Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1967 Active Exposure

All the high-level officials in the heavens looked at Zhao Yang.

They knew that Zhao Yang had the right to make decisions.

"What if other races let you live?" Zhao Yang said after a long silence, "But you dark race are cruel and bloodthirsty, and like to fight, so I'm sorry."

"Have you heard of the law of the dark jungle?" At this time, the old man of the dark race said.

"What do you mean?" Zhao Yang asked puzzled.

"Whether it is the heavens or the Anzu, they are actually different civilizations." The old man said indifferently, "You say that the Anlan civilization is full of invasions, because you have never seen an invading civilization. I don't know how many civilizations they have destroyed over the years. civilization."

After a pause, the old man continued, "We are in different dimensions and different coordinates. In theory, it is difficult to be found. But once someone exposes the target, he will be attacked by a higher civilization."

Speaking of this, the old man pointed to Dalu behind him, "There is an altar there, as long as we light the altar, our coordinates will be revealed. Once we are exposed, it is true that something will happen to the Dark Race, and so will you."

Just when Zhao Yang took action, he seemed to see through something, "To expose the coordinates is not just a way to light the altar."

Zhao Yang didn't dare to move.

"The Dark Clan has already been killed by you and is on the brink of death." The old man said bitterly, "Give us a way to survive."

Zhao Yang fell silent.

"Sister, is what he said true?"

Zhao Yang asked the mysterious girl.

"Really." The mysterious girl replied.

"what should I do?"

"You decide."

Zhao Yang thought for a while, then looked at the old man and said, "We will set up a defense line nearby, and you dark people will not be allowed to set foot in the future."

"The dark race has no ability, and no strength to set foot."

The city lord of the holy city and others were moved.

"Do you really want to agree?" the City Lord of the Holy City said hastily.

"What he said is true." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"How are you sure?" Xiao Yuan asked in surprise.

"It's inconvenient to tell you this, but what he said is the truth." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became serious.

"My suggestion is to build cities around these ten continents, and we will trap the Dark Race in this area." Zhao Yang expressed his opinion.

"At that time, we still need the help of Yanhuangzong." Said the Lord of the Holy City.

"Yanhuangzong will also build a city nearby." Zhao Yang said softly.

Then Zhao Yang used a large number of warships and puppets to besiege the ten continents.

At the same time, the major alliances also built cities one by one around these ten continents with a lot of money.

At this time, Yanhuangzong was a little embarrassed.


Yanhuangzong's resources are almost all used to build warships, war puppets, magic weapons and so on.

Materials are exhausted.


On the way to fight against the Dark Clan, Yanhuangzong took the lead, and did not compete with the soldiers of the major alliances for resources.

Fortunately, Zhao Yang contacted the mysterious girl in time.

The mysterious girl gave Zhao Yang three universe bags.

"There are 300 billion top-quality divine stones in the first universe bag."

"In the second Qiankun bag, there are various array materials, implement materials, and medicinal materials."

"The third Qiankun bag contains various rare materials, such as Enlightenment Stone, Enlightenment Bell, etc."

"I calculated these resources based on the overall planning and calculation of the dark monks killed by the Yanhuangzong soldiers."

Zhao Yang took a glance and found that these resources were much more than ever before.

"Thank you sister."

"Do you know your next path?"

"Also ask my sister to teach me." Zhao Yang said hastily.

"You need to go to a higher level dimension."

"Will I be able to see my sister then?"

"It's impossible for you to see me in a short time."

Zhao Yang's pupils shrank.

The girl's words made him realize that the girl might be in a higher dimension.

"Do you remember what the Son of Darkness said?"


"But I think you still don't understand higher dimensions." The girl said here that Zhao Yang suddenly felt that he was in the boundless world, and suddenly he saw a colorful continent.

On that continent, there are monks flying into the sky and escaping from the ground.

Suddenly Zhao Yang saw a light.

The moment the light fell on that continent, that continent collapsed in an instant, and eventually the entire continent disappeared completely.

Not a single monk escaped.

Zhao Yang even felt that those monks might not know how they died?

He looked along the light, and he saw a figure.

The opponent was standing on a battleship, and that light was his eyes.

He just glanced at that continent, and that extremely gorgeous continent was annihilated.

"The Eye of the Void." The girl said lightly, "There are nine realms in the Void Realm. Generally speaking, only those who are on the seventh level of the Void Realm are qualified to condense the Eyes of the Void. Heaven is weak."

Zhao Yang suddenly panicked.

"What is the so-called becoming a god?" Zhao Yang said with a wry smile.

"Becoming a god is just your understanding. In fact, compared to creatures of more dimensions, you are just ants. No, you are not even ants."

After a while, Zhao Yang found himself back in the real world.

Zhao Yang handed the three universe bags to Lin Caihan, "You can figure it out." Then Zhao Yang went to practice under the sacred tree.

The scene the girl showed him shocked him.

He didn't want God's Domain to suffer such a catastrophe one day.

He is going to get stronger.

Only by becoming stronger can you protect those around you.

Dark Race!

A young man walked towards the altar.

When he was thousands of meters away from the altar, he was scolded.

"Heba, this is not the place for you to come."

The person guarding the altar is an old man who has lived for a long time.

"Clan elders, the older generation accepts the fate of being raised in captivity, I don't accept it." The man called Heba said through gritted teeth.

"But only this kind of blood can be passed on. Sometimes, being alive is more important than anything else." The old man said earnestly.

"I'd rather not live like this." Heba said, glaring at the old man.

"Do you know what will happen once the altar is lit?" the old man said after a while.

"Isn't it just death?"

The old man pondered for a while, turned around and moved away from the altar.

Heba slowly came to the altar, his eyes were burning with flames, "Let me ignite the dark race's last glory."

After the words fell, his whole body was wrapped by his companions, and he stepped into the altar with one step.

Immediately, a scorching light rushed towards Tianyu.

Headquarters of the Yanhuang Sect of the Dark Clan.

Zhao Yang, who was in retreat, suddenly sensed something.

He rushed out of the battleship in a flash.

He looked at the ray of light in the distance.

That ray of light pierced through the universe and rushed towards a higher dimension.

"Damn it." Zhao Yang was furious.

He didn't expect that the Anzu would take the initiative to expose the coordinates, so that the high-dimensional creatures would probably attack.

(End of this chapter)

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