Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1963 Killing the Son of Darkness

"I just don't know if you can block the second attack of the power of the void?" Lin Caihan said here that the mental power wrapped the power of the void and poured towards the power of the void towards the son of darkness.

"Help." The Son of Darkness shouted hastily.

Seeing that mental power was about to fall on him, a pair of big hands suddenly appeared in the void.

Those big hands stirred up the heaven and earth, causing the mental power to stagnate.

He caught the Son of Darkness between gaps, and just as he was about to send the Son of Darkness away, a second pair of big hands appeared.

Those big hands fixed the Yin and Yang of the Five Elements, reducing the flow of time around them hundreds of times, and then collided with those big hands.


Without any hindrance, Lin Caihan's mental strength drove straight to the spot and shattered the Son of Darkness.

"Dare?" An angry voice sounded from the depths of the Anzu.

"Come here if you have the ability." Zhao Yang, who was standing at the entrance of the cave, said tit for tat.

Zhao Yang has not used all his strength, he is just guarding against the Son of Darkness.

What Zhao Yang didn't expect was that the former son of darkness didn't speak.

Zhao Yang's heart sank.

This situation is absolutely not normal.

It stands to reason that after he killed the Son of Darkness, he would definitely take revenge when he became the Son of Darkness.

But the other party chose to remain silent.

But then he put this matter behind him, and what he has to do now is to keep these dark monks here.


Under the leadership of the Nine Supreme Legions, the monks of the heavens strangled the monks of the Dark Race.

"hurry up."

"Everyone, speed up."

"We don't have much time left."

All the clans in the heavens knew very well that if Zhao Yang couldn't hold on, the dark clan's reinforcements would come continuously.

An hour has passed.

One-third of the 6000 billion monks on the dark side fell.

The main reason is that Yanhuangzong has too many taboo-level powerhouses, surpassing the Dark Clan in both quality and quantity.

Furthermore, whether it is Lin Caihan, Mingyue, or Tang Yiren, they are all existences that can break the balance.

Two hours passed.

There are less than one-third of the monks on the dark side.

Because all the vicious masters on the dark side were killed.

Another half an hour passed, except for the one who was at the peak of the taboo, all the rest of the Dark Clan fell cleanly.

"Arrangement." Lin Caihan ordered Yan Huangzong's taboo high-level existence to form an array to hunt for the taboo peak.

Their formation was taught by Zhao Yang himself. Ten high-level taboos can counter a peak taboo, and thirty high-level taboos can be able to hunt down a peak taboo.

After a large number of taboo high-level shots, the taboo peaks of the dark race fell one after another.

"Everyone take advantage of this time to recover, and we will break into the Dark Race later." Zhao Yang Gao at this time


So the monks present sat down cross-legged.




With the passage of time, the taboo peak powerhouse of the Dark Race is already doomed.

After the last one fell, Zhao Yang let those masters rest for a while, and then Zhao Yang took the lead and rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

After he successfully opened a passage, the soldiers of the Supreme Legion rushed over like a tide.

"what's the situation?"

"Could it be that the 8000 billion soldiers of our dark race have all fallen?"

"When did the heavens have such a strong fighting power?"

"No, these legions are so strong that it makes people heinous."

"Fast back."

"We can't stop the legion of the heavens."

There are about 3000 billion monks in the legion here. When the high-level of the legion realized that the heavens were invincible, they immediately issued an order to retreat.

But where can they escape if they want to?

After the taboo powerhouses of the heavens intercepted them, they were divided and killed. The 3000 billion monks were strangled and killed within half a day.

Of course, the reason for such a record is because of Yanhuangzong's army.

"More than 1 trillion soldiers of the Dark Race were killed so quickly?"

"It's also incredible."

"Without Yanhuangzong's Supreme Legion, we would not have such a record."

"Finally we can counterattack the Dark Race

It is. ”

Just when the monks from the heavens were excited, Zhao Yang stood up, "Everyone centers on me and recovers around me."

As his voice fell, the power of the martial soul diffused towards the surroundings.

"The flow of time is slowing down."

"How many times did this slow down?"

"Thirty times or forty times?"

"It's horrible too."

When the monks present realized this, with Zhao Yang as the center, all directions were filled with monks from all over the world.

Zhao Yang glanced at Lin Caihan and closed his eyes.

Lin Caihan came to the top of the heavens and said, "After everyone recovers, the heavens will leave some elites, and the rest will attack the dark race." Lin Caihan said that a huge map appeared in front of her.

Seeing this map, the high-level officials of the heavens were shocked.

They didn't expect Yan Huangzong's penetration of the dark race to reach such a level.

"Our destined battle plan is to start from here, gradually devour these continental cicadas, and advance step by step." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice, "But this requires us to make overall arrangements."

"The Yanhuang Sect is more familiar with the situation of the Dark Clan, so I suggest that the Yanhuang Sect be under the unified command." Xiao Yuan said at this time.

The Lord of the Holy City thought for a while and nodded, "I also agree."

The Nine-day Alliance and the Eight-Party Alliance also have no objections.

Lin Caihan didn't refuse either, "Yanhuangzong will give you

The Holy City Alliance, the Guardian Alliance, the Nine Heavens Alliance, and the Eight-Party Alliance have one forbidden battleship, three forbidden high-level battleships, ten forbidden medium-level warships, and one hundred forbidden early-stage warships. "

"These warships are not for you to fight, but to communicate through these warships. I will issue combat goals and plans through these warships."

Lin Caihan immediately formulated a battle plan for the major forces, and of course the more detailed ones were handled internally by them.

After the major alliances such as the Holy City got the battle plan, they began to issue orders to the legions under their command.

In this way, about half a day passed, and about 5000 billion monks rushed towards the mainland of the Anzu.

Yanhuangzong participated in almost every force.

The battle was brutal.

The Dark Race knew they had no way out, so they fought fiercely.

But the momentum of the heavens is very strong, and there are many strong people.

At the end of the first day, Lin Caihan counted the results.

"We have wiped out 830 continents of the Dark Race, and the number of monks lost on our side has reached 200 million." Lin Caihan reported the situation to the major alliances, "Next, I will formulate a battle plan for tomorrow."

As early as when the heavens launched a large-scale attack, some monks from the mainland of the Dark Race began to flee.

Therefore, on the second day, the Alliance of Heavens saw a lot of fleeing dark tribes on the way to attack.

Of course, the Alliance of Heavens did not spare those dark races.

(End of this chapter)

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