Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 232 Double Materials

"It's a good idea from your Sidney family." Zhao Yang raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect Alma to want to follow him.

"In the troubled times, our Sydney family just wants to survive." Alma said leisurely.

Alma must have enough cards, otherwise God knows if the temple will abandon her?

"I'm not interested in accepting you, your Sidney family." Zhao Yang changed the subject when he said this, "But I can give your family a hole card."

"What hole card?" Elma asked with burning eyes.

"A kendo rune." Zhao Yang took out a kendo rune from his pocket as he spoke.

"Sword rune? I wonder how strong this sword rune is?" Elma asked hastily.

"It can severely damage the innate high-level." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Alma's heart suddenly slowed down by half a beat.

Can it severely damage the innate high-level?

This is undoubtedly a hole card.

"My lord, I don't know what you want? As long as our Sidney family has it." Alma added here, "Even if you have a crush on my granddaughter."

Alice froze.

Grandpa sold himself right now?

"Grandpa." Alice blushed.

"Don't tell me that you don't like adults, all the information you search in your computer records is adults' information." Alma said jokingly.

Alice blushed immediately, and she secretly glanced at Zhao Yang. When she noticed that Zhao Yang was looking at her, she boldly met Zhao Yang's eyes.

I have to say that girls in Western Europe are bold.

On the contrary, Zhao Yang was a little overwhelmed.

Do you want to be so direct?

"I built a manor in Jiangnan, so you can transfer 50 billion to my account." Zhao Yang thought for a while and thought that [-] billion should be about the same.

"Is 50 billion enough?" Alma asked softly.

To be honest, he doesn't think the price is high.

You must know that this kendo rune can seriously injure even innate high-level existences.

"Enough." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Alma immediately contacted the company's financial personnel to transfer money to Zhao Yang's bank account.

After Zhao Yang received the text message that the transfer was successful, Zhao Yang continued, "In the past few days, you should remember to collect clues about Qianlong."

"Of order." Alma said seriously.

The two sides chatted for a while and Elma asked Alice to send Zhao Yang to rest.

After arriving at the lounge, Alice glanced at John who was standing beside him, and John knelt down in front of Zhao Yang with interest, "My lord, please help me relieve my pain."

"I don't understand what you mean." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

How could Zhao Yang not understand?

At the beginning, John secretly attacked Zhao Yang, and Zhao Yang made him inhumane for the rest of his life in order to punish him.

John also found out after returning to England, for which he searched for many famous doctors to no avail.

"Master, please help me see a doctor." John said with a wry smile.

He can't make this matter clear, otherwise don't even think that Zhao Yang will help him see a doctor?

"It's very expensive for me to see a doctor." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"No matter how much money it is, I will watch it." John said without hesitation.

This life is inhumane, why not die?

"Call my account 5000 million, and I'll treat it for you in a few days."

John's mouth twitched violently.

5000 million.

All these years, John has worked hard in the Sidney family and only has a net worth of 8000 million, okay?

Zhao Yang was lucky, he cheated him of 5000 million yuan in the blink of an eye?

"Many?" Zhao Yang looked narrowly at John.

"Not much, not much, I'll transfer the money to you right away." John's expression seemed to swallow a fly.

"That's it." Zhao Yang said lightly.

John bid farewell and left.

After Alice brought Zhao Yang into the room, she chattered about this and that.

"Well, if you have nothing to do, go out, I'm going to rest." Zhao Yang said helplessly.

"Well, then you can rest, I'm in the room outside, if you need anything, just call me." Alice said sensiblely.

Zhao Yang didn't know what to say for a moment.

Generally speaking, the servants are guarding the outside room, but Alice is guarding the outside now, what's the matter?

Zhao Yang thought about it and put the matter behind him.

He pulled back the quilt and got up to rest.

The most important thing now is to restore one's cultivation base, and according to the current progress, it will only take a few more days.


A ghostly figure sneaked into the castle.

This figure seemed to be familiar with the layout here, and he easily came to Alma's study.

In the study, Alma was looking at the documents.

There was no surprise on his face when he saw the figure sneaking in.

He got up and respectfully saluted the flapping figure, "Erma has seen the Earl."

"Erma, the god of death is in your mansion now?" the figure asked gloomily.

"As far as the Earl is concerned, the god of death is here with me." Alma responded respectfully.

It was said that the eyes of that figure shone with a scarlet luster.

Alma bowed her waist the whole time, not even daring to breathe.

"Tomorrow, remember to lead Death to Longqing Castle."

"Of course." Alma hesitated for a moment, "My lord, the god of death may have stepped into the realm of supernatural powers."

"If the God of Death hadn't set foot in the Supernatural Realm, we wouldn't have used Qianlong to lure him here." The figure said with a sneer.

"Then I wish you success, my lord."

The figure looked at Erma for a while, and then threw a jade bottle to Erma, "There are two drops of dark spirit liquid in the jade bottle, you can train two masters in the innate realm."

"Ah, thank you sir." Alma said excitedly.

Not long after the figure left, John walked out of the dark room.

"My lord, you're walking a tightrope on a cliff." John said worriedly.

John didn't expect Alma to betray Zhao Yang.

One must know that Zhao Yang might be an existence of supernatural powers.

"Betrayed? No! I didn't betray." Alma shook her head and said, "I'm from the temple."

"Master, you are not a double agent, are you?" John's eyes widened involuntarily.

"In the troubled times, if our Sydney family wants to survive, we must have enough cards in our hands." Alma said leisurely, "Select two loyal servants from the family, and give them these two drops of dark liquid take."

John looked at the dark spiritual liquid in his hand, with a hint of greed in his eyes.

"This is for you." Alma then handed John a jade bottle, "Inside the jade bottle is a drop of holy spirit liquid."

"Holy spirit liquid?"

"That's right, the Holy Spirit Liquid." Alma nodded, "If you take the Dark Spirit Liquid, you won't be able to appear in the world openly in the future."

Only then did John realize the problem.

If you take the dark spiritual liquid, you will become a person in the dark hall, and the people in the dark hall are destined not to walk in the world of light.

So what's the point?

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