Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2029 He's Dead

But Zhao Yang's expression did not change at all.

Obviously Zhao Yang caught Chu Gaomao's figure.

"If you lose again, the second generation of the Chu family will be wiped out." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Chu Gaomao's expression remained unchanged, "The premise is that you have the strength." In his opinion, Zhao Yang wanted to disturb his state of mind.

Of course he thought too much.

Then the two figures collided fiercely in the gap.

Chu Gaomao is the existence of the fourth heaven of the Creation Realm.

Four seasons have already appeared in the fourth heaven of the Creation Realm, which represents the development of civilization to a brand new stage.

But civilization is also different from civilization.

For example, Zhao Yang's civilization in the third heaven is far more tyrannical than Chu Gaomao's.

one move!

Two strokes!

Three strokes!

The result of each collision is that Chu Gaomao is retreating, which makes him feel uneasy.

How can it be?

Could it be that Zhao Yang still has reservations?

And when the two sides collided with each other for more than a dozen moves, Chu Gaomao realized that he would lose [-]% if he continued to fight head-to-head.

So he took the initiative to withdraw from the battlefield.

The problem is that when he wants to move, the space around him seems to become solid, which delays his movements.

"This kid has traveled farther than me in space." Chu Gaomao was startled

Meat jumping.

Don't underestimate the realm of virtual realm.

The void represents the foundation.

Now that Chu Gaomao is restricted by space, it shows that Zhao Yang has surpassed him in understanding space.

Since it is unavoidable, it can only be shaken hard.

After more than a dozen moves, Chu Gaomao felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced, "Stop it."

Zhao Yang stopped.

"I admit defeat." Chu Gaomao smiled wryly.

Continuing to fight is still a result.

"Then go hang at the mountain gate." Zhao Yang pointed in the direction of the mountain gate.

"I'm your eldest uncle." Chu Gaomao said without a dark face.

"Before I recognized you, you were nothing?" Zhao Yang said here, an old voice came from the depths of Truman, "What about me, do you recognize me?"

In the bamboo forest, the tense expression on Chu Ruoxi's face eased slightly.

Dad finally gave in.

In fact, Chu Qingde said this to give Zhao Yang a step, as long as Zhao Yang goes down this step, then everyone will be happy in the future.

Is it just that Zhao Yang may want this step?

"Chu Tianhu, are there any masters in the first generation of the Chu family?" No one expected that Zhao Yang actually asked Chu Tianhu this question.

Chu Tianhu was in a bad mood, "What are you going to do?"

"The third generation of the Chu family was overthrown by me, and the second generation of the Chu family was also overthrown by me.

Now, it's time for me to challenge the first generation of the Chu family. "

"Cousin, are you serious?" Chu Tianhu asked dumbfounded.

"Don't flirt with relatives, I haven't admitted it yet." Zhao Yang rolled Chu Tianhu's eyes.

"There are five members in the first generation of the Chu family, but the strongest is your grandfather, that is, your grandfather Chu Qingde. As for the rest of the grandfathers, they are not as strong as uncle." Chu Tianhu said here Zhao Yang Immediately said loudly, "Chu Qingde please enlighten me."

"Well, you little bastard." Chu Qingde couldn't stand it anymore.

"Brother, don't be impulsive."

"Brother, Zhao Yang is so amazing at such a young age. He will be the sharpest sword in the Chu family in the future. You must not be cruel."

"Brother, think twice before acting."

But it is a pity that the persuasion of Chu Qingde's brothers did not have any effect.

Chu Qingde rushed from the conference hall to the mountain gate with a murderous look. He looked at Zhao Yang's face that was three points similar to Zhao Cuishan, and the anger in his heart climbed to a higher level again.

"Back then your father robbed my daughter and shamed me as a Truman. Now you little bastard is going to push me for three generations of Truman. Today, no matter what, I can't let you go." Chu Qingde said with red eyes.

"Chu Qingde, have you ever thought about the consequences of failure?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"Failure? You defeated Chu Gaomao, which really surprised me.

Besides, but no matter how strong you are, can you still defeat the Fifth Heaven of Creation Realm? "Chu Qingde said in a superior tone.

In his opinion, as long as he makes a move himself, he can crush Zhao Yang under his feet in an instant.

"In the pure realm, the Trumen is a top-notch force, right? Why do I think you are crazy like the Trumen are the top forces? Taking a step back, even if the Trumen are the top forces, so what?" Zhao Yang said indifferently, "The pure realm There are also several top forces."

"But it's enough to suppress you." Chu Qingde said here that the earth-shattering power of creation turned into a vast world and came to suppress Zhao Yang. The terrifying fluctuation made the applicants with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers panic.

They looked in the direction of Truman anxiously, they didn't know what happened?

The tears in Chu Ruoxi's eyes in the bamboo grove stopped, "No, don't."

From Chu Ruoxi's point of view, Zhao Yang can't stop Chu Qingde's earth-shattering blow.

Just really?

Zhao Yang watched this scene with a calm expression. Seeing that the blow was about to fall on him, a dazzling radiance was like the light that opened up the world, tearing apart the terrifying world mercilessly, and then a majestic battleship Appeared at Zhao Yang's feet.

The might of the battleship swept across the nine heavens and ten earths, making Chu Qingde on the opposite side show a look of uneasiness.

"Rank [-] battleship, little bastard, what kind of thing do you hold in your hand?

Will there be a Tier [-] battleship? "Chu Qingde pointed at Zhao Yang and said in shock.


The battleship blasted out a divine light.

Shenmang shattered Huanyu and severely injured Chu Qingde on the spot.

When Chu Qingde was struggling to get up, the battleship's cannon aimed at him.

"Zhao Yang, he is your grandfather." Standing in front of Chu Qingde, Chu Gaomao shouted hastily.

"Zhao Yang, you can't kill him, or you will be stabbed in the back." Chu Gaoshang also said hastily.

"You think I'm worried about being poked in the back?" Zhao Yang said and looked towards the direction of the bamboo forest.


The battleship blasted away the bamboo formation arranged by Chu Gaoshang, and Chu Ruoxi immediately tore apart the space and appeared on the battleship.

"Child." The girl with Huafa looked at Zhao Yang who was close in front of her, her face was full of excitement.

"I'm not your child." What Huafa girl and the senior executives of Trumen didn't expect was that Zhao Yang actually said this sentence.

"I feel the same blood in your body, how could you not be my child?" Chu Ruoxi said a little uneasy.

"If I'm really your child, do you think I can reach this level at this age?" Zhao Yang sighed softly.

Chu Ruoxi's face suddenly lost the slightest trace of blood.

"then who are you?"

"I'm just Zhao Yang from another dimension."

"What about my child

(End of this chapter)

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