Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2101 One step further

With Zhao Yang's current strength, he could kill Xiao Hong.

But the result of doing so is to completely tear his face with Tian Lanzong, and then Zhao Yang will have to face the storm of Tianlan Zong.

He still doesn't have the ability to compete with Tian Lanzong, so he is patient, he is waiting.

Wait until his strength is further improved.

"Xiaohong is the young suzerain of Tianlan Sect. I heard that his combat power has reached the peak of the ninth rank, and he is not far from the legendary return to unity." Fang Zhengguo said solemnly.

Fang Zhengguo thought that Zhao Yang was of the eighth rank, but the difference between the eighth rank and Xiaohong was not even a star.

Zhao Yang didn't answer, but looked at it for a while, then turned and returned to civilization.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

Both the army of wraith spirits and the Tianlan sect have paid huge sacrifices.

And the three lines of defense that Tian Lanzong worked so hard to arrange have already been breached.

This is a huge blow to the morale of Tian Lanzong.

The suzerain of Tianlan Sect urgently found the suzerains of Yuqiong Palace and Yunshang Mountain.

"At this time, do you two still want to stand on the sidelines?" Why can't the master of Tianlan Sect see what these two people are thinking?

They want to see Tian Lanzong fight with the army of wraith spirits, and finally reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"Tianlan, you have seen our investment, we have invested successively

We have joined three legions, what do you want from us? "The lord of Yuqiong Palace said leisurely.

The lord of Yuqiong Palace is a magnificent woman.

"Your Yuqiong Palace has indeed invested in three legions, but most of the soldiers of these three legions are reserve soldiers, and the elites of your Yuqiong Palace have not been dispatched at all." Tianlan pointed at Yuqiong and said angrily.

"Tianlan, is this the attitude you want to cooperate with?" the suzerain of Yunshangzong said lightly.

Tianlan felt the threat from Yunshangzong's words.

"The goal of Jade Cauldron Palace is not only our Tianlan Sect, since you two major forces don't want to help. It's okay, at worst, our Tianlan Sect will form an alliance with Jade Cauldron Palace." Tianlan turned around after saying this. Walk.

But Yuqiong and Yunshang's expressions changed.

If Tianlan Sect cooperates with Jade Cauldron Palace, it will definitely be earth-shattering news.

"What should we do?" Yuqiong looked at Yunshang.

"Cooperate with Jade Cauldron Palace? I think Tianlan is just letting go, he won't really do it." Yunshang thought for a while and said, "However, in order to prevent him from going to extremes, let's increase the assistance a little bit. .”

"it is good."

Li Qiong is a ninth-rank peak powerhouse in Yuqiong Palace.

All the soldiers who came from Yuqiong Palace were controlled by her.

When she was directing the soldiers to fight that day, a trace of uneasiness faintly crossed her mind.


Is something big going to happen today? "While she was muttering, she suddenly saw a hole in the battle line in front of her that was suddenly torn open by the wraiths. The soldiers of the Tianlan Sect who were in charge of defending opened the door on their own initiative, allowing the army of wraiths to move towards their camp Come on rampage.

"Tian Lanzong, what are you going to do?" Li Qiong was furious.

Let alone Li Qiong at this moment, the same goes for other monks.

"What is Tianlan Sect doing?"

"Tianlan Sect took the initiative to open the line of defense and let the wraiths attack us?"

"We worked so hard for Tianlan Sect, but Tianlan Sect treats us like this?"

"Too deceiving."

But the question now is what should they do next?

Keep fighting or flee?

One must know that Tianlan Sect has rebelled.

At this time, Zhao Yang, who had been paying attention to the outside world, quickly contacted him.

Zhao Yang walked out of his civilization.

"Master Zhao, what should we do?" Fang Zhengguo asked in a panic.

Because the resentful spirit is about to call.

Zhao Yang waved his hand and a brand new battleship appeared beside the battleship.

This battleship is a battleship of the pinnacle of rank nine built by Lin Caihan.

If before, Lin Caihan would never be extravagant enough to use ninth-grade materials to build, but after Zhao Yang got so many ninth-grade materials, Lin Caihan didn't care anymore.


Let's go to this battleship. "Zhao Yang said and jumped onto the battleship.

Wait until Fang Zhengguo and others boarded the battleship one after another.Fang Zhengguo quickly put away the sixth-rank ship.

Fang Xiaoyu looked at it and asked curiously, "What level is this battleship? Is it a seventh-rank?"

The corner of Zhao Yang's mouth twitched, but he still replied, "Almost."

Actually much worse.

Of course, Zhao Yang didn't bother to explain to Fang Xiaoyu.

"You guys leave first on this battleship." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"What about you?" Zi Yueer asked hastily.

"I still have something to do." Zhao Yang said that the battleship had broken through the space and left here.

Besides, after Tian Lanzong and the army of Wraith Spirits joined forces, Yuqiong Palace, Yunshangzong and the major aid forces were surrounded one after another.

At this moment, Xiaohong's figure appeared in midair.

"As long as you put down your weapons, neither the Tianlan Sect nor the army of wraiths will attack you." Xiao Hong looked around the audience and said loudly.

After Xiaohong's voice fell, the three major factions of the Youji Sect, the Xugou Sect, and the Haizhu Sect put down their weapons immediately, and then the eighth-rank, seventh-rank, and sixth-rank forces following Tian Lanzong put down their weapons one after another.

The remaining forces look at me and I look at you, they are hesitating.

"Are you going to surrender too?" Li Qiong said quickly, "Cooperating with Yuding Palace is to seek skin from a tiger, don't you think

Do you naively think that Jade Cauldron Palace will have no strings attached?Don't you want to do this in the future so that people don't look like people, and ghosts don't look like ghosts? "

"That's right, we will never compromise. I believe that the strong men from Yuqiong Palace and Yunshangzong will come to help us soon. Please hold on for a while." Tang Zhen, the head of Yunshangzong's army, also said loudly .

The two speeches quickly aroused a lot of response.

A large number of monks gathered around them.

But anyone with a discerning eye can see that Yuqiong Palace and Yunshangzong are at a clear disadvantage.

When the two sides fought again, Yuqiong Palace and Yunshangzong also got the news.

The lord of Yuqiong Palace and the lord of Yunshang Sect went to Tianlan Sect with several powerful men who had returned to the same realm.

Tianlan showed up with a few strong men who had returned to the unity realm, and at the same time, the palace master of Yuding Palace also came with a few strong men.

"Tianlan, how can you betray?" Yuqiong roared angrily.

"Why can't I betray?" Tianlan sneered, "Why do you want to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight? Why should I give you a chance?"

"Tianlan, now you still have a chance to turn around, as long as we join forces, we can ruin the Jade Cauldron Palace." Yun Shang said after calming down for a while.

"It's late." Tianlan shook his head.


"Because what Yu Ding gave me can allow me to go one step further."

"What?" Yuqiong's heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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