Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2020 Qiu Minghui

"It is said that there are three major sects and ten academies in Tianfengyu, among which Qingyun Sect is one of the three major sects." Zhao Yingzi said softly.

"Han Jiaren is also a disciple of the Sixth Elder of the Holy Light Academy. The Qingyun Sect's young master treats the Han family like this. Could it be that the Holy Light Academy pretends to be deaf and dumb?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

If the Holy Light Academy does not stand up for its students, who will join the Holy Light Academy in the future?

"The suzerain of Qingyun sect has broken through to the second level of the creation realm, and I am no match." At this time, the dean of the Holy Light Academy who was sitting in the distance said helplessly.

"The top ten academies are united. If you join forces with those three, aren't you still the opponent of Sect Master Qingyun?" Zhao Yang asked, pointing to the dean of Yunguang Academy.

The dean of the Holy Light Academy opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Go back and tell your lady that we will go to the Han's house tomorrow." At this moment, Lin Caihan stepped forward to help Qiu Minghui, "Let's not talk about the Qingyun sect, even if the three major sects come together, they can't be in the Han's house." What kind of waves are turning up?"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you." Qiu Minghui said quickly.

"Come have a glass of water and wine." Lin Caihan led Qiu Minghui to a seat, which made Qiu Minghui a little panicked.

Because this table is full of prominent figures.

And she was just a maid.

But she was arranged by Lin Caihan, so no one dared to say anything?

During the dinner, Lin Caihan kept picking up food for Qiu Minghui, and even chatted with her warmly, which gradually calmed down her nervous heart.

"What state are you in now?"

"The ninth level of Soul Refining Realm." Qiu Minghui replied softly.

"How far can we go?"

"Ten weights are fine." Qiu Minghui's answer made the dean of Shengguang Academy and others change their eyes.

What does tenfold mean?

It means that Qiu Minghui will be able to reach the first level of the realm of creation in the future.

After Qiu Minghui said this, she realized that she shouldn't have said this.

Because she exposed.

Lin Caihan sensed something sensitively, and she summoned a war puppet, "This is a war puppet at the first level of creation, it will protect your safety. Of course, if this war puppet can't protect you, you can come to the Zhao family for help at any time .”

The monks present were all stunned.

Lin Caihan was also too generous, even giving Qiu Minghui a battle puppet of the first level of creation.

This battle puppet was not refined by Lin Caihan, after all, her current cultivation is still in the Void Realm?

This is what she took from Chunchun's treasury. One-third of Chunchun's treasury was emptied. Can you imagine how much she took?

Everyone looked at Qiu Minghui enviously.

Qiu Minghui was also very excited.

"Miss Lin, this gift is too precious." But Qiu Minghui still refused.

"Just now I

Husband told me about the matter between you and her, and speaking of it, I would also like to thank you for helping him when he was dying. Lin Caihan said with a slight smile, "You must not be polite." "

What is Qiu Minghui still waiting to say? Lin Caihan handed Qiu Minghui another jade bottle, "In the bottle is the twelfth grade elixir of the Soul Refining Realm. Remember, this is for you, not for others."

"Miss Lin." Qiu Minghui was moved.


Because if she takes this elixir, she will be able to become the second heaven of creation in the future!

Doesn't this surpass Han Jiaren?

"If you treat me as a friend, accept me."

Lin Caihan said it for this sake, how could Qiu Minghui not accept it?

"Thank you."

"You put the war puppet into your small world, and then we drink." Lin Caihan immediately changed the subject.

After the banquet, Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan went to Zhao Cuishan's study.

In the study, Zhao Yingzi asked, "How long are you going to stay at home this time?"

"About a year." Zhao Yang looked at Zhao Cuishan and said, "What is your position on the Zhao family?"

"My positioning for the Zhao family is a family with three sects and ten colleges." Zhao Cuishan was silent for a while before expressing his ambitions.

"Is the City of Light ready to expand?"


"Don't you think the City of Light is too small?"


If the city is expanded, the Zhao family will also have to expand. "

"Let's expand it." Zhao Yang said and threw a universe bag to Zhao Cuishan.

Zhao Cuishan was startled when he saw the origin stone in the Qiankun bag, "The origin stone you gave me?"


"One billion?"


"There are very few origin stones in the entire Tianfeng domain." Zhao Cuishan said in a deep voice, "I remember that one origin stone can be exchanged for [-] million virtual stones."

"In this case..." Zhao Yingzi no longer knew how to calculate?

"Looking at it this way, the origin stone doesn't circulate very much in the Tianfeng domain?" Zhao Yang said so and threw a universe bag to Zhao Cuishan, "The universe bag contains 100 billion imaginary stones, let's expand the city of light from now on. Don't be stingy with virtual stones."

"Okay, I will arrange personnel later." Zhao Cuishan nodded.

"I will order the twelve zodiac signs to help the City of Light to build a large formation to protect the mountain. As for the expanded Zhao family's large formation to protect the mountain, I will personally build it." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Of course I will also promote the Zhao family members this year. Cultivation."

Zhao Yang summoned nine battle puppets with a wave of his hand, "Two of the fifth rank, three of the fourth rank, and four of the third rank."

Hearing this, the faces of Zhao Cuishan and Zhao Yingzi all changed.

They didn't expect Zhao Yang to give them such a powerful hole card?

Immediately, Zhao Yang handed Zhao Cuishan another Qiankun bag, "In the Qiankun bag, there is a fifth-grade one and a fourth-grade one."

, one of the third rank, two of the second rank, two of the first rank, five of the ninth rank of the Void Realm, and ten of the eighth rank. "

"If you are in the Tianfeng domain, I suggest not to use the warships in the realm of creation, it's too ostentatious."

"I'll take these as my cards," Zhao Cuishan said in a deep voice.

Zhao Yang then handed Zhao Cuishan a token, "If you encounter troubles that cannot be solved in the future, you can go to the Pure Realm Tianmingzong for help." While speaking, Zhao Yang also handed Zhao Yingzi a token, "You can also take it. "

Han family!

The Han family looked very sad at this time.

Originally, the Han family could become the top family in the City of Light as long as they follow the steps.

But who would have thought that the Han family was kicked out of the City of Light by the Zhao family. Fortunately, Zhao Yang did not treat the Han family badly, and they spent a lot of money to buy the Han family's property.

The Han family and many families who were driven away by the Zhao family joined forces to build a city near the City of Light.

Just when the Han family was looking forward to becoming bigger and stronger in this city, who would have thought that Han Jiaren would be taken by the young master of Qingyun Sect.

It would be fine if Ming Media was marrying him, but the problem was that he asked Han Jiaren to be his concubine.

As soon as Han Jiaren refused, he killed Han Jiaren's father, Han Huogang, and before leaving, he put down his words and said that he would marry Han Jiaren tomorrow.

Han Jiaren was already crying tears in the mourning hall.

She is desperate.

She doesn't know what to do?

(End of this chapter)

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