Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2121 Class 7 Civilization

Gu Xun is the attendant of the valley owner. He has been with the valley owner since he was young. He is also the second existence in the mysterious valley with the combat power of the unified state.

"Gu Xun, this is the last order I give you." Gu Zhu looked at the hunchbacked old man with tears in his eyes.

"Of order." The hunchbacked old man said with tears rolling in his eyes.

"Master Zhao, I will entrust the Mysterious Valley to you from now on." The hunchbacked old man said and bowed deeply to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang hesitated for a while but still did not move away.

Seeing this, the hunchbacked old man couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, just now he was very worried that Zhao Yang would not accept the gift.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang agreed to take care of Mysterious Valley.

After the valley owner left, Zhao Yang's face was full of regret.

During this period of time, his zodiac has brought him a lot of information. Does he know how powerful the chaotic civilization is?

To put it bluntly, he and Lin Caihan would probably die in battle.

"Master Zhao, do you think the Valley Master can survive?" Su Meng came to Zhao Yang and said with red eyes.

Zhao Yang remained silent.

When the endless Dao Talismans enveloped the entire Hunyuan Continent, it was the lingering haze that enveloped everyone's hearts.

At this moment, a withered figure suddenly appeared in the midair, and an incomparably bright light burst out from his body, forcibly tearing a gap.


The owner of the valley rushed towards an altar without the slightest hesitation.

But when he was three thousand kilometers away from the altar

Then he was stopped by a man holding an iron rod.

"Finally couldn't resist jumping out?"

The owner of the valley looked at the man's eyes with a serious cold light, "Even if I shed the last drop of blood today, I will make you pay the price."

He held the sky with one hand.

He wants to shake this world.

But the iron rod in the man's hand stirred Yin and Yang.

Just one hit.

The valley owner staggered back.

In the past few months, he has come into contact with the real universe map, but how much can it change in a few months?

His fighting power still hasn't broken through to the limit of Guiyi Realm.

But in the face of the existence that has already been in this state, his defeat seems to be doomed long ago.

Two hits!

Three hits!

Every time the iron rod in the man's hand hits, the owner of the valley has to take a few steps back in embarrassment.

In this way, at the tenth blow, his body could no longer hold on, and he fell weakly towards the bottom.

"The mantis is like a cart." A trace of disdain appeared on the man's face.

Zhao Yang, who was hiding in the depths of the sky, watched this scene silently, and at this moment he really wanted to do something.

But Lin Caihan pressed his big hand, "We will take revenge, but not at this time."

The commotion over there is too great, and the Lord of Chaos is probably also paying attention.

As long as Zhao Yang made a move, he would be tracked down.

Zhao Yang hesitated and decided not to make a move.

In the final analysis, he doesn't have much affection for Hunyuan civilization, he doesn't

It is necessary to expose yourself for the Hunyuan civilization.

"Mysterious Valley has come forward, and I don't hide anymore." What no one expected was that Yuding suddenly appeared, and he summoned the army of undead from Yuding Palace. Those who should fall, even if they really die now, it’s not a loss.”

Following his orders, the undead army rushed in all directions.

But there are too many masters of chaotic civilization, so it didn't take long for this army of undead to be encircled and suppressed, and then destroyed.

Yuding also died under the siege of two strong men who returned to the limit of the unity realm.

As the Hunyuan civilization continued to collapse after the fall of Yuding, Tianlan, Yuqiong, Yunshang, and Ziyue'er did not appear again.

Lin Caihan suddenly thought of something at this time, "If the Hunyuan Continent is destroyed, do we want to return to the bright civilization?"

Zhao Yang was startled.


Where to go next?

"Sister, is there a higher level of civilization?" Zhao Yang pondered for a moment and asked the mysterious girl.

"Do you know why the chaotic civilization sacrifices the Hunyuan civilization?"

"Mostly it's for improving strength." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"To be precise, it is to raise the level of chaotic civilization." The mysterious girl explained, "Chaotic civilization has touched the threshold of seventh-class civilization, but it is not so simple to really step into this threshold."

"So engulfing other civilizations can improve one's own civilization."

"It can be understood in this way." Mysterious

The girl paused at this point, "But forces like chaotic civilization mean nothing to you."

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yang was stunned and a token appeared in front of him.

"what is this?"

"A strand of your consciousness enters this token."

When Zhao Yang's consciousness entered the token, he found himself standing in front of a huge virtual platform.

Several young men with horny heads were chatting, but when they saw Zhao Yang, they came over one after another.

"This guy looks familiar."

"Don't be a hidden boss."

"That's right, there are a lot of people pretending to be pigs and eating tigers these days."

This group of young people looked at Zhao Yang with vigilance and curiosity.

"They are all representatives of the seventh-class civilization." The mysterious girl explained to Zhao Yang.

"Seventh-class civilization?" Zhao Yang's heart trembled.

"If the sixth-class civilization wants to be promoted to the seventh-class civilization, in addition to meeting the hardware requirements, it also needs the approval of this group of guys."

"Then who do I represent?"

"Legendary Civilization."

"Is this the civilization you created, sister?"

"A civilization created on a whim back then, now this civilization belongs to you."

Zhao Yang was stunned.

The mysterious girl gave herself a seventh-class civilization.

"Your Excellency looked at the face, who is it?" A young man in blue shirt asked with a smile.

"This is my first time here." Zhao Yang Shen

After groaning for a while, he said, "Can you tell me about the rules here?"

Several young men and women looked at each other, and they all saw doubts in each other's eyes.

"Which civilization do you represent?"

"Legendary civilization." When Zhao Yang said this, the faces of the young men and women changed drastically.

" say you represent a legendary civilization?" The blue-shirted youth pointed at Zhao Yang and asked with an extremely solemn expression.

"Is there a problem?" Zhao Yang asked with a smile.

"Legendary civilization has not appeared in the world for many years." A purple-clothed girl's eyes were filled with shock, "I heard that legendary civilization once oppressed the Eastern Region, making the entire Eastern Region's power unable to lift its head."

"I didn't expect that Big Mac to be born again." The blue-shirted youth introduced to Zhao Yang at this point, "I am Lan Hao from the Blue Moon Civilization."

"I am Zi Xiaoxiao from the Bauhinia Civilization." The girl in purple also hurriedly introduced.

"I am Cang Rusong of the Canghai Civilization."

"I am Hao Rufeng of Haori Civilization."

"I have been practicing all these years, until the elders sent me here." Zhao Yang said carefully, "I don't even know what this is for?"

"We have a total of 230 seventh-class civilizations in the Eastern Region, but every year, many civilizations want to apply to become seventh-class civilizations, and those who are qualified to come here have decision-making power." Zi Xiaoxiao said with a smile.

"How many civilizations have decision-making power?"

"It used to be four, now it's five."

(End of this chapter)

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