Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1966 Different Dimensions

"It's my fault." What everyone didn't expect was that the City Lord of the Holy City actually said this sentence, "Blame me for not trusting my allies, and blame me for doubting Yan Huangzong's loyalty."

Xiaoyuan was indifferent.

The relationship between Xiaoyuan's guardian alliance and Yanhuangzong is not bad, because the guardian alliance was almost established by Yanhuangzong.

"It's just that I don't know how powerful the real Void Realm is?" Xiao Yuan said after a while, "It's really not possible, we can only fill it with our lives."

"No matter how strong the Void Realm is, there must be a limit. I don't believe in so many taboo peaks. Could it be that he can't help him?" said the old Taoist patriarch in a deep voice.

The headquarters of Yanhuangzong is located in a huge battleship of Forbidden Peak.

When Lin Caihan saw that figure, he knew that the other party had noticed it.

She hurried to Zhao Yang's small world.

Zhao Yang under the sacred tree opened his eyes, his eyes were as dazzling as stars.

"Now my cultivation has approached the limit of the taboo realm. Unfortunately, if I give me a few more days, I will be able to complete it." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

Immediately he stood up.

"But now I have nothing to be afraid of." Zhao Yang stepped out of his own small world when he said this.

He walked towards the figure in the deepest part of the Dark Race.

There is boundless light blooming on his body, like an eternal god.

When two figures are in the deepest part of the Dark Race

During the confrontation, an incomparably manic aura spread in all directions.

At this moment, both the monks of the heavens and the monks of the dark race are paying attention to this scene.

They know very well that this battle determines the direction of the two ethnic groups.

"The heavens shouldn't have given birth to such an amazing and brilliant existence like you." The Son of Darkness stared at Zhao Yang and said, "How many years of luck have we gathered in the dark race to give birth to such a strong man in the void like me. All civilizations in the sky have failed, and this civilization can only decline further."

"Have you heard of the escaped one?" Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Are you the one who escaped?" The Son of Darkness was stunned.

"I don't know if I'm the one who escaped, but I can get to where I am today, not because of the provisions of the heavens." Zhao Yang said slowly.

"I understand." The Son of Darkness looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes and said, "Let's begin."

The atmosphere in the arena suddenly became chilling.


Zhao Yang suddenly felt an inexplicable force enveloping him, and he felt as if he was about to be disintegrated.

He knew it was the power of the void.

Everyone was horrified to see that Zhao Yang's flowing long hair was broken down and turned into crystal light spots.

"not good."

"Zhao Yang doesn't seem to be able to resist the emptiness of the Son of Darkness?"

"How can this be good?"

"It's all our fault. If we don't hold this meeting, we won't

There is no such thing anymore. "

Just when the high-level officials of the heavens looked restless, Zhao Yang's body suddenly filled with the exuberant true meaning of the Dao.

His body temporarily stopped blurring.

"I thought I could resist the power of Xu, but I couldn't do anything about it." Zhao Yang moved when he said this.

The power of nearly a thousand emptinesses turned into a streak and pierced the sky.

Come on, come to the extreme.

But the Son of Darkness still reacted.

He raised his hand to stabilize the space in front of him, the blow that could destroy the world did not even shatter the space in front of him.

"Zhao Yang, thousands of virtual powers are the limit you can condense, right?" The Son of Darkness said with a smile, "But do you know that for the strong in the virtual world, gathering thousands of virtual powers is just a matter of time. matter." He raised his hand to sacrifice Zhao Yang at this point.

This knife condensed thousands of virtual powers.

The moment they were about to fall on Zhao Yang's body, everyone heard the sound of space shattering.

It was Zhao Yang who unknowingly used the power of space.


Two floors!

Three floors!

That knife shattered twelve powers of space.

And the remnant of the knife slashed at Zhao Yang's body, his clothes were torn, and some blood appeared on his chest.

"You have a good understanding of the art of space, but how many times can you block my blows?"

Zhao Yang made a slash.

This knife condensed thousands of virtual powers.

Zhao Yang's big hand scratched towards the void, and a heaven and earth copper furnace filled with monstrous flames appeared in midair.

He carried the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove and threw it at the knife.


The Heaven and Earth Copper Furnace smashed the knife into pieces.

The Dark Son's expression didn't change at all. In his opinion, no matter how strong Zhao Yang was, how strong could he be?

It's just that when Zhao Yang got closer and closer to him with the Heaven and Earth Copper Stove, he couldn't calm down anymore.

With a loud shout, he used the power of Xu to the extreme, and slashed out with an earth-shattering knife.

At the same time, Zhao Yang's Copper Furnace of Heaven and Earth bloomed with even brighter brilliance, illuminating the boundless heaven and earth.

When the two collided together, a terrible shock wave spread towards the surroundings.

The Dark Son staggered back.

But what shocked him was that Zhao Yang did not advance but retreated.

He ignored the blaster and charged in front of him.

"How is it possible?" The Son of Darkness exclaimed.

The next moment he felt himself falling into a strange space.

He looked at Zhao Yang who was close at hand, "Do you think it will be useful if you drag me into the dimension space?"

When he wanted to break out of the space, he was horrified to find that he could not return to the previous space.

"what's the situation?"

"You are no longer in the dark race and the

The space-time dimension of the sky. " Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"Different space-time dimensions?"

"There are infinite time and space dimensions between heaven and earth, and you can also understand it as parallel time and space." Zhao Yang explained, "At this time, you are in parallel time and space."

Hearing this, the Son of Darkness' face changed drastically.

"You take me back."

"It's true that I can't kill you, but I can trap you to death." Zhao Yang said as he disappeared into the distance.

"Don't go." The Son of Darkness was about to go after Zhao Yang, but found that Zhao Yang had disappeared.

When Zhao Yang and the Son of Darkness disappeared at the same time, both the monks of the heavens and the monks of the Dark Race were very disturbed.

Because they all know that the battle between Zhao Yang and the Son of Darkness will determine the direction of the two groups.

But soon Zhao Yang's figure appeared in everyone's eyes.

"Zhao Yang."

"Sect Master Zhao is back."

"Has the Son of Darkness been killed?"

Compared with the joy of the generals and soldiers of the heavens, the monks of the Dark Race are as mournful as concubines.

Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said, "Kill."

At this moment, both the soldiers of the Yanhuangzong and the soldiers of the heavens began to snipe and kill the Anzu.

The Anzu didn't intend to stop them at all.

In less than three days, the Dark Clan was wiped out except for the ten strongest continents.

"We surrender." At this moment, an old man from the Dark Race said loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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