Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1964 Absurd Order

By the end of the second day, the Dark Race had wiped out 650 continents.

"There is not much left in the Three Thousand Continents of the Dark Clan."

"A few more days of fighting, the old enemy of the Anzu, will be completely annihilated by us."

"The next thing we are going to fight is the strong clan, so be careful."

"Actually, many masters from the Anzu Continent have gone to the powerful continent."

"We're going to take it step by step."

"Why haven't you seen Zongzhu Zhao these two days?"

"Really, where did Sect Master Zhao go?"

What they didn't know was that Zhao Yang went to his own small world.

He used the berserk mode of the Time Martial Soul.

"Husband, what are you worried about?" Lin Caihan said in a deep voice.

She didn't expect Zhao Yang to take Duanmu Heart.

"The previous Son of Darkness hasn't done anything yet, so I guess he must be planning something?" Zhao Yang said into Lin Caihan's eyes, "The worst result is that he breaks through."

"You mean he broke through to the Void Realm?" Lin Caihan was surprised.

"It's possible." Zhao Yang nodded, "With my current background, I'm not an opponent of Void Realm, so I need to further improve my background."

"But..." Lin Caihan was about to say something before Zhao Yang interrupted, "This is a battle that affects the fate of the heavens, we cannot fail." After speaking, Zhao Yang took Duanmu's heart.

A day in berserk mode is now equivalent to

the previous three years.

Therefore, Zhao Yang has enough time to improve his background.

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

It took Zhao Yang half a year to wake up this time.

When he woke up, his face was full of bewilderment, and he stared ahead stupidly.

one day.

Two days.

Three days.

It wasn't until half a month later that some color gradually appeared in his eyes.

It took another half a month before he recovered the erased memory.

"Finally back." Zhao Yang said with lingering fear.

"Now your aptitude has reached five hundred." The mysterious girl's voice sounded in his ears.

"Am I the opponent of the previous Son of Darkness?" Zhao Yang asked tentatively.

"What do you think?" the mysterious girl asked lightly.

"Sister said so, he probably broke through to the Void Realm." Zhao Yang said after a moment of pondering, "And the reason why he didn't make a move before is that he just broke through not long ago."

"You are not his opponent yet." The mysterious girl replied after a while, "But your own avenue can defeat him."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang suddenly came to his senses.

"I understand." After breaking through, Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said, "Caihan, order the army of the heavens to slow down the attack."

"Okay." Lin Caihan nodded.

Lin Caihan, who left Zhao Yang's small world, quickly issued an order.

"Tomorrow, the major legions will rest for three days, and will continue to fight in three days."

Lin Caihan's order made many strong people very puzzled.

They have sent messages asking why Lin Caihan is like this?

Lin Caihan just replied to obey the order.

Out of trust in Lin Caihan, the Lord of the Holy City and others had no choice but to order his subordinates to rest.

After resting for three days, the city lord of the Holy City and others found that Lin Caihan's advance speed was obviously slowing down. It was obvious that ten legions could destroy a continent, but Lin Caihan let thirty or more legions go forward.

After fighting like this for three days, only three hundred continents were destroyed.

What made them even more speechless was that Lin Caihan asked them to rest where they were.

The city lord of the holy city and others couldn't sit still, so they went to the alliance headquarters together.

"Now that the morale of the Dark Clan has been dealt a fatal blow, we can clearly take down the Dark Clan in one go, why do you keep delaying the trip?" the old Taoist patriarch asked in a deep voice.

Lin Caihan glanced around the audience and said calmly, "The disciples of Yanhuangzong need to rest."

"Rest? Don't the soldiers of our alliance know how to rest?" The old city lord of the Holy City said angrily, "Do you know how much we will have to pay if we want to destroy the Dark Race after we miss this opportunity?"

"We have crippled the dark

family, and then as long as every step of the way. "Lin Caihan said calmly, "Furthermore, the rest of the mainland is a tough nut to crack. We need to change our previous strategy. "

"It will be very difficult for us to attack again after the integration of the Dark Race is completed." The suzerain of Zhutian Express said with a gloomy face.

Afraid of sacrifice?

Who is not afraid of sacrifice?

The problem is that this is the ultimate battle.

Is it time to count this?

"Sect Master Lin, where is Sect Master Zhao?" Xiao Yuan asked softly.

"I can represent him with full authority." Lin Caihan glanced at Xiaoyuan.

Xiao Yuan's eyes flickered.

Because Lin Caihan didn't answer the question.

"Sect Master Lin, do you have something to hide?" Xiao Yuan sent a voice transmission to Lin Caihan.

"Every disciple of Yanhuangzong is our painstaking effort, and now the battle has lost 800 million yuan." Lin Caihan replied, "Yanhuangzong cannot bear such a loss."

"This..." Xiao Yuan was stunned.

This answer was not what Xiao Yuan wanted.

"I want to see Sect Master Zhao." The City Master of the Holy City said in a deep voice.

"The loss was too great when the entrance was blocked before, and he is recovering now." Lin Caihan replied.

Everyone looked at each other.

No one knows whether what Lin Caihan said is true or not.

So I had to leave.

After arriving outside, the four giants including the city lord of the holy city held another small meeting.

"Do you think something happened to Yanhuangzong?" The suzerain of Zhutian Express always felt that there was something wrong?

"Something must have changed, but Sect Master Lin doesn't want to say." The old Taoist patriarch nodded.

"Everyone should follow Sect Master Lin's request every step of the way." Xiao Yuan said at this time.

"What do you know?" The Lord of the Holy City stared at Xiao Yuan and asked.

"I don't know." Xiao Yuan avoided the eyes of the city lord of the Holy City, "The Yanhuang Sect has overcome all obstacles, and they have sacrificed too much. I don't think there is anyone who is less eager to win than them. In addition, what Sect Master Lin said is also reasonable. Our soldiers also need to rest."

Xiaoyuan's ambiguous words made the three of them a little confused.

They subconsciously felt that Xiao Yuan might know something that was inconvenient to tell them?

This made them feel a little uncomfortable.

However, they still expressed their obedience to Yanhuangzong's orders.

In this way, one day passed, two days passed, three days passed, and soon half a month passed.

What made the heavenly soldiers dissatisfied was that it took them half a month to destroy two hundred continents.

"What's going on up there?"

"Yes, why is the speed of advancement so slow?"

"The monks on these continents have almost run away."

"Continue to fight at this speed, and we will suffer heavy casualties by then."

"I heard that it was an order from Sect Master Lin of the Yanhuang Sect."

(End of this chapter)

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