Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2025: One Dragon, Three Tigers

"Who are the outstanding younger generations of Trumen?" Zhao Yang didn't answer Momo's question directly.

"There are three dragons and six tigers in the younger generation of Trumen." Momo's spirits brightened when she said this, "The six tigers refer to Chutianhu, Chuhaihu, Chulinhu, Chushanhu, Chushuihu, and Chuyunhu , Their current cultivation bases are all in the fifth and sixth heavens of the Void Realm; the three dragons refer to Chu Aolong, Chu Xunlong, and Chu Menglong, and their cultivation bases are in the seventh and eighth heavens of the Void Realm."

"I thought it was so powerful." Zhao Yang sneered.

"They are outstanding among the younger generation, and their future achievements are even more unimaginable."

"You will know how rubbish they are later?" Zhao Yang said as he raised his feet and walked towards the mountain gate.

"Stop, don't you know how to line up properly?" At this moment, a Chumen disciple holding a sword stopped Zhao Yang's way.

"I'm here to kick the mountain gate." Zhao Yang said calmly.

That disciple of Truman was stunned, "What did you say?"

"I'm here to kick the mountain gate, so that all the three dragons and six tigers of your Truman family will get out. Today I will beat them down one by one." Zhao Yang's words made all the monks in the audience go into an uproar.

No one thought how this unattractive guy would dare to say such arrogant words?

"Do you want to die?" That disciple of Truman glared at Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang smiled and walked forward.

that brother

The son wanted to stop him, but found himself imprisoned.

"The art of confinement."

"I feel the traces of the avenue."

"This guy may have traveled a long way in the fifth heaven of the Void Realm."

While the monks around were discussing, Zhao Yang's voice exploded above the entire Trumen.

"I heard that there are three dragons, six tigers and nine great talents in the Trumen, so I came here today to ask for advice."

Momo's face turned pale.

If it was only heard by the disciples of the Trumen at the gate of the mountain before, then almost all the senior leaders of the Trumen have heard it now.

The Truman Conference Hall!

Today is the day to recruit disciples, and almost all the top executives of Truman have arrived.

Because if they encounter genius disciples, they will also end up snatching them.

But who would have thought that someone would provoke Truman on such an important day?

"Arrogance." Chu Yunhu stood up, "Sect Master, I invite you to fight."

"Go." Chu Qingde, the suzerain of Truman, nodded, "Teach that kid some lessons, but don't kill him."

"Understood." Chu Yunhu cupped his hands and left.

"How many tricks do you think Yunhu can take down that kid?"

"I think three tricks are almost the same."

"one move."

"I also think that one move, one move is enough to seriously injure." Truman's Three Dragons and Six Tigers also arrived at the scene today, and they discussed this topic with a relaxed expression.


Not long after, a guard rushed in.

"Sect Master, it's not good."

Chu Qingde frowned involuntarily, "Could it be that Yunhu was disobedient and killed the provocative kid?"

"That... Chu Yunhu was severely wounded with one move, and then he was hung on the mountain gate by the other party." The guard said in a low voice.

Hearing this, the audience was stunned.

what's the situation?

Chu Yunhu lost?

Was it still hung at the mountain gate?

"Sect Master, that kid is bullying too much, I'll fight him." Chu Shuihu said angrily.

"That kid severely wounded Yunhu with one move, and his strength may have reached the sixth level." At this moment, Chu Haihu stopped Chu Shuihu and said in a deep voice.

"Haihu is right." Chu Qingde nodded, "Go, teach that kid a lesson."

When Chu Haihu went, Chu Tianhu and the other four tigers also followed.

mountain gate.

Ever since Zhao Yang defeated Chu Yunhu with one move, both the monks who signed up at the foot of the mountain and the guards of the Chu family at the gate of the mountain were all shocked.

Because Zhao Yang doesn't look like a master no matter where he looks.

"You are so courageous that you dare to challenge our Trumen?" Chu Haihu said while looking at Zhao Yang coldly when he came to the gate of the mountain.

"Which one are you?" Zhao Yang looked at the bearded Chu Haihu and asked.

"Chu Haihu."

"I won't fight with you." Chu Haihu didn't expect

Surprisingly, Zhao Yang directly refused.

"Are you afraid?"

"I heard that your Trumen are known as the Three Dragons and the Six Tigers. I just defeated Chu Yunhu, so it's time to fight Chu Shuihu." Zhao Yang looked at the four figures behind him, "You guys Who is Chu Shuihu, stand up and don't be a coward."

Chu Shuihu was stimulated by Zhao Yang's words, and he didn't care whether he was Zhao Yang's opponent or not.

He rushed out, "Come on."

"Wait." Zhao Yang stretched out his hand to stop it.

"what happened?"

"Let's make it clear before the fight, if I beat you, I will hang you on the mountain gate."

"What if you lose?"

"If I lose, you can also hang me on the mountain gate for as many days as you like." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"It's a word."


Zhao Yang regretted killing Chu Yunhu just now, because according to his plan, he would kill all three dragons and six tigers.

Sure enough, the Chu family dispatched Chu Haihu, who was ranked second.

Therefore, when fighting Chu Shuihu, Zhao Yang only used part of his strength, and he only severely injured him after fighting Chu Shuihu ten times.

And when Zhao Yang carried Chu Shuihu and walked towards the mountain gate, Chu Haihu said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

"We made an agreement before the battle. Whoever loses will hang on the mountain gate. Of course you

If the Trumen don't keep their promises, just pretend I didn't say anything. " Zhao Yang shrugged.

Angry flames burst out of Chu Haihu's eyes, "I hope you don't meet me later, or I will smash your bones one by one."

"I'll wait." Zhao Yang said and hung Chu Shuihu on the mountain gate.

Chu Yunhu looked at the miserable Chu Yunhu and grinned, "I suddenly feel that I am not so ashamed."

"Get lost." Chu Shuihu cursed angrily.

Next to challenge Zhao Yang was Chu Shanhu.

It took Zhao Yang fifteen moves this time to injure him severely.

Then came Chu Linhu, and then Chu Haihu.

Chu Haihu glanced at the hanging four brothers, and looked at Zhao Yang with ferocious eyes.

"I'll let you understand what it means that Truman can't be bullied?"

Zhao Yang grinned, "I hope you can still say that later."

In a bamboo forest in Trumen.

A woman with gorgeous hair was drinking when suddenly her maid rushed in.

"Miss, a young man came down from the mountain. He defeated Chu Yunhu, Chu Shuihu, Chu Shanhu, and Chu Linhu successively, and then hung them on the mountain gate."

The Huafa woman was startled when she heard this, and then she picked up the wine pot and poured it into her mouth.

"It's true that people in the world prefer wine, and they float up into the sky after being drunk. It's useless to search for everything, but only one drunk can solve a thousand worries." Two lines of tears fell on her face as she spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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