Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2028 Formation Showdown

Zhao Yang was too surprised.

Chu Gaoshang felt that with a little training, he would be the strongest arm of the Chu family in the future.

But what Chu Gaoshang did not expect was that Zhao Yang shook his head.

"Don't you dare?" Chu Gaoshang said with a smile.

Zhao Yang's refusal made him very happy.

Because this means that Zhao Yang knows how to choose.

"I don't think such a competition is interesting." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Then how do you compare?" Chu Gaoshang asked with interest.

"First, I'll give you an hour to set up the big formation. You can use the formation materials. If I can't crack it in half an hour, I'll be considered a loser." Zhao Yang's words caused an uproar in the audience.

In their opinion, Zhao Yang is too crazy.

"Give me an hour to set up the formation, and then allow me to use the materials of the formation. Even if it is an existence of the same level as mine, it will not be able to crack it within three to five days."

"Secondly, I set up a large formation in half an hour, and I only use formation runes. If you can crack it within an hour, I will lose." Zhao Yang continued.

Chu Gaoshang was stunned.

"Do you know how many years I've been studying array?"

"It doesn't matter how many years you have studied the array." Zhao Yang stared at Chu Gaoshang and said, "You arrange it first, or I arrange it first."

"I'll arrange it first." Chu Gaoshang was a little angry.

He thought Zhao Yang was too crazy.

Next, Chu Gaoshang's whole body

He carefully arranged the formation, and even used some precious formation materials.

"Second brother, are you serious?" Chu Gaoliang, who was hanging on the mountain gate, couldn't stand it.

"Since he is so confident, I have to give him this chance." Chu Gaoshang sneered.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Two quarters passed.

Three quarters of an hour passed.

Everyone noticed that Zhao Yang was hooking up with girls.

"Did you see that? Truman is the same thing. What do you mean by joining Truman?"

Momo's face turned pale with fright, she dared not answer Zhao Yang's words.

Her family is just ants compared to Truman.

But what Zhao Yang said was all treasonous.

"Aside from Truman, do you have any forces you want to join?"

"Master Zhao, can you stop chatting with me?" Momo said with a sad face.

"what happened?"

"I'm afraid of what you're talking about."

"Trumen, you are afraid of the wool. After I pick Chu Gaoshang, I will pick Chu Gaomao again." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"Master Zhao." Momo was about to cry.

"Forget it, I won't tease you." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But you can think about what I said just now, the Trumen really have no future, they are all a bunch of scum."

Zhao Yang's words made the Truman monks furious, but none of them could refute.

Zhao Yang has

The younger generation has been bulldozed, and now the second generation of Truman is being pushed down.

After an hour, Chu Gaoshang stopped.

He walked out of the formation.

"You can break the formation."

Zhao Yang heard the words and walked towards the formation.

"What I need to remind you is that there are two formations in this formation, one is the killing formation and the other is the illusion formation." Chu Gaoshang looked at Zhao Yang with a smile.

He felt that even if it was Chu Gaomao who came here, it would take a lot of effort.

As for Zhao Yang, he should just stay inside honestly, right?

"Two formations? Fooling ghosts?" Zhao Yang said angrily, "You think I can't see that there is a hidden space to reverse the formation?"

Hearing this, Chu Gaoshang's complexion immediately changed.

He thinks that the layout of the space upside-down array is very secret, how did Zhao Yang see it?

"I asked you to arrange the formation just now, but what did you arrange?" Zhao Yang walked into the formation while talking, but the strange thing was that the killing formation did not start.

He squeezed the seal with his hands and cracked one formation rune after another.

In just a dozen or so breaths, the formation that Chu Gaoshang worked so hard to arrange suddenly shattered.

"Chu Gaoshang, originally I had some hopes for your formation, but now it seems that I overestimated you." Having said that, Zhao Yang stepped forward with his right foot, and the entire power of the Trumen was overwhelmed by Zhao Yang. Yang came here on secondment by force, and turned into streaks of gold

The runes, those runes made chains, imprisoning Chu Gaoshang in place.

Truman's formation master nearly popped his eyeballs in shock.

"Truman's power of mountains and rivers can also be borrowed?"

"How far has his formation reached?"

"I finally understand why he dislikes the word Suzerain made an exception. If I have his strength, can I be so crazy?"

"Zhao Yang already has the strength to be on par with the fourth level of the Creation Realm."

"What's more important is how old is he?"

In the main meeting hall, the older generation of the Trumen were sitting upright, all of them with solemn expressions.

"Brother, your grandson can no longer be suppressed." Chu Qingtang said after taking a deep breath.

"That's right, big brother, with such strength at such a young age, the Chu family can only win over, and absolutely cannot suppress." Chu Qingsong said very seriously.

Chu Qingde remained silent.

It's just the sparkle in the eyes.

"Chu Gaoshang, you can break the formation." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"This is a random formation." Chu Gaoshang said in a daze.

What about half an hour?

"To deal with you, there is no need to be so troublesome." Zhao Yang looked at Chu Gaoshang and said, "I need to remind you, if you can't crack it within an hour, you will also be hung on the mountain gate, so you should be more serious."

After Chu Gaoshang heard the words, he began to study Zhao Yang.

Arranged array.

But the more you study the shock on his face, the more serious it becomes.

Half an hour passed.

A quarter of an hour passed.

Two quarters passed.

Chu Gaoshang didn't start to crack the formation until [-] minutes later.

Since it is a formation method cracking, it can only be cracked.

But seeing that the hour was approaching, Chu Gaoshang still couldn't crack Zhao Yang's formation, and in the end Chu Gaoshang had to use brute force.

What left him dumbfounded was that he still couldn't crack it with brute force.

When the hour came, Zhao Yang pointed in the direction of the mountain gate and said, "Are you going up by yourself, or I will send you up."

"I'll go up by myself." Chu Gaoshang said that the imprisonment of the formation dissipated immediately.

He took a deep look at Zhao Yang, "Your formation has far surpassed mine."

And when Chu Gaoshang was also hung up, Zhao Yang's voice resounded throughout the Trumen.

"Please enlighten me, Chu Gaomao."

Truman's expression changed.

Is Zhao Yang going to challenge the strongest of the second generation of Truman?

After Zhao Yang's voice, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Zhao Yang, "Zhao Yang, I can feel that the fluctuation on your body is the third level of the creation realm. What I want to tell you is that the gap between each level of the creation realm is different. Great, you will not be my opponent."

There was no sign of Chu Gaomao's appearance, and even many monks did not react.

(End of this chapter)

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