Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1910 shocked the outside world

"Sect Master Zhao, the taboo source liquid is taken by the strong taboo, we don't need it."

"Sect Master Zhao, the value of the taboo source liquid is too high, how can we afford it?"

"Sect Master Zhao, what you brought out is a good thing, but we can't use it." The suzerain masters of the various forces in the audience said one after another.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yang said, "So, isn't there 720 companies present? Each family only needs to pay 1000 million divine stones to draw a prize once."

"What do you mean?" an old man asked hurriedly.

"As for me, I will divide this hundred drops of taboo source liquid into ten parts, which means that your chance of winning is 270/270." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "As for me, I can only get 270 billion in the end." , Presumably you are also aware of the value of these [-] drops of taboo source, their value is far from what [-] billion can be exchanged for."

"Of course, if you don't need it, you can also sell it to those big forces. As for the price, I don't think it will be 1000 million."

Following Zhao Yang's eloquence, all the monks present felt that Zhao Yang's method was good.

Furthermore, they also thought that Zhao Yang really didn't want to make money.

This is basically equivalent to giving away for free.

When the 720 forces in the audience paid their fees one after another, they also got a corresponding number.

Zhao Yang immediately drew ten numbers.

Every time he pronounced a name, a monk shouted excitedly.


Nearly ten monks got ten drops of taboo source liquid respectively.

The Machine Clan, Soul Clan, Dao Clan, and Supreme Sect all think that Zhao Yang is a shit stick, because how can they benefit from it?

This time, the machine clan, soul clan, and Tao clan also brought out high-level resources of the God Emperor.

This made everyone sigh.

Dongfang Xiaoyu's heart was full of resentment, this time she took out the one from the peak of the God Emperor.

But compared with Zhao Yang's, it pales in comparison.

When the time came to the third round, the top ten taboo forces once again took out the resources at the peak level of the God Emperor.

However, everyone's interest is not very high, which makes the top ten forces very unhappy.

When the theory came to Zhao Yang, the atmosphere in the field suddenly changed, and their eyes were shining when they looked at Zhao Yang.

"This time I'm going to auction the Enlightenment Stone." When Zhao Yang took out a one-foot-square stone, the audience was in an uproar.

You must know that the Supreme Sect regards the Enlightenment Stone as a treasure.

But now Zhao Yang put the Enlightenment Stone up for auction.

"Stone of Enlightenment, you are crazy." Dongfang Xiaoyu couldn't help it, "Do you know how precious the Stone of Enlightenment is?"

"Since it is to help the development of various ethnic groups, then we need to get some decent ones." Zhao Yang said lightly.


Zhao Yang stopped looking at him. He looked around the audience and said, "This Enlightenment Stone can be used for 720 hours. In this way, I will divide the Enlightenment Stone into [-] small parts.

You can get one hour. As for the remaining 280 hours, I will draw a lottery. My price per hour is 1000 million divine stones. "

"Sect Master Zhao, what about the 720 hours? How much is the price?" At this moment, a middle-aged and young man asked.

"Giving it to you for free."

Hearing this, all the monks in the audience exclaimed.

No one expected Zhao Yang to be so generous?

"Sect Master Zhao, even if it runs 24 hours a day, it will take more than four years. Where are you going to put this Enlightenment Stone?" A middle-aged woman asked a crucial question.

"The Zhao clan will build a new city soon, and the Enlightenment Stone will be open to everyone there." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "In addition, I will hold lucky draws from time to time. My promise is that in the next hundred years Inside, one hundred warships and puppets of the God Emperor class will be given away, one thousand warships and war puppets of the God King class will be given away, and more than [-] warships and war puppets below the God King class will be given away."

In fact, this number can also be used by the top sects.

But don't forget that Zhao Yang gave it away in disguise.

"Besides, that new city will also auction half-forbidden warships, half-forbidden mountain guards, and half-forbidden pills. In the future, we will not rule out auctioning resources in the forbidden realm." When Zhao Yang said that many guys here I can't sit still.

Zhao Yang is trying to build an important economic town.

These are the cakes outside the domain.

you eat more, i

Just eat less.

The share of Enlightenment Stone will soon be auctioned off.

"You should use the Enlightenment Stone for Yanhuangzong." Piao Miao couldn't help persuading him from the side.

"Since it's for everyone's welfare, then we can't fool them." Zhao Yang said seriously.

Piao Miao is hard to say anything.

"This is for you." At this moment Zhao Yang handed Piao Miao a jade bottle.

They were all shocked when they saw the liquid in the jade bottle.

"Forbidden source liquid."

"How much is this?"

"One thousand drops of forbidden source liquid."

"God, how could he be willing?"

You must know that Piao Miao and Hun Wudi have been promoted to the point where they are today, and the soul clan has spent a lot of money. I don't know how much resources they have spent to raise them to the present.

As a result, Zhao Yang gave Piao Miao a thousand drops of taboo source liquid at one time.

"Piao Miao, isn't your origin 220? You can raise it to 280 by taking 280 drops. As for the remaining [-] drops, give it to Soul Invincible, so that Soul Invincible can also increase to [-]."

Hun Wudi was astonished and at the same time somewhat rejoiced.

Fortunately, he told Zhao Yang just now the value of his background, otherwise Zhao Yang would never give it to him at this time.

"It's too precious." Piao Miao pondered for a while before pushing it back.

"It's just some taboo source liquid." Zhao Yang said indifferently, "here, you just take it."

Piao Miao bites Yin Hong

His lips finally closed, "Thank you."

"The auction is over, and it's time for me to go back." Zhao Yang said and stood up.

"We'll see you off." Hun Wudi said hastily,

"Let the elders pick you up, both of you." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "As for sending me off, forget it."

Hun Wudi was startled, and then understood what Zhao Yang meant.

A thousand drops of forbidden source liquid.

Who can't be tempted?

The ancestral home of the Zhao family!

Zhao Yang went back to Zhao's ancestral court and told Zhao Zu about building a city.

"You want to build a commercial center?"

"That's right, now our God's Domain is ranked fourth anyway, so we must have a decent city."

"Where do you think it is better to build?" Zhao Zu asked softly.

"The rear is our last base. The city is either in the ancestral court or in the transfer station." Zhao Yang pondered for a while before saying, "The ancestral court has some secrets involved, I think it is still in the transfer station."

"The transfer station is indeed more suitable." Zhao Zu nodded.

"Then the next step is to quickly build the city."

"Three months." Zhao Zu stretched out three fingers, "It can be built in three months."

There are many slaves in Zhao's lineage today, and they can do it day and night for three months.

"It will be built according to the standards of top cities." Zhao Yang emphasized, "In the future, this city will become the center of the outside world."

(End of this chapter)

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