Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2019 Qingyunzong

The audience was in an uproar!

What did Zhao Yang say?

Can Zhao Cuishan push the entire Tianfeng Region horizontally?

They instinctively disbelieve.

The question is, is it necessary for Zhao Yang to lie?

Doesn't he know what it means to say this?

"Mozart, your grandson Mo Pingbai has survived all his life and is the first level of creation. Do you know how far my sister will reach in the future?" Zhao Yang said, his eyes fell on Mozart.

"What realm?"

"Three heavens." Zhao Yang stretched out three fingers.

"Three heavens?" Mozart's pupils shrank severely.

The people present were even more astonished.

Only then did they understand why Zhao Cuishan did not agree to this marriage and why Zhao Yingzi looked down on Mo Pingbai?

The two sides are not on the same level at all, okay?

"This time I will help you raise your cultivation level to the level of creation when I come back this time. If you encounter such a situation in the future, you can do it yourself." Zhao Yang continued, "There is no need to have any scruples, even if you mess up Tianfengyu I have the ability to clean up the mess for you."

"Hee hee, this is my real brother." Zhao Yingzi said with a smile.

At this moment, Qin Qing, Mu Yu, and Yun Shuiyao walked over.

"Do you remember me?" Qin Qing greeted Zhao Yang generously.

It's just that the fire in her eyes betrayed her pretentious dignity.

"I don't remember." Zhao Yang glanced at Qin Qing,

Then he waved towards the distance, and then Lin Caihan came out from the dark.

Lin Caihan's appearance overshadowed all the girls present.

She is like a peony among a hundred flowers, dazzling and bright.

Even though all the eyes of the audience were on her, her expression was still composed and confident.

"Good temper."

"Her identity is definitely not simple."

"Compared with her, Qin Qing and other women seem too petty."

Lin Caihan came to Zhao Yingzi alone, "Caihan has met my sister."

"You are Caihan?" Zhao Yingzi was startled.

She knew Lin Caihan.

But isn't Lin Caihan dead?

"My wife Lin Caihan." Zhao Yang formally introduced.

Hearing this, the eyes of Qin Qing and the others dimmed.


Zhao Yang actually married a wife?

"I regret it a bit." Qin Qing said leisurely.

"If I hadn't put on airs when Yingzi introduced it, would it be me standing beside Zhao Yang now?" Mu Yu said with a wry smile.

"I didn't put on airs at the time, but I still missed it." Yun Shui Yao sighed softly, "In the final analysis, I still didn't like it."

At that time, Yun Shui Yao had the best chance, but she still couldn't let go of her airs.

Zhao Cuishan got up in a hurry.

He thought for a while and handed a key to Lin Caihan.

"Caihan, I didn't prepare anything, it's from the treasury

Key, you can go to the treasury to have a look later, and move what you like directly. " Zhao Cuishan said very seriously.

Lin Caihan didn't refuse, and took it directly.

She knew that this was Zhao Cuishan's wish, and it would be bad if she refused.

Then Zhao Cuishan announced the banquet.

During the banquet, the Zhao family's children exchanged cups and cups, which was very lively.

Qin Qing, Mu Yu, and Yun Shuiyao also came to toast, Zhao Yang said a few perfunctory words, but stopped talking.

This makes the three women very disappointed.

"Zhao Yang, do you still remember Han Jiaren?" Mu Yu said suddenly.

Mu Yu's words made Zhao Yingzi's face darken.

"Mu Yu, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Just now Zhao Yingzi told everyone in the Zhao family not to mention Han Jiaren's name?

But what she didn't expect was that Mu Yu brought it up.

Isn't this embarrassing Lin Caihan?

"Sorry, look at my brain." Mu Yu said hastily.

Her face was full of remorse.

"Who is Han Jiaren?" Lin Caihan put down her glass and asked with a smile.

Mu Yu suddenly realized that Lin Caihan had taken the bait.

But her face was full of embarrassment, " fact, Han Jiaren and Zhao Yang are ordinary friends."

How dare she continue talking, the way Zhao Yingzi looked at her was about to kill her.

But she knew she had achieved her goal.

"If it is an ordinary friend, why do you want to emphasize

come out? "Lin Caihan shook her head lightly.

All the monks in the audience fell silent.

Everyone felt a stormy atmosphere.

Zhao Long and other Zhao's disciples looked at Mu Yu unkindly, they wished they could tear Mu Yu into pieces.

Zhao Long and the others respected Zhao Yang very much, because Zhao Yang taught them exercises, improved their origin, and gave the Zhao family an unprecedented status.

But now Mu Yu is targeting Zhao Yang, how can they not be angry?

"Caihan, don't listen to Muyu's nonsense, my brother has nothing to do with Han Jiaren?" Zhao Yingzi said softly with a smile on her face.

"I know, I'm just curious."

But obviously Zhao Yingzi didn't believe Lin Caihan's words.

"Han Jiaren used to be my fiancée." Zhao Yang said at this time.

Zhao Yingzi's expression changed involuntarily, she didn't expect Zhao Yang to admit it.

Everyone in the Zhao family also looked very nervous, they were worried that Lin Caihan would lose his temper.

"You don't seem to have told me that there is someone like Han Jiaren before?" Lin Caihan's eyes fell on Zhao Yang.


Can Lin Caihan not be angry with this word?

You must know that even Mingyue and Tang Yiren did not touch the bottom line of a wife when they were in the heavens and worlds.

"Actually, she is not my fiancée either." Zhao Yang said again.

Lin Caihan's eyes flashed.

She understood that Zhao Yang was emphasizing Han Jiaren

It was Zhao Yang's fiancée before, and she had nothing to do with him.

"That's it." Lin Caihan said with some embarrassment, "I blamed you."

Everyone was a little confused.

But Zhao Yingzi and the others understood.

It seemed that Zhao Yang was not the same Zhao Yang as before.

Just when everyone thought this matter was going to be exposed, a woman ran over crying from a distance.

And when Zhao Yingzi saw that girl, her scalp felt numb.

She realized it was broken.

She winked at Zhao Long.

When Zhao Long was about to go to intercept it, the girl seemed to have a feeling, "Mr. Zhao, please save my young lady."

Zhao Yang followed the voice and looked over.

Qiu Minghui!

Han Jiaren's maid.

How did she come?

Zhao Long couldn't help looking at Zhao Yingzi.

Zhao Yingzi sighed softly, she knew that there was no way to stop him now, so she shook her head slightly towards Zhao Long.

Qiu Minghui saw that no one was blocking her, so she rushed to Zhao Yang, and knelt down with a plop.

"Master Zhao, my young lady was favored by the young lord of Qingyun Sect, but my young lady refused to follow. As a result, he frantically killed my young lady's father, and put down the words to ask my young lady to prepare her wedding dress tomorrow. If she refuses to obey, he will kill her." miss the whole family." At the end, Qiu Minghui broke down in tears.

"Qing Yunzong?" Zhao Yang frowned.

(End of this chapter)

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