Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 419 Technology Continent

Zhou Bairen was certainly not weak.

But how could it be possible to come this far with such strength?

At this moment Zhou Bairen glanced at the wound, "Continue."

Zhao Yang thrust out his sword again.

But this sword was blocked by Zhou Bairen.

"Huh." Zhao Yang's eyes showed surprise.

Because if Zhou Bairen was still at his previous level, he would not be able to block this blow.

Zhao Yang, who was in doubt, shot again.

He found that Zhou Bairen was getting stronger.

Zhou Bairen seemed to be transforming, he was constantly becoming stronger in the battle with himself.

It's just that this guy hasn't become stronger in the face of his previous opponent?

After ten moves, Zhou Bairen was covered in scars all over his body, and he couldn't even stand up.

"you lose."

"I didn't lose." Zhou Bairen shook his head.

Then, under Zhao Yang's shocked expression, he stood up unsteadily.

Zhao Yang stared at Zhou Bairen for a while, and he found that there was an energy in his body, and this energy was repairing his injuries.

"What is the energy in your body?"

"I don't know what this energy is in my body? I just know that even if I am killed by a high-level expert, I will be saved by this energy in a short time." Zhou Bairen said frankly.

"Why do you keep getting stronger?"

"I'm looking for your flaws, and I'm also strengthening myself."

"Did you not strengthen it in the previous competitions?"

"I'm naturally dull, and I forget a lot of things in a short time." Zhou Bairen said shyly, "Actually, I'm much stronger than before."

"If so, how can I defeat you?"

"As long as you kill me."

"Kill you?"

"This energy in my body will protect you. Unless you can forcibly interrupt this energy, it is impossible to kill me."

"Let me try."

After Zhao Yang finished speaking, he used the soul technique.

Soul art is aimed at the level of the soul.

Zhao Yang wondered if Zhou Bairen could be killed.

But soon Zhao Yang discovered that whenever Zhou Bairen was about to collapse, the energy in his body would emerge in time.

Zhao Yang stopped using soul art.

Changed to the Chunyang Sword Art.

The Chunyang Sword Art is not insignificant, but it still can't kill Zhou Bairen, and he is still getting stronger.

Zhao Yang's mentality was about to collapse.

He's shaping up to be a stronger opponent.

"Tian Tian Kung Fu." Zhao Yang suddenly thought of Tian Tian Kung Fu.

He first used the strongest soul technique to attack Zhou Bairen, and then used the Heaven Swallowing Kung Fu to absorb the energy in his body.

Soon the spiritual power in Zhou Bairen's body was completely absorbed, but at this moment that mysterious energy appeared, and it quickly replenished into Zhou Bairen's body.

Zhao Yang was drained again, and his energy was replenished again.

After two times, Zhao Yang couldn't use the Heaven Swallowing Skill anymore, Zhou Bairen became stronger, and at the same time, he was somewhat immune to soul art.

"If you want to kill me, you can't kill me instantly." Zhou Bairen said with a smile.

"You bastard." Zhao Yang realized that Zhou Bairen probably had a great background, otherwise there was no way to explain that weird energy.

no solution anymore.

We can't keep procrastinating like this.

Zhou Bairen doesn't care if it drags on, Zhao Yang will be dragged to death.

"It's over, Zhou Bairen." When Zhao Yang said this, an illusory figure gushed out of his body.

That illusory figure appeared in front of Zhou Bairen in an instant.

A terrifying force spewed out from his palm.

That force is enough to shatter space.

Zhou Bairen's eyes showed shock, "Shatter the space? How is it possible?"

But this has nothing to do with Zhou Bairen, because the power of space strangled him.

Seeing Zhou Bairen turned into pieces, Zhao Yang murmured, "I wonder if you will be resurrected here?"

But that doesn't matter anymore.

Because the sky filled with Qianyuan light surged over.

The seventh floor of Jindan Realm.

After being promoted to this realm, Zhao Yang's heart was full of emotion.

Unknowingly, his strength has risen to such a level. To be honest, he is looking forward to his strength rising to the Nascent Soul Realm.

Because after reaching the Nascent Soul Realm, he will be able to gain the ability of the Earth Immortal.


Faxiangtiandi is a great supernatural power.

The ninth opponent was a man with vertical eyes in a leather jacket.

"You look so cool." Zhao Yang stared at the man and was stunned.

"We are a technology continent." The man said indifferently, "Are you gambling?"

"Okay." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"The spiritual stones from the mainland are useful to us, so how about we bet 2000 million spiritual stones?" the man looked at Zhao Yang and said.

"Your technology continent also has spirit stones?"

"In the final analysis, spirit stones are also a kind of resource, and our technological continent also uses a large number of spirit stones." The man paused and said, "Well, if I lose, I will give you a battleship."


The man pressed the watch on his wrist, and a silver warship appeared on the ring immediately.

This battleship is very similar to the Raptor fighter jet of the United States, the difference is that this battleship is larger than the Raptor, and it looks more dreamy and terrifying.

"What class is this battleship?"

"This battleship can compete against Nascent Soul powerhouses, and is also called a fantasy battleship."

"Is there anyone who can contend against the strong Earth Immortal?"

"Yes, but there are not many warships of that level. Of course, warships of that level also have a name-Star Warship."

"How will we fight later?"

"I will use the battleship I built myself to fight against you."

Zhao Yang's face turned green when he heard this.


Isn't this against the rules?

"Are you sure this complies with the rules?" Zhao Yang asked tentatively.

"No one told me that I didn't follow the rules?" The man said with a smile.

Zhao Yang asked after being silent for a while, "Then come on."

The man summoned a bronze-colored battleship, and he jumped into the battleship and was directly teleported to the center.

"let's start."

Following his words, a beam of light hit Zhao Yang, and at the same time Zhao Yang felt a threat.

He avoided it without thinking.


A huge hole appeared where he had just landed, and the irritable energy factor was still raging in it.

"Kill." Zhao Yang rushed towards the battleship with his sword in hand.

But what surprised Zhao Yang was that the battleship locked onto his figure immediately.

The secondary guns on the battleship fired a web of firepower.

Even though Zhao Yang's body skills were amazing, he still couldn't avoid the battleship's lock.

Zhao Yang was very embarrassed.

He tried his best, but still couldn't get close to the battleship.

"This battleship was built by me myself, not to mention the existence of the same level, even if it is a high-level Gold Core Realm, don't even think about getting close to my battleship." The man in the battleship laughed loudly.

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