

In other words, Jian Wushuang couldn't even make it to the top [-].

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