Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 2000 Defeating Han Jiaren

In fact, there is a higher realm after Shifang, but Tianfengyu has never had this level.

Eleven halls, twelve zodiac signs, thirteen heavenly gangs, and fourteen earth evil spirits.

It is difficult for other monks to improve, but it is nothing to Zhao Yang.

All in one go!


Three talents!

When Zhao Yang stepped into the realm of three talents, there was still more than half a year before the three-year agreement?

"My lord, are you going to compete with Han Jiaren?" Huang Chengzi asked curiously.

"It's better to reach the agreed date." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"I strive to reach the state of three talents within half a year." Huang Chengzi said with a smile.

Huang Chengzi reached the eleventh level of body refining, so she easily reached the eleventh level of blood refining, and after reaching this level, she took the thirteenth, fifteenth, and seventeenth level of blood refining pills, so She has reached the fourteenth level in the blood refinement realm.

After reaching the fourteenth level of the Blood Refining Realm, she headed towards the Soul Refining Realm.

Now that she has reached the eighth level of Soul Refining Realm, she is confident that in the next six months, her cultivation base will reach the Three Talents Realm or even higher.

Four elephants!

Five Elements!


Zhao Yang took one step at a time.

His steps are steady.

The time spent in each realm is very long, thanks to the help of the time hourglass.

One month before the agreed date, Zhao Yang had already reached the hall level.

Namely Ming Dao Jing No.

Eleven heavy!

"Don't practice anymore, go out for a walk." Zhao Yang said softly after stabilizing this realm.

What Zhao Yang didn't know was that Huang Chengzi couldn't take it anymore.

Now Huang Chengzi has stepped into the realm of three talents as planned.

It's been a year since the two of them hang out at the academy, so they see some new faces in the academy.

"Hey, did you hear that Han Jiaren, the sixth elder's student, has gone mad?"

"Going crazy? What's going on?"

"I heard that Han Jiaren resorted to dangerous tactics in order to break through faster, but in the end she couldn't bear it, and went mad."

"Where is Han Jiaren now?"

"The Sixth Elder hasn't been idle these days, he's been running around all the time, and I don't know if it's useful?"

Zhao Yang heard everyone's discussion, pondered for a while and walked towards Han Jiaren's courtyard.

After arriving in the courtyard, Zhao Yang saw Qiu Minghui packing up her things, but her eyes were red, it seemed that she had just cried.

"Minghui, are you...?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

Qiu Minghui put down the things in her hands when she heard the words, she wiped away her tears and said with sobs, "The Sixth Elder called many alchemists, but unfortunately they were of no avail. A senior alchemist said that the young lady has gone mad, Let's go home."

"Is it useful to go home?"

"Seeing my parents for the last time." Qiu Minghui said bitterly.

"Let me see."

Under the leadership of Qiu Minghui, Zhao Yang came to

into Han Jiaren's room.

There was a faint fragrance of lilies in the room. Han Jiaren looked at Zhao Yang who came in with ferocious eyes. The demon energy around her was constantly lingering, but it was suppressed by a talisman and could not disperse.

"The Sixth Elder has set a seal on the young lady, otherwise the young lady will go crazy and the consequences will be disastrous." Qiu Minghui explained.

Zhao Yang stepped forward to check.

Qiu Minghui showed doubts, could it be that Zhao Yang has a way?

After a while, Zhao Yang formed a magic seal with both hands and dotted it between Han Jiaren's eyebrows. The evil energy on Han Jiaren's body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and her eyes returned to normal in just a few breaths.

"Why are you here?" Han Jiaren looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"Miss, Mr. Zhao saved you." Qiu Minghui said hastily.

"What?" Han Jiaren was stunned.

"Miss, you have lost your temper, and many alchemists are at a loss. If Mr. Zhao hadn't made a move, I would have sent you home to prepare for your funeral." Qiu Minghui said succinctly.

"Many alchemists can't do anything, why can he?" Han Jiaren pointed to Zhao Yang and asked.

Qiu Minghui was startled.


One must know that the six elders invited all high-level alchemists.

Zhao Yang is only at the blood refinement level, and now he is at the soul refinement level at most, so how can he do it?

"Well, you Han Jiaren, my elementary school brother kindly helped you with treatment, but you still have doubts." Huang

Cheng Zi couldn't stand it, "You are such a white-eyed wolf."

Han Jiaren took a step forward, and a majestic soul pressure bloomed between his brows.

But when this coercion was half a meter away from Zhao Yang, he couldn't advance an inch.

A look of astonishment appeared in Han Jiaren's eyes, and then the coercion increased tenfold.

Too bad it's still useless.

Even if Han Jiaren used the pinnacle-level soul coercion, she still couldn't break through the half meter in front of Zhao Yang.

"Impossible." Han Jiaren said at this point that the three Dao marks turned into three horses and slashed towards Zhao Yang.

Ming Dao Realm.

Three talents!

Of course, this is the easiest way to attack in the Trinity Realm.

But not everyone can block the three Dao Marks.

Zhao Yang stood where he was, and four holy beasts appeared around him.

Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu.

The four holy beasts stood in Zhao Yang's four directions and roared.

"Four Elephants Realm." Han Jiaren's face revealed an incredulous expression.

Qiu Minghui was completely dumbfounded.

How can it be?

How could Zhao Yang reach such a level in such a short period of time?

Han Jiaren's three Dao Marks were easily blocked by the protective shield jointly constructed by the Four Great Sacred Beasts.

Han Jiaren's eyes fixed on Zhao Yang, and after a while, she slowly said, "I didn't expect you to be promoted to this level in three years, but do you think you can defeat me by doing this?" The moment the voice fell

Four figures also appeared beside her.

Four Holy Beasts.

The bodies of the four holy beasts directly lifted the roof, and the domineering power diffused towards the surroundings.

"Who's fighting?"

"It seems to be Han Jiaren's courtyard."

"Hasn't Han Jiaren gone mad?"

"Could it be out of control?"

The students in the elder area were the first to arrive.

When these students saw Han Jiaren using the Four Elephant Sacred Beast, they were shocked and speechless.

"Four Symbols Realm."

"When did Han Jiaren reach this level?"

"Wait, who is confronting Han Jiaren?"

"Somewhat familiar."

"Isn't this No. 1 Zhao Yang who was in the blood refinement realm a year ago?"

"It took one year to upgrade from the ninth level of blood refinement to the four phases? Are you sure you're not joking?"

"But how do you explain the situation in front of me? Don't tell me that this guy hid his cultivation a year ago?"

"Secrets cannot be deceived."

As time went by, more and more students came, including roommates such as Qi Weilian.

Seeing this scene, Qi Weilian almost peed in fright.

"The speed of this guy's improvement can be called abnormal." But then he breathed a sigh of relief, because he reached a settlement with Zhao Yang.

Han Jiaren frowned quickly.

Because she found that no matter how she urged the four-element holy beast, it was still difficult to get Zhao Yang's four-element holy beast.

(End of this chapter)

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