Zhao Yang suddenly realized that he was the fifth one.

"If I don't like a certain civilization, even if its hardware conditions are met, can I refuse it?"

"If one of the five of us refuses, then that civilization will not be able to advance successfully." Cang Rusong said with a smile, "This is the privilege bestowed on us by the major civilizations."


"Back then we shed blood for these civilizations, and I don't know how much we paid to defeat the civilizations in the southern region." Hao Rufeng said in a deep voice.

"Legendary civilization also participated?" Zhao Yang asked tentatively.

"Legendary civilization played a big role back then." Lan Hao looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said, "You don't even know this?"

"Show them the token on your waist." The mysterious girl transmitted voice to Zhao Yang at this time.

Zhao Yang took out the token at his waist and threw it on the virtual screen with a snap, "Are you doubting my identity?"

Lan Hao confirmed Zhao Yang's identity the moment he saw the token.

"Sorry, the main reason is that Legendary Civilization hasn't been involved for many years." Lan Hao immediately apologized to Zhao Yang.

"I haven't asked you what your name is?" Zi Xiaoxiao changed the subject.

"Zhao Yang."

"Master Zhao, can you lend me some holy crystals?"

The mysterious girl immediately sent a voice transmission to Zhao Yang, "Sacred Crystal is the trading currency of the seventh-class civilization."

"How much do you need?" Zhao Yang asked calmly.

Of course he knew that the mysterious girl was testing.

"1000 billion."

When the mysterious girl said this number, Lan Hao and others were staring at Zhao Yang.

Lan Hao and others can also come up with this number, but it will hurt their civilization.

So no one would borrow that much?

"Sister, how many do you have?" Zhao Yang hurriedly asked the mysterious girl.

"It is recorded on the token."

Zhao Yang took a look and was stunned.

He saw a row of numbers.

"32." After seeing this number, Zhao Yang was shocked and didn't know what to say.

"Sister, do I want to borrow it?" Zhao Yang then asked the mysterious girl.

"The relationship between you is competition, and of course it's also cooperation. It's up to you to grasp the scale." The mysterious girl smiled lightly.

Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "Isn't there no problem with lending it to you, the problem is what guarantee do you take?"

There was surprise in Zi Xiaoxiao's eyes, she did not expect Zhao Yang to be willing to borrow.

"I can mortgage Ruolan Civilization's magnetic mine to you." When Zi Xiaoxiao came here, Zhao Yang noticed that there was a mocking look on the faces of Lan Shan and the others.

Zhao Yang suddenly realized that Zi Xiaoxiao's price was too low.

"Zi Xiaoxiao, even though it's my first time here, it doesn't mean I don't understand anything.

"Zhao Yang stared at Zi Xiaoxiao and said, "I can lend you up to 500 billion now. You'd better think about what kind of mortgage to take?" "

Zi Xiaoxiao didn't expect Zhao Yang to cut off half of it in one go.

"It's a big deal, I'll also mortgage the Ruoxue Civilization Amethyst Mine to you." Zi Xiaoxiao looked at Zhao Yang flatteringly and said, "Can you lend me 1000 billion now?"

"500 billion, you mortgage these two mines to me." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying.

"900 billion." Zi Xiaoxiao argued hard.

Zhao Yang smiled without saying a word.

"800 billion, okay?" Zi Xiaoxiao said helplessly.

Seeing that Zhao Yang still did not let go, she said unhappily, "How can you bargain like this?"

"500 billion, this is my limit." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"500 billion is 500 billion." Zi Xiaoxiao said angrily, "If I hadn't been short of money, I wouldn't have mortgaged those two good mines to you."

Then the two parties signed the contract.

After the contract was signed, Zhao Yang transferred 500 billion to Zi Xiaoxiao, and Zi Xiaoxiao also transferred the two mines to Zhao Yang.

"By the way, can our seventh-class civilization interfere with the sixth-class civilization?" Zhao Yang asked suddenly.

"You don't like it, you can destroy it." Lan Shan said with a smile.

"I suddenly feel that I'm at a loss." Zhao Yang's words made Zi Xiaoxiao's heart ache.

"We just signed the contract, you can't go back on it." Zi Xiaoxiao wrote

He raised the contract in his hand.

"I want to ask you for something small."

"What do you want?" Zi Xiaoxiao looked at Zhao Yang warily.

She was worried that Zhao Yang would speak loudly.

"Give me a top battleship of your civilization, no problem?"

"A top-level battleship needs tens of billions. Besides, that kind of technology will not be leaked easily. You don't even know this, do you?" Zi Xiaoxiao rolled Zhao Yang's eyes.

"Sub-top is fine."

"We won't even give the second-tier ones." Lan Hao explained, "The current warships are divided into three levels, and the spans of the three levels are different. The first level doesn't matter, but the second level, the third level, no civilization will sell it."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "Then give me the third level of battleship."

"That's all you ask for?" Zi Xiaoxiao asked suspiciously.

What else did she think Zhao Yang wanted?

The third level of warships is only [-] million, and their civilization can still afford it.

"how is this possible?"

Zi Xiaoxiao's heart sank.

"I knew it, I knew it was impossible for him to just have a battleship?" Zi Xiaoxiao secretly thought.

"I want two." Zhao Yang stretched out two fingers.

Zi Xiaoxiao staggered.

Didn't she expect Zhao Yang's request to be so weird?

And will their legendary civilization lack battleships?

Why does he have to be civilized?

"What's wrong?" Zhao Yang asked with a frown.

"It's okay, what you said, two warships of the third level." Zi Xiaoxiao is now eager to end this topic.

"I said so." Zhao Yang nodded, "In addition, give me enough firepower and materials in the battleship, don't give me anything short, or I will ask you for trouble."

"Don't worry, the firepower in the battleship can support you to fight ten battles." Zi Xiaoxiao said without thinking.

Normally speaking, the firepower in the battleship is only enough to support two to three battles.

And Zi Xiaoxiao gave Zhao Yang directly according to the full allocation model.

"I'll give you the space coordinates, you just let the battleship come by itself." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"I'll do it when I get back."

"Go back." Zhao Yang waved to Zi Xiaoxiao, and then his figure disappeared.

And after Zhao Yang disappeared, Zi Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Now I can be sure that guy is a noob."

"Zi Xiaoxiao, we just cooperated with you in acting, you have to give us some benefits anyway." Lan Shan said with a smile.

"That's right, without our cooperation, Zhao Yang wouldn't be easily fooled." Cang Rusong stretched his waist.

"The market price of your two mines is not even worth 200 billion, but you got 500 billion in the end. If you don't divide some, it will be too much." Hao Rufeng smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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