Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2001 Avenue Crystal Stone

"Han Jiaren, if you have this ability, then the three-year agreement can end early." Zhao Yang looked at Han Jiaren indifferently.

"It's true that my four-element holy beast can't do anything to you, but your four-element holy beast can't do anything to me either." Han Jiaren sneered, "The most we can draw is."

"Tie?" Zhao Yang took a step forward at this point.


The power of the four sacred beasts around Zhao Yang surged instantly, and they rushed towards Han Jiaren with devastating power.

Han Jiaren's side was mercilessly destroyed without even taking a breath.

The four holy beasts were annihilated one by one, and she herself fell heavily.

Zhao Yang stood in the air and watched coldly.


Han Jiaren fell to the ground hard, and the violent collision caused her to spurt a mouthful of blood.

She looked at Zhao Yang in shock, her face full of disbelief.


One must know that Han Jiaren's cultivation technique is at the creation level.

How could Zhao Yang defeat her in the same rank?

Zhao Yang walked up to Han Jiaren step by step from mid-air, and then took out a marriage contract. He raised the marriage contract, "Han Jiaren, this is a marriage contract that the two families had made. Three years ago, you went to the Zhao family to ask Retiring the engagement, completely disregarding the face of the Zhao family. Today I burned this marriage contract in front of everyone." When the voice fell, the marriage contract was ignited.


Beauty, from today on, you and I will never have any relationship, you take your Yangguan way, and I take my single-plank bridge. "

Han Jiaren's eyes dimmed.

"I don't understand why you have to endure all these years? I don't believe you will rise to where you are today in three years?" Han Jiaren stared at Zhao Yang and asked in a deep voice.

She wants to know the answer.

"Want to know?" Zhao Yang looked at Han Jiaren playfully.

Han Jiaren's eyes suddenly showed interest.

"But why should I tell you?" Zhao Yang's next sentence made Han Jia so angry that his silver teeth were about to gnaw.

Who is she?

The goddess of the Holy Light Academy.

A student of the Sixth Elder.

Who in the entire academy doesn't give her a three-pointer?

"This is for you." Zhao Yang threw a stone at Han Jiaren.

Han Jiaren stared blankly at the stone in front of her and asked, "What is this?"

"The crystal of the Dao, this is the crystal of the legendary Dao." At this time, the Sixth Elder exclaimed.

She jumped down in the air.

She looked at the avenue crystal and was completely speechless in shock.

"Teacher, what is the Dao Crystal?"

"If your cultivation can reach the Nine Palaces Realm, then you can step into the Ten Directions Realm by taking a Dao Crystal." The words of the Sixth Elder caused an uproar in the audience.

The eyes of the students of the elders all brightened up when they looked at the Dao Crystal.


Palace? "Han Jiaren was also frightened by this word.

Because Han Jiaren's upper limit is only Liuhe Realm.

In other words, it is useless for her to give this avenue spar.

"Wouldn't it be useless to miss if you say that?" Qiu Minghui suddenly felt a little pity.

"This avenue crystal can upgrade two people from the Octagonal Realm to the Nine Palace Realm, four people from the Seven-Star Realm to the Eight-Direction Realm, and eight people from the Six-Head Realm to the Seven-Star Realm." Zhao Yang's voice was between heaven and earth. It rang, "Han Jiaren, your celestial being is the Liuhe realm, and this Dao crystal can support you to the Nine Palaces realm."

A look of shock appeared on Han Jiaren's face, "Why did you help me when I treated you so well back then?"

"Because you gave me a Sky Profound Pill when you went to the Zhao family."

"But you didn't ask for it." Han Jiaren emphasized.

"Whether I want it or not is my business, but you gave it at the beginning." Zhao Yang said lightly.

After being silent for a while, Han Jiaren threw the Dao Crystal to Zhao Yang, "Zhao Yang, you said just now that there is no relationship between you and me, so I can no longer ask for your things. I, Han Jiaren, have my own dignity."

"Beautiful woman." The Sixth Elder became anxious immediately.

What a great opportunity this is.

How could Han Jiaren give up?

"Do you know what kind of opportunity you gave up?" Zhao Yang said softly, "In the future, you can become a member of the Fourth Heaven of Creation Realm."

Existence, even if it is not good enough for the third heaven, it is still no problem, you will become No.1 in the Tianfeng domain. "

"No.1 in Tianfengyu? Are you ignoring yourself?" Han Jiaren laughed.

"Tianfengyu is just my foothold. I never thought of staying in Tianfengyu for too long." Zhao Yang said frankly.

Zhao Yang's words touched Han Jiaren.

"What kind of person are you?" Han Jiaren asked, staring at Zhao Yang.

"You don't need to know about this." After Zhao Yang finished speaking, he turned and walked towards the distance.

As a result, he was stopped by a young man before he left.

"Zhao Yang, give me one Dao Crystal."

Zhao Yang's eyes narrowed involuntarily, "Why?"

"I am Su Guosheng, a student of the Third Elder, and of course your senior. You give me a Dao Crystal, and I will protect you in the academy." Su Guosheng said with a smile, but his eyes were full of threats.

"Get lost." What no one expected was that Zhao Yang said this directly.

Su Guosheng's eyes suddenly became cold.

"Young people these days really don't respect their seniors less and less, anyway, today I will teach you how to respect people in the academy?" Su Guosheng said here that Zhao Yang was immediately imprisoned.

The Dao marks of the Six Paths Dao turned into the Six Paths Order, and Zhao Yang was firmly imprisoned in it.

"Liuhe Realm."

"From southeast to northwest

Down. "

"Zhao Yang has nowhere to escape."

"Even if you have thousands of supernatural powers and mysteries, you will be suppressed in the face of Liuhe."

Just when Su Guosheng thought he had the chance to win, he was shocked to find that his surroundings were also imprisoned.

He can't even stand up.

He was swaying in the void, even though he tried his best to stand still, he still couldn't do it.

Soon his face turned green.

Because everyone is watching.

Embarrassing isn't it?

On the contrary, Zhao Yang stood firmly in mid-air, seemingly unaffected in the slightest.

"Liuhe Realm, you are also Liuhe Realm." Su Guosheng pointed at Zhao Yang with an ugly face, and the next moment he turned upside down and kept turning in circles in the void.

There was a storm in Han Jiaren's heart.

She didn't expect Zhao Yang to reach the sixth level of Ming Dao Realm.

"Miss, why is Mr. Zhao so powerful?" Qiu Minghui asked dumbfounded.

"How would I know?" Han Jiaren asked with a wry smile.

At this moment, Su Guosheng's body stopped spinning suddenly, and at the same time, the power of heaven and earth around him also dissipated, but a young man in white clothes Saixue appeared beside him.

His body exudes calm fluctuations, but it firmly suppresses this world.

"Zhao Yang, Su Guosheng is also your senior after all, are you overstepping the mark by doing this?" the young man in white asked indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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