When Xiaoyuan told the heavens that the Guangming God Stone can last for 20 years, the forces of the heavens were shaken.

No one thought that it would be only 20 years since the Dark Clan invaded.

So at this time, the major forces also ended the war, and instead began to develop their own forces.

At this time, the nine top powers outside the territory, the eight top powers of the Forbidden Road, and the Supreme Sect also successively formed their own alliances and small circles.

Of course, the alliance they formed is much inferior to the Guardian Alliance and the Holy City Alliance.

But the forces of the heavens are rapidly integrating.

Zhao Yang didn't go anywhere for the rest of the time, he practiced in the Yanhuangzong Square, his Time Martial Soul hung high in the sky, blooming with the vast power of time.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Fast forward ten years.

On this day, Zhao Yang sensed an opportunity to break through, so his figure disappeared in place.

He entered his own little world.

Just as Zhao Yang broke through, a terrifying aura suddenly emanated from the depths of the forbidden area of ​​the holy city. This aura was so strong that even the taboo high-level existences in the holy city were a little frightened.

"Why so strong?"

"Who broke through?"

"Could it be that the young city lord broke through?"

"I'm afraid only the young city lord has such power?"

Ye Hui looked in the direction of the forbidden area solemnly, and said after a long time, "Master, what do you say?

How far has the Getaway reached? "

"His background has reached 390, which is only one step away from [-]. After he broke through to the high level of taboo, I think there are not many people who can do anything to him." The third elder said with emotion.

You must know that the top resources in the entire Holy City have been given to Happy Tour.

Can Xiaoyaoyou not be strong?

I don't know how long it took for Xiaoyaoyou to finally make a breakthrough, and the aura on his body also quickly subsided.

"In my name, issue a letter of challenge to the suzerain of the Yanhuang Sect, and fight in the holy city in three months."

As the sound of the leisurely tour sounded in the holy city, all the monks in the holy city were shocked.

Xiaoyaoyou just broke through and is about to challenge Zhao Yang. It seems that Xiaoyaoyou knows the grievances between Zhao Yang and Shengcheng.

There was cruelty in the eyes of the fifth elder, "Zhao Yang, I want to see how you deal with this time?"

The third elder showed a worried expression, "This is broken."

He didn't think Zhao Yang was the opponent of Xiaoyaoyou after the breakthrough.

The news quickly spread to Yanhuangzong.

Zhao Wudi came to Zhao Yang's small world angrily, "Father, I want to fight Xiaoyaoyou."


"You are the suzerain of the Yanhuang sect, and your identity is the same as that of the holy city's lord. He is just the young suzerain of the holy city, how can he challenge you?" Zhao Wudi said in a deep voice.

"But you haven't broken through yet."

"So what if there is no breakthrough? My aptitude has also reached 390. I practice

His skills and supernatural powers are not inferior to his, and I have practiced the secret art of spiritual power, so I don't think I will be defeated by him. "Zhao Wudi knelt on the ground on one knee as he said, "I beg my father to forgive me." "

Zhao Yang stared at Zhao Wudi for a while before saying, "Next, I will fully mobilize the Time Martial Soul, and try to let you achieve a breakthrough within three months."

"it is good."

As Zhao Yang's cultivation level was raised to a taboo high level, his time martial spirit was also further upgraded.

Now Zhao Yang's Time Martial Soul has reached thirty times as much.

This is undoubtedly a qualitative leap.

But thirty times the speed of time flow still couldn't allow Zhao Wudi to break through within three months.

But after this breakthrough, the Time Martial Soul gave him an ability.

berserk mode.

That is to say, fully operating the Time Martial Soul can reduce the power of time in the vicinity to three hundred times.

What is the concept of three hundred times?

A day is a year!

And with Zhao Yang's full support, Zhao Wudi's cultivation continued to soar.

During this period, Zhao Yang preached and dispelled doubts, which improved his combat effectiveness even more.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

To the astonishment of the monks in the heavens, Yanhuangzong didn't show any signs.

So Xiaoyaoyou issued a statement again.

"Zhao Yang, are you afraid?"

Xiaoyaoyou waited for a few more days, but found that Yanhuangzong still didn't say anything.

"If you dare not go then, I will go in person

Yan Huangzong. "

What angered Xiaoyaoyou was that Yanhuangzong still did not respond.

He is more like singing a one-man show by himself.

"what's the situation?"

"Why didn't Zhao Yang respond?"

"Could it be that Zhao Yang is afraid?"

"Afraid? Who have you seen Zhao Yang be afraid of these years? You must know that he made a big disturbance in the Holy City a few years ago."

"Could it be because Zhao Yang doesn't care about getting away?"

"It's not impossible. I can't challenge me, and I have to accept it, right?"

When the relevant talk reached Xiaoyaoyou's ears, Xiaoyaoyou's lungs were about to explode.

He wanted to tear those guys to pieces.

"Wait, wait until I defeat Zhao Yang, I see how you are still making noise?"

Just when Xiaoyaoyou was consolidating his cultivation in the holy city, Xiaoyuan came to Yanhuangzong.

But Lin Caihan did not invite Xiaoyuan to join Yanhuangzong.

"How does Zhao Yang plan to deal with Xiaoyaoyou?"

"He's doing all he can to retreat."

"Getaways are tough."

"Don't worry." Lin Caihan said with a smile.

Can the exercises practiced by Xiaoyaoyou compare with the exercises given by the mysterious girl?

Lin Caihan didn't believe it.

"Why didn't Yanhuangzong respond?"

"It's not time to respond yet."

"What is Yanhuangzong going to do?"

"I'll give you a surprise then."

Xiao Yuan took a deep look at Lin Caihan, "Aren't you going to invite me to Yanhuangzong?"


Zong has had some internal problems recently. "Lin Caihan said with a smile.

Xiao Yuan's expression changed involuntarily, "Do you need my help?"

"Yanhuangzong can handle these things."

"Then I won't delay your handling." Xiao Yuan said hastily.

After Xiaoyuan left, Lin Caihan came to Zhao Yang's small world.

Zhao Yang is resting at this time.

"You continue to push, don't affect your foundation." Lin Caihan said with some concern.

"My Art of Returning to Heaven has reached the fifth floor, and now I can recover to its peak state in 3 minutes." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

Two months later, Zhao Wudi was on the verge of a breakthrough.

A few hours later, his cultivation level successfully broke through.

After Zhao Wudi broke through, he consolidated for three days before announcing his exit.

"Father, now my cultivation has been completely stabilized, and even my supernatural powers have been improved."

Seeing Zhao Wudi's state, Zhao Yang put away the time martial soul.

During this period of time, he was exhausted and mentally exhausted.

"I'll rest for a few days first, and then I'll talk about it in a few days."

"Father, don't be so anxious, you can rest at ease."

After Zhao Wudi left, Zhao Yang went to his room and fell asleep.

And this sleep lasted three days and three nights.

But after waking up, his spirit was still in a state of exhaustion.

As a last resort, Zhao Yang rested for another two days. Two days later, he summoned the time martial soul. Speaking of which, he hasn't practiced much yet?

(End of this chapter)

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