Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1948 Defeat Getaway

Zhao Yang used the berserk mode of the Time Martial Soul.

He stopped after spending three days.

Because he was a little tired for three consecutive days, and he had actually practiced for three years.

In the past three years, Zhao Yang has consolidated his avenues, and even many exercises have been upgraded to taboo high-levels.

After recovering for three days, he activated the berserk mode again. This time, he activated it to practice the array.

When the powerhouses of the heavens come to God's Domain, will they spy on Yanhuangzong?

the answer is negative.

Zhao Yang needs to build a taboo high-level formation. After passing the energy multiplier, the formation can be upgraded to the peak of the taboo.

Once they reach this level, no one can spy on Yanhuangzong again.

Zhao Yang spent five years this time and used the Enlightenment Stone several times before he started refining the mountain protection formation.

Three days before the agreed date, Zhao Yang came to the mountain gate with the formation scroll.

When the power of the array was imprisoned from the scroll of the array, the vast fluctuations permeated the entire Yanhuangzong.

"This breath?"

"The peak of taboo."

"The suzerain has refined the mountain protection array at the peak of taboo."

"The suzerain's cultivation is improving too quickly."

Zhao Yang breathed a sigh of relief when the formation covered the entire Yanhuangzong.

Now Yanhuangzong can really be described as impenetrable.

For the next three days, Zhao Yang just

He used the time martial spirit normally, but now the level of the time martial spirit has been raised again, and the flow of time around him has dropped to thirty times.

In other words, in three days, he can actually practice for three months.

When the third day came, hundreds of thousands of monks gathered near God's Domain. Some of these monks came by warships, some came by flying beasts, and of course more came by crossing.

These monks all came to witness the battle between Zhao Yang and Xiaoyaoyou.

"What does Yanhuangzong mean?"

"Why doesn't the Yanhuang Sect let us set foot in God's Domain?"

"Is Yan Huangzong afraid?"

Facing the clamor of those monks, the soldiers stationed on the frontier were indifferent.

Of course, none of those guys dared to go one step further, because those who dared to go one step were mercilessly killed.

In order to prevent those monks from stepping into the realm of the gods, Yanhuangzong specially mobilized [-] high-ranking god emperor ships, [-] middle-stage god emperor ships, [-] early-stage god emperor ships and tens of thousands of disciples of Yanhuangzong to firmly guard the frontier of the god realm. Living.

It can be said that without Yanhuangzong's permission, no one can set foot there.

Suddenly a figure driving an ancient bronze chariot appeared at the border of God's Domain, and a majestic aura filled the sky and filled the soldiers of Yanhuangzong.

But the soldiers of Yanhuangzong didn't show the slightest fear on their faces.

"Where is Zhao Yang?" The figure stood on the bronze chariot, his whole body was like a sky-high

Like a divine sword, it is daunting.

"The name taboo of my suzerain can also be reprimanded?" A leader of the Yanhuang Sect sternly reprimanded.

"I don't think you know who you are talking to?" The majestic mental power of the figure turned into a long whip at this point, and slammed it towards the commander.

The warship that was in charge immediately made a defensive posture.

But there was still no spiritual whip that could stop that person.

Seeing that the long whip was about to hit the leader, a figure quietly appeared beside him.

And the long whip of order disappeared when it was three feet away from him.

"It's such an exquisite technique of space." Xiaoyaoyou squinted his eyes and looked at the man who had just appeared.

"Your Excellency, as the Young Lord of the Holy City, is it a bit inappropriate to attack my disciples of the Yanhuang Sect?" Zhao Wudi looked at Xiaoyaoyou coldly.

"You also know that I am the young city lord of the holy city, so he is just a small disciple, but he dares to talk to me like that?" Xiaoyaoyou sneered.

"Young City Lord of the Holy City? I'm sorry, but with your identity, you are not even a hair here." Zhao Wudi suddenly said loudly, "Xiaoyaoyou, what are you, and you are worthy of challenging my father. Today I will teach you teach you how to behave?"

After the words fell, Zhao Wudi's body was glowing with boundless light, when he rushed towards Xiaoyaoyou

At that time, cracks appeared on the bronze chariot.

Xiaoyaoyou's face suddenly changed.

Didn't he expect Zhao Wudi to be so powerful?Even the bronze chariot can't bear this coercion.

Just when he was about to put away the bronze chariot, the boundless light on Zhao Wudi instantly multiplied.

The bronze chariot couldn't take it anymore, and it exploded into pieces with a bang.

"I'm going to kill you." Xiaoyaoyou was enraged.

He soared into the sky.

The purple air spread for three thousand miles in an instant.

He came to the world like a Kunpeng, capable of hitting the nine heavens.

Soon the two figures collided fiercely in mid-air.

But what stunned everyone was that soon a figure staggered and fell towards the ground.

Their expressions were wonderful when they saw who it was.

That's right.

It's a getaway!

"how is this possible?"

"Can the young city lord of the Holy City also be defeated?"

"Didn't Zhao Wudi have no sense of presence in Yanhuangzong? Can anyone tell me why he is so strong all of a sudden?"

"Have you ever thought that other people are stronger than Zhao Wudi?"


Just as everyone was muttering, Xiaoyaoyou climbed up from the ground, he looked at Zhao Wudi who was standing in the air, his eyes were full of serious murderous intent.

"I didn't expect your strength to reach such a level, but you will have no chance in the future." Xiaoyaoyou

Said word by word.

He came to challenge Zhao Yang for the purpose of establishing his prestige.

But who would have thought that he would be slapped in the face by Zhao Wudi.

He cannot accept it.

The five fingers of Xiaoyaoyou pinched, and the breath circulated in the whole body.

When he threw a punch, the whole world darkened, and the terrifying punch made the monks present almost unable to breathe.

"The Judgment Fist."

"Zhao Wudi, my fist can judge the world, and it can even judge your life and death."

Getaway is confident.

Judgment Fist is the supernatural power of the pinnacle of taboo, and he has been immersed in this fist for many years.

He is confident that he can defeat Zhao Wudi.

The masters of the holy city deep in the sky are watching this scene.

When they saw Xiaoyaoyou using the Judgment Fist, they felt that the outcome was right.

"There is no suspense."

"That's right, Zhao Wudi is absolutely unstoppable after using the Judgment Fist."

"Actually, Zhao Wudi's strength is strong enough, but what a pity he met Xiaoyaoyou."

While the high-level officials in the holy city were talking, the third elder remained silent.

He vaguely felt that Zhao Wudi would not be defeated like this.

At this moment, Zhao Wudi pinched the seal with both hands, and an ancient seal took shape in midair.

When this imprint appeared, the entire world turned pale, and the terrifying coercion cast a haze on the hearts of those present. They even felt that God had descended into the world.

(End of this chapter)

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