Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2009 How Do You Want To Die

"Just now I was joking with you, you take back these origin stones." The young man was about to hand the Qiankun bag to Zhao Yang.

But Zhao Yang handed him another universe bag, "I forgot to give you this."

The young man's divine sense swept over him, and he was in a bad mood.

What's in the Cosmos Bag?

The battleship of the third heaven of the realm of creation!

You must know that they are only monks from the seventh heaven of the virtual realm, and they have no power to fight back against the warships from the third heaven of the creation realm.

"Brother, we were really joking just now." The young man was about to cry.

Several other youths also saw the third-rank battleship in the Qiankun bag, and they immediately realized that they had kicked an iron plate.

But just when they were about to turn around and leave, they found that twelve figures appeared around them at some unknown time.

These twelve figures surrounded them, and the aura flowing from them made their faces change drastically.

"Rat, cow, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken, dog, pig."


" have reached the Zodiac Realm in the sixth heaven of the Void Realm?"

What does it mean to go to the zodiac?

Realized that Zhao Yang would be able to reach the eighth heaven of creation in the future.

The sixth heaven is the Dao Transformation Realm.

Once you reach the Zodiac Realm, you can summon the Zodiac.

The combat power of the twelve zodiac signs is equivalent to one-fifth of the deity.

You can see it from here

The dominance of the birth environment.

"Kill it." Zhao Yang's eyes turned cold.

"Wait..." The young man was still waiting to say something, but unfortunately the Chinese zodiac didn't give him a chance to speak.

Zodiac made a lightning strike, and the group of guys were mercilessly killed without even reacting.

Zodiac quickly erased all traces after killing them.

Then they disappeared.

"As expected of the Chinese zodiac." Huang Chengzi said with bright eyes.

Huang Chengzi only reached the hall level in the Dao Transformation level.

It's a pity that I couldn't set foot in the Zodiac Realm.

That is to say, if there are no accidents in the future, Huang Chengzi can only go to the seventh heaven of the realm of creation.

If she gets a heaven-defying chance in the future and reaches the eighth heaven of creation, she will not be able to summon the twelve zodiac signs.

"Let's continue shopping." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

From Zhao Yang's point of view, this was just an episode. What he didn't know was that the young man had a background here.

Qingfeng Pavilion!

Qingfeng Pavilion still has a certain background in Tianming City, because the owner of Qingfeng Pavilion is a strong man in the Ninth Heaven of Void Realm.

There are five great elders under her command, and these five great elders are all from the eighth heaven of the Void Realm.

This force is mainly based on alchemy, so most of the forces give three points.

Just now Qing Ping, the owner of the Qingfeng Pavilion, discovered that his younger brother's soul lamp had gone out.

What does it mean that the soul lamp goes out?

How does she not know?

"Who is it?" A ferocious killing intent flowed from Qingping's body.

She immediately summoned the intelligence personnel from Qingfeng Pavilion.

"Use all the intelligence personnel to find the murderer who killed my brother at all costs."

There are not many intelligence personnel in Qingfeng Pavilion, but they are rich.

After consuming a lot of imaginary stones, clues were quickly found.

But when I actually tracked it down, I found that nothing happened. Obviously, the other party erased all the traces along the way.

Treasure Pavilion!

Xiaoyuan is very happy today.

Because today is her paycheck day.

With the last commission, she can get [-] million imaginary stones.

Three hundred million imaginary stones!

"Xiao Yuan, congratulations." The shopkeeper said with a smile after sending Xiao Yuan's salary.

"It's all the favor of the shopkeeper." Xiao Yuan said flatteringly.

"It's not your efforts." The shopkeeper said with a smile, "Everyone should learn from Xiaoyuan."

Everyone looked at Xiao Yuan one after another.

The looks in their eyes were different, some were sincerely happy, but most of them were jealous.

"Xiao Yuan, please take leave and go home." At this moment, a young girl's sound transmission sounded in Xiao Yuan's ear.


"Three hundred million imaginary stones are too ostentatious, I'm worried that someone will plot against you."

"This...isn't it?" Xiao Yuan said with some uncertainty


"Three years ago, a girl named Xiao Zi got a salary of [-] million yuan, but she was found dead in a ditch the next day."

Xiao Yuan was startled when he heard this.

"This amount of money is too much, we will move after we go back, don't stay where we are," the girl continued.

"Okay, I'm going home first." Xiao Yuan said decisively.

She didn't even bother to ask for leave.

It's just that when she was leaving, the supervisor looked at her back with a look of sarcasm in his eyes.

Want to run?

You have to have a chance too!

Xiao Yuan suddenly stopped running, because she realized that she was doing useless work.

She has been walking in place.

Space environment!

Xiaoyuan realized that the master of the space realm had made a move.

"Who?" Xiao Yuan asked, looking around vigilantly.

"Me." The figure of the supervisor appeared in front of her while speaking.

"what are you going to do?"

"What do you think?" The supervisor looked at Xiao Yuan with a smile.

Xiao Yuan crushed the jade talisman that Zhao Yang gave her indiscriminately.

To be honest, she didn't know if it was useful?

After all, the space here has been sealed.

"Please explain to the supervisor." Xiao Yuan was delaying time.

"If it's a commission of tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands, you can take it if you say so, but you dare to take a commission of hundreds of millions? Xiaoyuan, this is your way of death." The supervisor looked at him helplessly.

Xiao Yuan said.

"Director, if you want a void stone, I'll give it to you, but can you not kill me?" Xiao Yuan said hastily.

"If you don't kill you, what should you do if you talk nonsense, then Treasure Pavilion will not forgive me." The supervisor shook his head.

"Did you kill Xiao Zi?" Xiao Yuan saw the killing intent in the supervisor's eyes and changed the subject.

"That's right, she is as ignorant of current affairs as you are, so let me kill her."

"Isn't the Treasure Pavilion investigating?"

"Do you think the shopkeeper of Treasure Pavilion cares about your life?" The supervisor laughed loudly, "In his heart, you are just dispensable."

Xiao Yuan fell silent.

"Okay, it's time to send you on your way." Just now when the supervisor said this, she suddenly found that her space was broken, and then a figure quietly appeared beside Xiao Yuan, and at the same time, there was a more stable space around her. force.

"" The supervisor looked at Zhao Yang and his face became ugly.

"You said you were so beautiful, why did you engage in the business of killing people and stealing goods?" Zhao Yang said involuntarily.

"Is it useful to be beautiful without strength?" The supervisor said with a wry smile, "Do you know what I have paid for being this supervisor?"

"I don't want to know what you paid for? But no one is forcing you to kill and steal. Maybe you were once a dragon slayer, but it doesn't matter anymore." Zhao Yang said calmly, "Tell me, how do you want to die? "

(End of this chapter)

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