"In the face of the interests of the family, anyone's sacrifice is acceptable." Chu Qingde said righteously.

Chu Gaoshang shook his head and didn't want to say anything more.

And when Chu Gaoshang hurried away with the elite of the clan, Chu Ruoxi's maid quietly came to the bamboo forest and told her the news that the Otto clan was coming.

"Come on, come on, at worst, you will die."

"Miss, have you ever thought that you might be a pawn?"


"Trumen will use you to lure out Zhaomen?"

"Zhaomen has already escaped from the world, and it is useless to find me."

"But you said that Zhao Yang is the law enforcement history of Tianmingzong, but Tianmingzong didn't hide from the world."

Chu Ruoxi was startled.

It didn't take long for thousands of majestic figures to descend on the top of Truman, and the leading figure exuded tyrannical fluctuations like a pillar of the sky.

"Chu Qingde, how did the fifth elder of my Otto clan die?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about?" Chu Qingde could only pretend to be stupid at this moment.

"Our Otto family has enough evidence to prove that Otto died at your hands, otherwise I wouldn't have overwhelmed the country." He paused at this point, "I'll give you a minute to think about it."

1 minutes is up in no time.

"Have you thought about what to say now?" Ao Cheng stared at Chu Qingde and said.

"We Chu

I accidentally discovered a civilization of the sixth heaven of creation. Otto appeared when I was absorbing the Dao Fruit of that civilization. After he injured me severely, he continued to absorb the Dao Fruit of that civilization. He failed to set foot on the sixth heaven, so he set his mind on me. "Chu Qingde finally decided to confess, "He openly absorbed my Dao fruit." "

"Chu Qingde, there are certain things that should not be said indiscriminately." Ao Cheng said coldly.

As a result, a video stone appeared in Chu Qingde's hand. As soon as he moved his mind, the video stone played a picture.

In the picture, it can be clearly seen that Otto is devouring Chu Qingde's Dao fruit.

Ao Cheng's face darkened, "Then how did you kill Otto?"

"How could I have the ability to kill Otto in that situation? It was my grandson Zhao Yang who really killed Otto."

"Zhao Yang?"

"That is the history of Tianmingzong's law enforcement."

"Tianmingzong?" Hearing this sect, Aocheng's face became ugly.


Tianmingzong is an existence on an equal footing with the Otto clan.

"Our Ott family will investigate this matter clearly, but before the investigation is clear, no one of you Trumen is allowed to enter or leave." Ao Cheng waved his hand and the thousands of monks who followed him surrounded the entire Trumen group.

Of course, Aocheng also sent envoys to Tianmingzong to investigate Zhao Yang's identity.


The law enforcement history of our Tianmingzong is indeed Zhao Yang, but whether Zhao Yang has anything to do with Trumen, I need to ask the higher authorities for instructions. "A deacon of Tianmingzong quickly reported the matter.

After reporting layer by layer, they finally reported to Tianshu.

Tianshu knows some inside information.

He knew that Zhao Cuishan's wife was Chu Ruoxi, and Chu Ruoxi was a member of the Chu family.

But instead of making a rash decision, he contacted Zhao Yang.

At this time, Zhao Yang was already on his way to Light Source City.

After receiving the news from Tianshu, he couldn't help frowning.

"Truman is really a dog skin plaster."

"This matter needs to be treated with caution, otherwise it may drag Tianmingzong into trouble." Lin Caihan said softly from the side.

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang decided to go to the pure domain.

After arriving at Tianmingzong, Zhao Yang came to Tianshu's office alone.

"Is this difficult?" Tianshu asked in surprise.

"Truman knew that I had news about Time Treasure, and they threatened me with this matter to compromise."

Murderous intent flashed in Tianshu's eyes, "Do you want to kill Truman?"

"Truman must have taken all the consequences into consideration. My idea is to be stable first."


"Yes, you announced the retreat, so that the Otto family can't be sure, so they can only continue to besiege Trumen." Zhao Yang expressed his opinion,

"And when I reach the Ninth Heaven of Creation Realm, so what if it is revealed that I have the time treasure?"

"Okay, just do as you said." Tianshu nodded.

After the Otto family learned that Tianshu was in retreat, they immediately became entangled.

If it is confirmed that Zhao Yang is Chu Qingde's grandson, then he can only negotiate with Trumen; but if it is determined that Zhao Yang has nothing to do with Chu Qingde, then he will use thunderous means.

The fifth elder reported the matter to the patriarch of the Ott tribe.

After careful consideration, the patriarch of the Ott tribe decided to block Truman and wait until the end of Tianshu's retreat.

"Tianshu doesn't retreat sooner or later, what does it mean to retreat at this time?" Chu Qingde was furious.

"Perhaps Tianshu is really in retreat." Chu Gaomao said after pondering for a while.

"You're wrong, he wants to use the Otto clan to block our Trumen." Chu Qingde's eyes flickered with a frightening coldness, "I think Tianshu might know something."

"What should we do now?" Chu Gaoliang asked with a wry smile.

Chu Qingde thought for a while and said, "Wait a minute, if the Otto clan keeps blocking it, then we will bargain over the video."

Unless it reached a certain point, Chu Qingde didn't want to threaten him with the video.

Because this means that the two sides will tear each other apart.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang!

Zhao Yang stayed in Tianmingzong for half a month, and saw that the situation on both sides was very different.

stabilized, so he drove the battleship to the city of light source.

When there were thousands of kilometers away from Light Source City, they saw a city floating in the sky.

This city exudes a pure and holy radiance, running across the sky and the earth.

Its vastness and its power will make you unable to help but worship it.

"I don't know how much manpower and material resources have been spent on this city." Lin Caihan looked at the city and murmured.

"This is the biggest city I have ever seen." Zhao Yang said involuntarily.

The two put away the battleship, raised their feet and walked forward.

Now Lin Caihan has cultivated at the second level of the realm of creation. The reason for this is because her background is too strong, and she has continuously broken through to the second level of heaven when she stepped into the realm of creation.

This is the same as Zhao Yang.

Therefore, Lin Caihan can actually be called a strong man.

When I arrived at the gate of Guangyuan City, I saw soldiers in white battle robes. Those soldiers were patrolling back and forth with swords in their hands, while the monks at the gate were queuing up to enter.

They were orderly and there was no queue jumping.

Just as they were queuing up, a soldier who looked like a commander came over, "Are you two strong men in the realm of creation?"

Zhao Yang nodded.

Like Lin Caihan, his cultivation level is the second level of creation realm, as long as the other party's cultivation base is higher than Zhao Yang, then he can tell.

(End of this chapter)

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