Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2010 Teach Xiaoyuan

The supervisor's eyes became charming when he heard this.

"As long as you don't kill me, you can ask me to do anything."

Zhao Yang waved his domineering power of space and annihilated her directly.

There are also strong and weak spatial environments, and Zhao Yang belongs to the top.

"Thank you." Xiao Yuan looked at Zhao Yang with gratitude on his face.

She knew very well that if it wasn't for Zhao Yang, she would have died here [-]%.

"It's polite to say this, what are you going to do next?"

"I'm worried that the Treasure Pavilion will investigate me." Xiaoyuan pondered for a while before saying, "I want to become stronger."

"Yes." Zhao Yang nodded, "I will make you a strong man in a short time."

"Thank you."

"You said thank you again."

"But I'm not her after all."

"Everyone in the dimension I'm in is dead, and you are her in my heart."

Xiao Yuan watched Zhao Yang, who looked sad, feel the softness in his heart being touched.

"everything will get better."


After a while, Xiao Yuan took Zhao Yang to her home.

Their family lives in the slums of this city.

"Xiao Yuan, this is...?" When Xiao Yuan's mother saw Zhao Yang, she thought Zhao Yang was Xiao Yuan's boyfriend.

"Mother, he is my friend." Xiao Yuan introduced softly.

"Please come in." Xiaoyuan's mother said quickly.

Xiaoyuan's father

With a cold face.

After arriving in the living room, Xiao Yuan's father asked, "Which family do you come from in Tianming City?"

If Xiaoyuan's father would not be so picky before, but after learning that his daughter has earned [-] million, he thinks that their identities are different from before, and Xiaoyuan has to find someone from the right family.

Rather than market children.

"I'm from Outland."

"Which domain?"

"Tianfeng domain."

"Tianfeng domain? That domain doesn't seem to be doing well, right?" Xiao Yuan's father said uncertainly.

"That domain is rubbish. I heard that the strongest is only the first layer of the Creation Realm." At this time, a young man said with a look of disgust.

"You and my daughter are not suitable." After hearing his son's affirmation, Xiaoyuan's father said without thinking.

"Father, what are you talking about?" Xiao Yuan said speechlessly, "He is my friend, not my boyfriend."

"Didn't you bring him here to meet the parents?" How could Xiaoyuan's father believe it?

You must know that Xiaoyuan has not brought other boys to the house these years.

"Just now I was on the way to receive my salary, and the supervisor used the technique of space to rob me. If Mr. Zhao hadn't helped me, my blood would already be spattered on the spot." Xiao Yuan said softly.

Xiao Yuan's father immediately became nervous when he heard this, "Are you okay?"

"Are not you just saw it?"

"That... Mr. Zhao, our family doesn't need you now, you can leave

. "Xiaoyuan's father immediately issued an order to evict the guest.

"How can we treat Xiao Yuan's savior like this?" Xiao Yuan's mother couldn't stand it.

"Shut up." Xiaoyuan's father yelled at Xiaoyuan's mother, then looked at Zhao Yang with a smile on his face and said, "There are still some things in our family, look...?"

"Father, do you know that Mr. Zhao is the big customer who bought the third-rank warship?" Xiao Yuan said, looking at his father helplessly.

How could she not see that her father was worried that Zhao Yang would snatch the [-] million?

Xiao Yuan's father was very embarrassed, "You girl, why didn't you say it earlier?"

"Did you give me a chance?"

Xiao Yuan's father immediately warmed up to Zhao Yang, "Young Master Zhao, please sit down. Xiao Mo, go and pour some tea."

Xiao Mo is Xiao Yuan's younger brother, and his attitude towards Zhao Yang improved after he learned that Zhao Yang was a big client.

"Master Zhao, wait a moment."

"No need." Zhao Yang said lightly, "I'm here to help you move this time. I killed the director of the Treasure Pavilion, and the Treasure Pavilion may implicate you."

"Young Master Zhao, you killed the director of the Treasure Pavilion. The Treasure Pavilion is really going to investigate. You have to stand up and admit it. Don't implicate us." Xiaoyuan's father's face suddenly changed.

"Father, what are you talking about? Mr. Zhao is here to save me." Xiao Yuan said unhappily.

"Xiao Yuan, Treasure Pavilion is a colossal monster, how can our small family afford to provoke it?"

? "Xiaoyuan's father said solemnly.

"I'll take care of the Treasure Pavilion. In fact, the main reason why I asked you to move is because Xiaoyuan knows a lot about the [-] million imaginary stones. It's inevitable that some monks will attack you at that time." Zhao Yang can understand Xiaoyuan. source of father's concern.

Zhao Yang notices that Xiaoyuan's father is the fifth level of the virtual world, Xiao Yuan's mother is the fourth level of the virtual world, and Xiao Yuan's younger brother is the third level of the virtual world.

Xiao Yuan is also the third level of the Void Realm.

How can this level of cultivation be able to compete against such a giant as the Treasure Pavilion?

"If that's the case, we can rest assured." Xiaoyuan's father told the family to pack up their things.

In fact, there are not many things to clean up at home, and it will be almost done in less than half an hour.

They came down to a courtyard led by Zhao Yang. This courtyard covers an area of ​​more than 1000 square meters. Xiaoyuan and his family were very satisfied after shopping around. Surprised.

"Why is it so expensive?" Xiao Yuan's father asked hastily.

"First, the environment of this community is good, and the spiritual power of heaven and earth is even stronger; second, the security force in the community is very strong, and no bad incidents have occurred so far." The staff who sold the house introduced.

Zhao Yang handed the staff a universe bag, "We bought it."

The staff said happily, "I'll get the contract."

Xiao Yuan's father saw Zhao Yang

It's not too expensive to pay.

After the two parties signed the contract, Xiaoyuan gave his father 1000 million yuan and asked them to purchase some daily necessities in the next few days.

"This is for you." Zhao Yang handed four scrolls to Xiao Yuan's family.

"These are the formation scrolls that I refined. They can protect you from time to time, so remember to carry them close to your body." Zhao Yang introduced, "Of course in special circumstances, you just need to open the scrolls."

"What level is this scroll?" Xiao Yuan asked softly.

"Theoretically, it doesn't matter as long as you don't encounter the realm of creation." Zhao Yang warned here, "Remember, this is your hole card, not your capital to show off."

Xiaoyuan's father and others quickly said yes.

Zhao Yang summoned the dragon of the Chinese zodiac before leaving.

"You arrange a large guard formation around this courtyard."

"Obey." Zodiac Dragon said respectfully.

Then Zhao Yang took Xiao Yuan to the battleship.

"Next, I will teach you the exquisite Taoism and improve your background, but remember not to spread anything about what you have experienced here, otherwise your family will be wiped out." Zhao Yang said solemnly.

"I know." Xiao Yuan nodded heavily.

Xiao Yuan soon knew why Zhao Yang looked so solemn.

Hourglass of time.

Compared with the outside world, the time flow rate of today's time hourglass has reached two years and three months.

(End of this chapter)

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