Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1911 Stepping into the Forbidden Realm

It was only after hearing this that Zhao Zu realized how ambitious and ambitious Zhao Yang had.

"If this is the case, it will take at least half a year."

"I'll give you one year." Zhao Yang said and handed Zhao Zu a Qiankun bag, "There are trillions of sacred stones in the Qiankun bag, remember, it needs to be built in an extremely luxurious way."

"I understand." Zhao Zu nodded.

Then Zhao Yang left the ancestral court and returned to Yanhuangzong.

After returning to Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang continued to recover the previous days.

A year later, Zhao Yang called Zhao Wudi, "Wudi, you go to the treasury to get the three stone beasts, and then ride the beasts at the mountain gate to the transfer station of the Zhao clan."

"En." Zhao Wudi nodded lightly.

Then Zhao Wudi took the Enlightenment Stone to the transfer station.

And Zhao Yang continued to practice in Yanhuangzong.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

In this way, in the sixth year, Zhao Yang suddenly felt the opportunity to make a breakthrough.

That's right.

Zhao Yang is about to break through.

After these years, his cultivation base is finally going to make great progress.

After Zhao Yang informed Lin Caihan, he went to the depths of the sky.

Breaking through to the taboo realm requires a tribulation.

When he came to the depths of the sky, his cultivation was no longer concealed, but released unscrupulously.

It didn't take long before there was a terrible threat between the sky and the earth.

Pressure, this coercion made the area with a radius of [-] kilometers almost collapse.

Taboo-level catastrophe.

Zhao Yang looked up at the thick Jieyun, his expression became slightly dignified.

Suddenly a thunderbolt descended from heaven and earth, and that thunderbolt turned into a golden shackle, locking Zhao Yang's whole body to death.

Heaven and Earth are preventing Zhao Yang from stepping into the forbidden realm.

"Break it for me." Zhao Yang tried to break the shackles on him.


The shackles shattered.

At the moment when the shackles were broken, Zhao Yang's aura also became much stronger.

But soon the golden shackles transformed into the second thunder locked him again.

"Broken." Zhao Yang broke the shackles on his body again.

three times!

Four times!

Zhao Yang broke back and forth nine times.

After the ninth time, the robbery cloud between heaven and earth also dissipated.

Zhao Yang's life at this time has finally completed the leap, feeling the vast energy flowing in his body, Zhao Yang felt that he was at least ten times stronger than before.

You know, this is just a breakthrough for him.

After he has stabilized his cultivation base, his strength will have to be improved.

Zhao Yang didn't stay here any longer. Instead, he jumped and tore apart the space. He appeared tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"The taboo strong understands the rules of space, why is it so difficult to intercept the taboo strong?" Zhao Yang murmured.

Theoretically, half-step taboos can still be

To a certain extent, the taboo powerhouse can be intercepted, but the existence of the peak of the emperor is impossible to intercept.

Zhao Yang soon came to Yanhuangzong.

After arriving at Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang went to his own small world.

He practiced in the small world for a month and completely stabilized his realm.

"Now that my cultivation level has been raised to the realm of taboo, how far has the Time Spirit improved?" Zhao Yang said via voice transmission to the Spirit Tree.

"When you cast the time martial spirit, your own time flow rate will drop to fifteen times, and the time flow rate within a radius of ten meters around you will drop to twelve times. The velocity of time will drop tenfold, the velocity of time within a kilometer radius around you will drop eightfold, and the velocity of time within a radius of ten thousand meters around you will drop fivefold.”

Hearing this, Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

This value is within his prediction range.

"Can I condense the time chip now?"

"It depends on your understanding of the law of time."

Zhao Yang pondered for a while and contacted the mysterious girl.

"Sister, energy multiplier...?"

"I have already upgraded the energy multiplier mirror for you. From now on, you can upgrade the early stage of the taboo once every three days, the half-step taboo once a day, the peak of the god emperor ten times a day, and a hundred times a day. The next high-level god emperor, and so on."

hear here

Zhao Yang showed surprise.

This means that Yanhuangzong will soon have a large number of warships and war puppets in the early stage of taboo.

After finishing talking with the mysterious girl, Zhao Yang came to the square.

He didn't preach.

Just summoned the Time Martial Soul, and the overwhelming meaning of time spread rapidly in all directions.

The Yanhuangzong disciples quickly sensed the difference in the flow of time.

"Time flows more slowly."

"The suzerain won't set foot in the taboo realm, right?"

"If this is the case, the suzerain will be the first existence of the younger generation to step into this realm."

"I think the suzerain may have reached it."

Zhao Yang stayed in the square for two years.

In fact, it took him 30 years.

Over the years, he has raised all kinds of avenues to the taboo realm, and of course he has not given up on the research on the time martial soul.

His figure appeared beside Shen Shu in a flash, and gradually a crystal appeared on his fingertips.

When the crystal condensed and formed, Zhao Yang said with some disappointment, "Twice the time of ten years crystal."

What do you mean?

It is this time crystal that can be used for ten years, but in fact you have practiced for 20 years.

Zhao Yang put this time crystal on a peach tree, then got up and left here.

He came to Lin Caihan's study.

Lin Caihan is in

Take care of some sect matters.

"Husband." Lin Caihan saw Zhao Yang coming in and stood up.

"Did anything happen during this time?"

"The Yanhuang Sect has been operating very well in recent years, and Yanhuang City has become more and more vibrant."

"Yanhuang City?"

"Zhao Zu transformed the transfer station into Yanhuang City."

"Has there been trouble in these years?"

"Yes, but there are ten half-step taboo war puppets in Yanhuang City, and all the troublemakers have been expelled."

"The Energy Multiplier has been upgraded."

"Upgraded?" Lin Caihan suddenly became excited.

During this period of time, Lin Caihan, Tang Yiren and others built a lot of half-step taboo warships and war puppets.

"You can upgrade a half-step taboo warship or war puppet every day." Zhao Yang said softly.

"During this time, we built one hundred half-step taboo warships and three hundred half-step taboo battle puppets."

"Then I'll spend a year upgrading these warships and puppets."

While upgrading these warships and war puppets, Zhao Yang also started to build Yanhuangzong's taboo-level mountain guard formation.

The taboo-level mountain-protecting formation is a bit difficult. It took Zhao Yang three months to build Yanhuangzong's mountain-protecting formation successfully.

The moment he detained the taboo-level mountain guard formation, the entire Yanhuangzong shook three times, and then the overwhelming spiritual power permeated the entire Yanhuangzong with lightning speed.

(End of this chapter)

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