Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2102 The Power of Creation

"Sacrifice." At this time, the master of the Jade Cauldron Palace who turned into a skeleton said slowly, "Sacrificing all living beings, you can get a chance against the sky, and then you can go a step further and break through to the Guiyi realm in one fell swoop."

"You're crazy." Yuqiong said suddenly.

"I've been at the peak of Guiyi Realm for too long these years, and I'm eager to take this crucial step." Tian Lan said with excitement in his eyes.

"Aren't you worried that Yuding is lying to you?" Yun Shang asked in a deep voice.

Wen Yan Tianlan's mouth showed a hint of sarcasm.

Is it true, can't he see through?

After Yun Shang and Yu Ding exchanged glances, they shot at the same time.

It is useless to say anything else at this time.

When the four top powerhouses collided, the powerhouses from both sides also collided, but what Tian Lan and the others didn't know was that a figure sneaked into Tianlan Sect quietly.

Who else is it not Zhao Yang?

After he found the treasury of Tian Lanzong, Zhao Yang went alone.

When he got there, he discovered that the treasury was guarded by a formation of the ninth-rank peak, and there was also a ninth-rank peak and two ninth-rank masters guarding it.

But can this be difficult for Zhao Yang?

He quickly dealt with these three, and then he saw the resources piled up.

These resources surprised him.

Because the resources plundered before, even if they add up, can't compare with Tian Lanzong.

From this, you can think about what concept this is?

After Zhao Yang quickly wiped out all the resources in the treasury, he sneaked away in Naying.

Just when Zhao Yang wanted to chase his ninth-rank battleship, he stopped involuntarily. He noticed that there was a terrifying formation in motion at the place where all parties were fighting.

"Is this the art of sacrifice?" Zhao Yang's eyes flickered after realizing this.

This kind of formation is harmful to heaven and harmony.

Of course he can't build.

But now that the one from Jade Cauldron Palace has built it, Zhao Yang feels that it is a waste if it is not used.

So Zhao Yang quietly came nearby.

As more and more monks fell, the formation became faster and faster, and gradually two vortexes appeared between the heaven and the earth.

The vortex is full of the power of creation.

Zhao Yang realized that the two whirlpools belonged to Yuding and Tianlan.

But now?

Zhao Yang quietly made a move to construct a teleportation rune near the whirlpool.

He wants to transmit the power of creation of the two vortexes to his own civilization in an instant without anyone noticing.

Of course, Zhao Yang must be careful, because there are too many people staring at these two whirlpools.

And as more and more monks fell, the scale of the two vortexes became larger.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Gradually, except for the Wraith Spirit and the monks of the Tianlan Sect, the rest of the battlefield

All the monks fell cleanly.

At this time, everyone looked at the two whirlpools with hot eyes.

Who doesn't want this good fortune?

So is Xiaohong.

He wished he could enter this vortex now.

He thought so.

Did the same.

That's right.

Xiaohong found herself rushing towards a whirlpool uncontrollably.

Tian Lan was stunned.

Yuding was stunned.

"Tianlan, give me an explanation." Yuding's lungs were about to explode.

"Evil animal, what are you going to do?" Tianlan shouted in Xiaohong's direction.

But at this moment, Tianlan saw Xiaohong rushing out of the first vortex and rushing towards the second vortex.

And after he rushed out of the second vortex, he ran away like a jerk.

The moment he left, the two vortexes also dissipated, and there was nothing left.

Neither Tian Lanzong nor Wraith Ling could react to this kind of change. Who would have thought that Tianlan Zong would stab an ally at a critical moment.

Tianlan wanted to stop Xiaohong from asking, but how could Yuqiong give him this chance?

Yuqiong didn't know why Xiaohong did this?But this is good news for them.

The alliance between Tian Lan and Jade Cauldron Palace has cracks.

Xiaohong knew that she had been bullied.

Because there were two extremely overbearing forces that forcibly imprisoned him, forcing him to enter one after another.

He entered the two vortexes, and he did not move the power of good fortune in the two vortexes, but the power of good fortune disappeared after he left.

What made him aggrieved was that those two forces forcibly sent him away again.

In the eyes of others, he is fleeing in fear of crime.

Then I can't explain it clearly.

After his figure appeared in Yiwanli, Xiaohong knew that she was now the target of public criticism.

"Who is targeting me?" Xiao Hong clenched her fists and said.

He knew that most of the shots were from the early stage of the Guiyi realm, because those in the middle stage of the Guiyi realm did not need the two to join forces.

His guess was correct.

It was Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan who shot.

Zhao Yang can easily kill Xiao Hong now, but if he is to be imprisoned in an instant, he can be squeezed as much as he wants, but with his current strength, he still can't do it.

But adding Lin Caihan is almost enough.

After Xiaohong left, the figures of Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan appeared in place.

"Why didn't you just kill him?" Lin Caihan asked softly.

"I want him to become a bereaved dog and kill him directly. It's too cheap for him." Zhao Yang looked at his back and said coldly.

"How to deal with these two forces of good fortune?" Lin Caihan changed the subject when he heard this.

"The two of us first use them to break through to the middle level of the ninth rank." Zhao Yang thought for a while before saying.

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan did what they said.

worthy of sacrifice

The power of good fortune.

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan raised their cultivation to the ninth-rank intermediate level in a very short period of time.

"This power can allow us to break through to the pinnacle of the Ninth Rank, but given us time, we can rise up step by step." Zhao Yang said softly, "My opinion is to give the power of good fortune to Huang Chengzi and Qiu Minghui."

"There is still a lot of good fortune left, and Zhao Yingzi and Zhao Cuishan can go further." Lin Caihan thought of something.

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded.

It didn't take long for Huang Chengzi and Qiu Minghui to be forcibly promoted to the Ninth-Rank Creation Realm by the power of nature.

You must know that Huang Chengzi and Qiu Minghui never thought that there would be a chance to be promoted to this level in this life.

"Ninth grade, young master, does it mean that I can sit on an equal footing with old man Guangming?" Huang Chengzi asked with a smile.

"Guangming old man is at the pinnacle of the ninth rank, but you can sit on an equal footing with the suzerains of the four major sects such as the Guangyuan sect." Zhao Yang replied, "However, your advancement may not stop, and you may be able to continue in the future. further."

Here, Zhao Yingzi and Zhao Cuishan have been promoted to the eighth-rank creation realm.

"Brother, do you think my sister has a chance to be promoted to the ninth rank?" Zhao Yingzi, who had been promoted to the eighth rank, held Zhao Yang's big hand and asked expectantly.

Zhao Yingzi still vividly remembers the scene where the ninth-rank powerhouse made an attack on the city of light.

She felt that breaking through to the eighth rank was not very fragrant.

(End of this chapter)

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