Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2026 Continue to challenge

"Miss, don't you want to take a look?" the maid asked softly.

Thinking back then, the young lady was so glamorous, but now she has become like this, how can I not make people feel embarrassed?

Seeing that the lady didn't answer, the maid turned around and ran down the mountain.

She can't stand loneliness, she wants to watch the battle.

When she arrived at the gate of the mountain, she was shocked to find that Chu Haihu was also hung on the gate.

"Chu Haihu lost too." The maid exclaimed.

Chu Haihu's defeat shocked the top management of Trumen, they could no longer maintain a superior posture, they got up one after another and came to the gate of the mountain.

And when they saw the five tigers lined up, their faces became gloomy.

In their view, this is a provocation to Truman.

Chu Gaoliang looked at the figure confronting Chu Tianhu, and a figure involuntarily flashed across his mind.

"and many more."

Chu Tianhu couldn't help looking at Chu Gaoliang, "Third Uncle, what's the matter?"

Chu Gaoliang's eyes fixed on Zhao Yang, and after a while he asked nervously, "What's your name?"

"Zhao Yang."

Chu Gaoliang's heart trembled violently, "You...where are you from?"

"Tianfeng domain."

Can Chu Gaoliang be [-]% sure that Zhao Yang is Zhao Cuishan's son?

"Who is Zhao Cuishan to you?"

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang looked at Chu Gaoliang playfully.

"" Chu

Sorghum's pupils shrank violently.

The senior members of the Chu family who were watching this scene also exploded.

"Zhao Cuishan's son."

"He actually came to the door."

"Before I was wondering why he wanted to embarrass me, Truman. It turned out that he came here to find a place for his father."

"But what if we defeat the Five Tigers? Our Truman is already capable of provoking him."

While the senior members of the Chu family were discussing, Chu Qingde's voice rang out at the mountain gate.

"Chu Tianhu, don't hold back."

Chu Tianhu didn't act immediately, he stared at Zhao Yang and asked slowly, "Are you my cousin?"

"Based on age, it should be."

"It's really good that you've come this far in Tianfengyu, but the Truman is not something you can provoke." Chu Tianhu said in a deep voice, "Let's leave as soon as possible before the top leaders of the Trumen get angry."

"I came here to seek justice for my father and my mother." Zhao Yang rushed towards Chu Tianhu when he said this, "Let's do it."


Zhao Yang's fist burst out with hot brilliance, so bright that Chu Tianhu couldn't even open his eyes.

The moment Chu Tianhu collided with Zhao Yang, he felt a strong counter-shock force. His internal organs were instantly traumatized, and blood flowed continuously up his throat, but he swallowed it forcibly. down.


The second hit followed.

Chu Tianhu blocked it again.

But this time Chu Tianhu felt that the attack this time was several times more than the first time.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and fell powerlessly backwards.

At the moment when he was about to fall to the ground, Zhao Yang rushed to him first, then grabbed him by his collar and hung him at the gate of Truman's mountain.

"You are very good, but today my goal is to hang the three dragons and six tigers of Truman on it, so I can only offend you."

Chu Tianhu looked at Zhao Yang with complicated eyes and said, "Before I thought you were not qualified to challenge the three dragons, but now it seems that I was wrong, you are qualified to fight against them."

The three dragons refer to Chu Aolong, Chu Xunlong and Chu Menglong.

They are stronger than Liuhu in both background and cultivation.

"Looks like it's my turn now." Chu Menglong squeezed his fists and walked out.

Zhao Yang glanced at Chu Menglong, the look in his eyes did not change at all.


The maid trotted all the way into the bamboo forest.

"Miss, your son Zhao Yang is here."

The wine glass in the Huafa girl's hand was crushed with a bang, and a ray of coldness shot out from her eyes, "What did you say?"

"Zhao Yang is here. He said that he came to seek justice for his father and his mother." The maid quickly saw the scene she saw to the girl with Huafa.

The divine sense of the girl with Huafa landed on the mountain gate like lightning, and she

He immediately saw the haunted figure.

Do not!

not him.

He is younger than Zhao Cuishan, more ostentatious, more confident, and of course stronger.

Chu Menglong, one of the three dragons, was severely injured in his hands without even holding on to three moves.

"This is my son Zhao Yang, he has come to look for me." The Huafa girl said with tears blurring her eyes.

She thought that she would never see Zhao Yang again in this life, but she never thought that Zhao Yang came to Trumen in person.

"Miss, is the young master in danger?" The maid expressed her concern.

"Who dares?" the Huafa girl said, with a monstrous murderous intent filling her body, but when this murderous intent was about to permeate the bamboo forest, arrays of runes appeared, forcibly suppressing that murderous intent.

"Little sister." Just then a middle-aged man in a tunic appeared in the bamboo forest.

"Let me out." The Huafa girl stared at the middle-aged man, her eyes were full of deep-seated hatred.

He was the one who trapped her in this bamboo forest all these years.

"Little sister, now that Zhao Yang has defeated Chu Menglong, as long as he defeats Chu Xunlong and Chu Aolong again, I think my father will make an exception and let Zhao Yang join the Trumen, and then your mother and son will naturally meet each other." The young man said softly, "I'll let you out at this time, in case I offend father..."

"Chu Aolong is the existence of the eighth heaven of the Void Realm, can the young master defeat him?" The maid was a little worried.

asked worriedly.

"In any case, half of the Chu family's blood flows through Zhao Yang's body. I believe that father will not let Zhao Yang be left behind when he sees how outstanding he is." The middle-aged man said after thinking about it.

His implication is that he doesn't think that Zhao Yang can defeat Chu Aolong.

Chu Ruoxi stopped making trouble.

She also felt that what Chu Gaoshang said made sense.

Zhao Yang is so outstanding, don't you believe that Chu Qingde won't be tempted?

Ten tricks!

Zhao Yang only used ten moves to severely injure Chu Menglong, one of the three dragons, and then hung him on the mountain gate.

Liuhu grinned when he saw this scene.

"You guys are laughing." Chu Menglong gave them a hard look.

"Do you think Xunlong will hang up too?" Chu Tianhu asked.

"Xunlong is probably not his opponent. Perhaps only Aolong can compete with him." Chu Menglong was silent for a while before saying.

All the six tigers were shocked.

Is this guy so strong?

Chu Menglong's guess was correct.

Because Chu Xunlong only insisted on ten moves before he was severely injured, and then hung on the mountain gate.

"It's your turn." Zhao Yang looked at Chu Aolong.

"I have to admit that your strength is very strong among the younger generation, but it is impossible for you to beat me."


"Because my strength has reached the eighth level of the Void Realm." Chu Aolong said that a vigorous version of life energy permeated his body.

(End of this chapter)

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