Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2040 Meeting an Acquaintance

"As long as you are a strong person in the realm of creation, you can pass through the VIP passage, and you don't need to pay any fees to enter the city." The commander pointed to a passage next to him and said.

Zhao Yang expressed his gratitude to the other party.

"Are the two of you coming to Light Source City to participate in the Light Conference?"

"Congress of Light?"

"The Brightness Conference is a grand event for the younger generation. As long as your cultivation has reached the realm of creation, you can participate."

"What does the Light Assembly do?"

"The Brightness Conference held in Light Source City aims to enhance the strength of the younger generation. As long as you pass the corresponding checkpoints, you can get generous rewards."

"How to sign up?"

"You can go to the center of the city, there is a place for registration."

"Thank you."

After Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan entered the city, they found that there were even more masters in this city.

However, the law and order in this city was surprisingly good, at least there were no fighting scenes along the way.

The two walked around for a long time and came to a restaurant.

Everyone in the restaurant is talking about the Light Conference.

"The once-in-a-hundred-year Brightness Conference has started again. I wonder who can be at the top this time?"

"I think it's probably the young suzerain Long Shaoqi of Light Source City."

"Long Shaoqi's strength is formidable, but the Qingdi of Tianyin Valley is not weak either."

"Qingdi is known as

The strongest genius in the history of Tianyin Valley, I heard that even Long Shaoqi could not defeat him. "

"Hua Taiyu of Zhenzong can also compete with these two."

"Hua Taiyu's array is mysterious and unpredictable."

"These three should belong to the first class, the second class belongs to the eighth-rank sect, and there are about ten of them, and the rest belong to the seventh-rank sect."

Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan listened to their discussion while eating local specialties.

And when they walked towards the central area, they suddenly saw a long queue in the distance.

"Cultivation room?" Lin Caihan looked at the plaque on the gate and asked in amazement, "What is it?"

When Zhao Yang was about to find a monk to inquire, he suddenly saw a familiar figure.

It was none other than Han Jiaren.

When Han Jiaren saw Zhao Yang, confusion appeared on his face.

In a panic, Han Jiaren turned around and was about to leave, but bumped into a man's arms.

"Sorry." Han Jia apologized, but she wanted to leave, but was stopped by that man.

"Why, want to leave after bumping into someone?" the man said with a smile.

"Sorry." Han Jiaren apologized to the man again, her face was full of anxiety and embarrassment.

She didn't want Zhao Yang to see her embarrassment, but that man treated her as a


"A single apology is enough?"

"What else do you want?" Han Jiaren realized that it was almost impossible to let it go.

"I have a hidden disease and my body is weak. You hurt me, don't you want to pay for it?" the man said sternly.

"How much do you want?"

"It will cost three to five thousand, right?"

"Okay, I'll give it." Han Jiaren said as she took out a universe bag and handed it to the man.

She could see that the man was a villain, and she was fine with such a guy.

The man was overjoyed.

Have you been taken advantage of today?

And when he saw the imaginary stone in the universe bag, his face turned green.

"Are you a beggar for my father?"

Void stone?

"What do you mean?" Han Jiaren didn't realize why this man was angry?

"This is the city of light source, not your country. I get tens of thousands of stones for a meal, and you pay me 7000 bloody stones?" The man was very angry, and very angry. He felt that Han Jiaren was deliberately humiliating him.

"Then how much do you need?" Han Jiaren asked extremely aggrieved.

"What I want is the Origin Stone."

"Origin Stone? I...I don't have one." Han Jiaren said timidly.

"No?" The man suddenly became angry, "Are you bluffing me?" Zhao Yang stopped him just when he was about to do something to Han Jiaren

asked him, "What do you want to do?"

"It's not up to you to control what I want to do?" He just said that Zhao Yang slapped him in the face, knocking out two of his teeth, "If I follow your If you hear a disrespectful word in your mouth, I will kill you."

"Kill me? Do you know where this is?"

"You can try." Zhao Yang's eyes glowed coldly.

Han Jiaren said hastily, "Fighting is forbidden in Light Source City, so let him go quickly."

The conflict between the two immediately attracted the attention of nearby patrolling soldiers, and they rushed over immediately wearing armor.

"Let go of him." The leading soldier pointed at Zhao Yang.

"Zhao Yang, don't be impulsive." Lin Caihan tugged at the corner of Zhao Yang's clothes.

Zhao Yang hesitated for a while and loosened the man's collar.

"You guys have to decide for me." The man cried to the soldiers of the city defense army at this time, "Did this guy just say that he wanted to kill me?"

"Did you say such a thing?" The leading soldier stared at Zhao Yang.

Lin Caihan realized that things were going to happen.

"Before I came to Light Source City, I heard that Light Source City was upright. Now it seems that I was wrong." Lin Caihan said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" The leading soldier was furious.

In his opinion, the reputation of Light Source City is more important than anything else.

"We foreigners come to your light source city, even if we are

We can only grit our teeth and swallow the humiliation of the soldiers, can't we? "

"Light source city has perfect laws and regulations, so it will naturally uphold justice for foreigners." The leader of the soldiers said sternly.

"Just now the girl turned around and accidentally bumped into this man. If I read correctly, the girl is from the sixth level of the virtual world, but this man is from the ninth level of the virtual world. But the man said that the girl was seriously injured by the collision, so he must let him go. The girl compensated him with seven or eight thousand source stones." After a pause, Lin Caihan continued, "I don't know how rich Light Source City is, but in many large regions with poor resources, I have never seen even source stones."

"The girl thought that the other party was talking about imaginary stones. Even though she knew that the other party was blackmailing, she took out seven thousand imaginary stones with a calm attitude, but the other party thought that the girl humiliated him and stepped forward to do something. My husband can't see it. , grabbing the collar of the other party, but you think it is the perpetrator."

When Lin Caihan said this, the flames of anger appeared in his eyes, "Is this the law of the light source city you are talking about?"

The leading soldier was stunned.

Don't know what to say for a while?

"At first, I thought that Guangyuan City didn't have such an ugly side, but I didn't expect the whole world to be the same."

"I can testify that what this girl said is true."

"You didn't stand up when he was bullied just now, but now you blame this brave man?"

(End of this chapter)

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