Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 420 Control the space

That man is arrogant.

But they also have arrogant capital.

Zhao Yang claimed to be invincible at the same level, but he was still powerless against this battleship.

"I don't believe that I can't penetrate your battleship." When Zhao Yang said this, the pure yang power in his body boiled, and the men in the battleship sensed the danger immediately.

The artillery shot down in Zhao Yang's direction with all its strength.

Seeing that these cannons were about to fall on Zhao Yang's body, he suddenly exhaled a mouthful of pure Yang Qi.

This breath of pure yang energy seemed to contain the power to destroy the world, the artillery around Zhao Yang was silently annihilated, and when the breath of pure yang energy fell on the battleship, the indestructible battleship unexpectedly A hole appeared.

There was an unbelievable look in the man's eyes, ""

"This is one of my trump cards." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Do you want to continue fighting?"

After the man was silent for a while, he still shook his head, "Forget it, you won." After speaking, he gave the battleship of Nascent Soul Realm to Zhao Yang, "This battleship was given by an elder in my clan. In addition, the energy of the artillery can be purified with spirit stones."

"I don't know how to manipulate." Zhao Yang expressed his worries.

"The battleship has a system center, and the center has a human-computer interaction system. It will tell you what you want to know." After speaking, the man waved at Zhao Yang, "I'm leaving."

After the man left, Zhao Yang put away the Nascent Soul-level battleship, and then sat cross-legged to absorb the incoming Qianyuan Light silently.

I don't know how long it took for Zhao Yang's cultivation to finally rise to the eighth level of the Golden Core Realm.

"As long as I defeat the last opponent, I will be able to set foot on the ninth floor of the Golden Core Realm." Zhao Yang's eyes showed a burning color.

It was impossible to reach this level in less than three to five years before.

But now it has been achieved in such a short period of time.

Who will believe it?

"Zhao Yang, you must be cautious in the last battle, because this determines whether you can become the top ten seeds." Tongtian Shuyu said earnestly, "The top ten seeds are the treasures bestowed by the fairyland."

"Now you haven't told me what's the use of that painting?"

"That painting contains everything. As for what you can realize, it depends on your chance." Tongtianshu said with a smile.

"Senior, don't worry, I will definitely get that painting." Zhao Yang said seriously.

"If you can get that painting, I will give you another chance." Tongtianshu said mysteriously.

When Zhao Yang was about to ask about the opportunity, Tongtianshu sent Zhao Yang to the ring with a wave of his hand.

Standing in front of him was an imposing young man.

His eyes were piercing and his head was horny, one could tell that he was not a simple person.

"Admit defeat, I will definitely hurt you." The man looked at Zhao Yang and said calmly.

Zhao Yang couldn't help showing interest in his eyes, "You are the craziest one I have ever seen."

"That's because you don't know what opponent you're facing?" the man said proudly.

"Do you dare to gamble?"

"Not interested in."

"Don't you dare?" Zhao Yang deliberately provoked the man.

But the man shook his head indifferently and said, "I just don't want to earn your resources."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang cried out in his heart what a pity.

This guy is so arrogant.

He just doesn't care about himself.

"Let's start." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"You go first, once I make a move, you will have no chance to make a move." The man said lightly.

Zhao Yang frowned for a while.


Can you stop being so crazy?

Thinking so, Zhao Yang punched the man.

Pure Yang Fist!

This punch used [-]% of his own strength.

But what Zhao Yang didn't expect was that the punch disappeared invisible when he was within three feet of the man.

"How is it possible?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

That man obviously didn't move anything, but why did he erase his fist intention?

After pondering for a while, Zhao Yang slashed out with a sword, which almost used all his strength.

But this sword, like that punch, disappeared in an instant.

"You..." Zhao Yang stared at the man for a while, then a look of shock appeared on his face, "You actually controlled the space?"

"That's right, admit defeat now?" The man nodded.

After Zhao Yang calmed down for a while, he still shook his head, "I don't believe in evil." After speaking, Zhao Yang used the soul technique.

The soul wave vibrated fifty thousand times in an instant.

But the all-powerful soul technique failed again.

The man's face showed a playful look, "I'm not in this space at all, no matter your physical attack or mental attack, it's all useless to me." Having said that, he took a step forward .

The space around Zhao Yang shattered with a bang, and the terrifying power of space was applied to him.

In just an instant, Zhao Yang's whole body was stained red with blood.

Zhao Yang immediately used many methods, but all of them were useless.

The power of space ignored everything.

"You still don't admit defeat?" the man frowned.

In his opinion, Zhao Yang is already at the end of his battle.

"It's too early to say this now?" Following Zhao Yang's words, an illusory figure suddenly appeared in front of the man.

Seeing that illusory figure, the man's face revealed an expression of disbelief.

"Yuanying, how is it possible?"

"There is nothing impossible in this world?" Yuanying's voice fell and a palm forced the man out of the dimensional space.

The man staggered and spat out two mouthfuls of blood.

"I surrender."

He has good control over space.

But what he controls is only the most superficial space means, how can space skills be compared with Nascent Soul?

If you continue to fight, he will be killed.

"Can you tell me how you obtained the Nascent Soul?" the man asked with interest.

"It's a coincidence." Zhao Yang said softly.

"No wonder you wanted to bet with me before? Haha, fortunately I didn't bet with you just now." The man looked at Zhao Yang and said, "My name is Kong Kong, and we will compete again when we have a chance."

Zhao Yang put away Yuan Ying as Kong Kong left.

His heart is full of heavy color.

Before, Zhao Yang thought that he was a genius who swept the three thousand worlds. After passing these few competitions, he realized that there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people.

If it weren't for Yuan Ying, the biggest trump card today, Zhao Yang would probably have lost.

The power of space.

No matter what, Zhao Yang never imagined that someone could control the power of space in the golden core state.

"It seems that I will keep a low profile in the future." Zhao Yang murmured.

But then he became excited.

He finally became a top ten seed.

I don't know what the picture scroll in Tongtianshu's mouth is?

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