Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 231 Alma's Thoughts

These men exuded a bitter aura.

Everyone doesn't know how to describe this feeling?I just subconsciously feel that they are not easy to provoke.

At this time, a graceful girl stepped out of the extended version of the Lincoln sedan.

Her eyes are like gemstones, pure without any impurities.

Her facial features are deep and delicate, and what's even more rare is her figure, which can be described as a devil.

She looked around.

When she saw Zhao Yang, a smile prettier than flowers appeared on her face.

She hurriedly ran towards Zhao Yang.


Zhao Yang was taken aback when he saw Alice.


How did Alice know that she had come to England?

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang stopped the two members of the Death Organization from approaching with his eyes.

Mick suddenly became uneasy.

Because he noticed that Alice's direction seemed to be his own.

He didn't feel that Alice was coming for him.

"Zhao Yang." Alice came to Zhao Yang and shouted with a smile.

"Your Chinese is still so bad." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"Are you in any trouble?" Alice looked around and asked.

"Have you ever heard of the Qier family?" Zhao Yang asked narrowly.

It's not that Zhao Yang has never been to England. How could Zhao Yang not know whether the Chell family is one of the top ten families in England?

"I've never heard of it." Alice shook her head after thinking about it.

"But this guy told me that the Chell family is the top ten big family in England." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Alice looked at the butler beside her and said, "Uncle John, have you heard of the Chell family?"

John thought for a while and shook his head, "I haven't heard of it."

"Which of you has heard of it?" John asked the bodyguard beside him.

"I've heard of it." A bodyguard said at this time, "The Chell family is just a little guy in England, not even a wealthy family."

Mick's face was full of panic, "I was talking nonsense just now, I will take my brother and leave." He was about to leave.

"You can come and leave whenever you want?" Zhao Yang said jokingly.

After Zhao Yang's voice fell, hundreds of bodyguards who came along with Alice surrounded her in unison.

Mick was about to cry, "I don't know sir, you are Miss Alice's friend, if I knew, how dare I come to trouble you?"

"This guy often blackmails Asians. I don't want to see the Cher family anymore. Can it be done?" Zhao Yang looked at Alice and said.

"Yes." Alice said firmly.

"And this scum, should we also deal with it?" Zhao Yang pointed at Dong Huwei again.

Dong Huwei shuddered, then knelt down in front of Zhao Yang with a plop, "We are compatriots, you can't do this to me."

"You also know that everyone is a compatriot?" Zhao Yang sneered.

Sometimes the most unreliable people are the compatriots when they are away from home. They cheat and abduct in the name of compatriots.

"Please, give me a chance, I promise to change my mind." Dong Huwei kowtowed fiercely to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang doesn't think this guy will reform himself.

"Let's deal with it together." Zhao Yang said lightly.

With a wave of Alice's hand, dozens of bodyguards stepped forward to control Mick and his bodyguards.

"Please." Alice invited with a smile.

Zhao Yang turned around and glanced at Xu Qianqian, then left with Alice.

Seeing the direction in which Alice left, Xu Qianqian felt a sense of urgency.

"Qianqian, how does your friend know the little princess of the Sydney Group?" A stewardess asked softly.

"The Sidney Group is a giant in England. I heard that the Sidney Group's ancestors were married to the royal family." Another flight attendant murmured.

Xu Qianqian's heart became more and more uncomfortable.

It seems that Alice is interested in Zhao Yang. Can Zhao Yang reject Alice?

Xu Qianqian thinks that if she thinks differently, she will probably choose Alice, right?

After getting into Alice's Bentley, Zhao Yang said straight to the point, "How do you know I'm coming to England on this flight?"

"The disappearance of Qianlong in England has shocked the entire killer world." Alice said in a deep voice, "Many killers have come here now. To be honest, the upper echelons of England are very disturbed, worried about the impact of these guys on the public."

"I know that Qianlong is your subordinate, and you will probably come over as soon as possible, so I asked people to pay attention to the news of the flight."

Zhao Yang was silent for a while and asked, "What did you find here?"

"Combining the news from various sources, we think that a Duke has made a move." Alice said solemnly.

"Only the existence of this level can make Qianlong disappear without a sound." Zhao Yang nodded.

Zhao Yang has two doubts.

Either the temple or the dark hall.

Of course he wouldn't fully believe Alice's words, but now his spiritual power hadn't recovered, so he could only take one step at a time.

The Alice family has an old castle in England.

As soon as Zhao Yang arrived at the castle, he saw the white-haired Alma from a distance.

Alma gave a dignified courtesy to Zhao Yang, "I have seen Lord Death."

Zhao Yang stared at Alma for a while and said calmly, "Erma, please tell me, how did you break through?"

Elma was at the first level of the Xiantian Realm ten years ago, but now she is at the peak of the second level of the Xiantian Realm.

Alma's heart skipped a beat, "I have encountered some opportunities."

"Did you take refuge in the holy temple or the dark hall?" Zhao Yang asked immediately.

Alice's face changed slightly.

"The temple." After a while, Alma said with a wry smile.

In fact, Elma didn't want to go this way, because once they accepted the resources of the temple, the Sidney Group would have to be controlled by the church in the future.

But does he have another choice?

"It seems that you are aware of the crisis." Zhao Yang smiled slightly.

"Go in and chat." Alma said respectfully.

After arriving in the living room, Alma tentatively asked, "My lord, is the crisis that the temple said true or false?"

"Do you think it's real or fake?" Zhao Yang asked leisurely.

"There have been more and more mysterious incidents recently, and the temple is also intensively preparing for war. I have reason to believe that the crisis is real." After a moment of silence, Alma expressed her opinion.

"I don't know if there will be disasters in your west, but there are already signs of disasters in the east." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice, "Perhaps this disaster will sweep the whole world."

"Then what should our Alma family do?" Alma's heart sank.

"Just follow the temple at this time." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"But there are too many forces following the temple, and our Sidney family is not taken seriously." Alma said with a wry smile.

"and then?"

"I don't know if our Sidney family can follow you, my lord?" Alma finally spoke from the bottom of her heart.

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