Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 552 Provoking God

It was only after Song Jue, Sun Tianque, Ling Chong and other masters arrived that they discovered that it was Zhao Yang who crossed the tribulation.

"Zhao Yang crossing the tribulation?"

"how is this possible?"

"How could he improve so quickly?"

"It just doesn't make sense."

Soon the masters from other sects also arrived here.

"Zhao Yang?"

"I have just set foot in the fairyland, and Zhao Yang is going to cross the catastrophe?"

"Can't Zhao Yang stop and wait for our footsteps?"

When Bai Ruoruo and the younger generation of bosses saw this scene, their hearts exploded.

In the past two years, they have practiced desperately, but they have only set foot in the fairyland.

What about Zhao Yang?

People have already started crossing the catastrophe.


At this moment, a thunderbolt of hundreds of feet struck Zhao Yang.

And Zhao Yang shook his shoulders as if nothing happened.

He is now at the peak of the fairyland.

But he is confident that even those from the real fairyland can be killed.

So this thunderbolt was terrifying in the eyes of Song Jue and others, but it was also the same in the eyes of Zhao Yang?

Not long after, the second thunder came again.

Zhao Yang didn't even look at it.

This startled the monks present.

Ignore Thunder Tribulation?

Can you stop making trouble?

"Master is really amazing." Tie Han stood in the distance, his eyes full of admiration.

"Where is this going? With the aptitude of the master, I reckon that he will have to go through at least six heavenly tribulations." Yi Ren said with a smile.

"Six heavenly tribulations?"

"You'll find out later."

While Yi Ren was talking with Tie Han, the third thunder came again.

The power of this thunderbolt is more than ten times that of the first thunderbolt, but this thunderbolt still did not leave traces on Zhao Yang's body.

Not long after, a figure appeared in midair.

That figure, expressionless, raised his fist and rushed towards Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang was as motionless as a mountain, and when the figure came in front of him, he swung a punch.

One punch.

With a simple punch, the figure was killed.

Many experts present were frightened.

Because they realized that the figure that Zhao Yang killed was comparable to the decree gathered by their ancestors. In other words, their hole card decree had no effect on Zhao Yang.

"Fortunately, this evildoer is about to ascend." Lu Wushuang said leisurely.

"Have you ever thought that before Zhao Yang's ascension, there is still a chance to condense a decree, and that decree is enough to sweep the entire Kunlun Secret Realm." Ye You said solemnly.

"Zhao Yang has no intention of fighting for hegemony, otherwise he would have started before crossing the tribulation." Bai Ruoruo shook his head and said, "In my opinion, everything Zhao Yang does is for the sake of Chunyangzong, so that he will not be bullied in the future."

At this time, three false immortals appeared in the midair.

However, these three false immortals still failed to stop Zhao Yang.

Three punches.

Zhao Yang killed them with three punches.

After a while, the thunderclouds all over the sky suddenly turned blood red, and at the same time, a wave of melancholy sound penetrated Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Lin Caihan appeared in Zhao Yang's mind.

He saw Lin Caihan wearing a phoenix crown and Xiapei, and was marrying a handsome young man.

"I did have this kind of worry, but I believe that as long as I am strong enough, this kind of thing can be avoided." When Zhao Yang said this, the look in his eyes was quickly replaced by Qingming, "Get out."

With a bang, the cloud of blood all over the sky dissipated.

"Why the sixth heavenly tribulation?" Zhao Yang looked at Jie Yun and frowned.

After hearing Zhao Yang's words, everyone didn't know what to say.

Everyone hoped that the power of Thunder Tribulation would be smaller, but this master turned out to be fine. He disliked that his Thunder Tribulation was not powerful enough?

"God is too rubbish, isn't it?" Zhao Yang pointed at God and cursed to no one's surprise.

The thunder calamity that was about to dissipate in the next moment gathered again.

ten miles.

hundred miles.

Thousands of miles.

The area of ​​Thunder Tribulation continued to expand, and terrifying energy was brewing in the depths of the Thunder Sea.


"Fast back."

"We're about to be affected."

When many monks backed away, Zhao Yang showed excitement on his face.

Lin Caihan made it very clear at the beginning that the greater the power of Thunder Tribulation, the more blessings he will get.

Is this why he stimulated God?

"Master, Niubi." Long Jiu Yiren gave Zhao Yang a thumbs up.




When the power of thunder had accumulated to a certain level, it slashed towards Zhao Yang frantically.

These thunderbolts are very dense, and each path is thousands of feet long.

Hundreds of Taoists were chopped down in a short time.

Even though Zhao Yanggong was advanced, he was still a little disheartened.

But his eyes were full of surprises, "God, if you have the ability, keep hitting me."

God was outraged.

Thunder struck down desperately.

It took a full half an hour before it stopped.

At this time, Lei Hai's energy was also exhausted.

"Is that guy Zhao Yang still there?"

"With such dense lightning strikes, do you think he can survive?"

"Even a true immortal can't survive."

"I think so too."

But when Lei Hai dissipated, they were shocked to find a figure covered in tatters.

Zhao Yang was covered with scars all over his body, but his spirit was very good.

"This is the eighth stage of thunder calamity, right?" Zhao Yang grinned, "Sure enough." Having said that, Zhao Yang looked at the sky and said, "What about the ninth stage of thunder calamity?"

"Master, don't." Yi Ren shouted hurriedly in the distance, "There are not many statues who have survived the Ninth Tribulation since ancient times."


"Because of the ninth heavenly tribulation, even the best of the true immortals can kill it." Yi Ren said in a deep voice, "Unless you have the innate holy treasure, it is possible to survive."

When Yi Ren said this, a sea of ​​thunder in seven colors appeared above Zhao Yang's head.

It looks gorgeous, but everyone's heart is shrouded in a layer of haze.

Their souls were terrified, as if it was some kind of terrifying existence.

"Damn, you didn't say it earlier." Zhao Yang was anxious.

When a bolt of seven-colored thunder fell, Zhao Yang put on a layer of battle armor, and at the same time held a forbidden weapon from the peak of the fairyland.


The forbidden device bloomed with an incomparable sword light.

But he didn't even block that thunderbolt for a split second.

Zhao Yang's complexion changed drastically, and at the same time, his own blood was hastily ignited.

The moment the blood was ignited, Zhao Yang's cultivation soared.

Easily breaking the boundary between immortals and mortals, Zhao Yang's cultivation reached the first, second, and third levels of the real fairyland in an instant.

When he reached this point, Zhao Yang used the Pure Yang Wuji Gong to the extreme.

He punched out a pure and positive punch.

At this moment, Zhao Yang seemed to be transformed into the sun.



When the two collided together, everyone's five senses were covered by glass.

They could see nothing, hear nothing, smell nothing.

I don't know how long it took for their five senses to gradually recover, and then they hurriedly looked into the midair.

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