Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1908 Enlightenment Clock

Lin Caihan asked some more questions, and Daozi answered them all patiently.

"Yanhuangzong will go there on time in one month."

"Then I will wait for your visit in Dao City."

After Daozi left, Lin Caihan greeted Mingyue and Tang Yiren and hurried towards Zhao Yang's study.

Zhao Yang was already waiting in the study when he opened the door.

"Husband, why did you remember to participate in the auction?" Mingyue asked puzzled.

"Our Yanhuang Sect has obtained too many fortunes in these years, and it is time to give back to the forces outside the region." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Won't this expose Yanhuangzong's strength?" Tang Yiren said with some concern.

With a heartbeat, Zhao Yang took Tang Yiren and others to his small world.

What caught their eyes was a hundred majestic stone skin figures.

"Existence of Taboo Realm?" Tang Yiren asked with bright eyes.

"These hundred stone beasts are all from the early stage of the Forbidden Realm." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "You are the highest level of the Yanhuang Sect, each of you took three of them."

"With these hundred stone beasts from the early taboo stage, we really don't need to be afraid of others." Lin Caihan said with deep conviction.

"Husband, did you only get these one hundred early taboo stone beasts after you went out for so long?" Mingyue asked with a smile like a flower.

Zhao Yang led them towards the direction of planting the sacred tree.

Soon they will send

Now there are three peach trees and ten treasure trees.

"Our plan can be much earlier than before." Looking at the faces of the girls of the sacred tree, there were smiles on their faces.

Zhao Yang then led them to a treasury, where there were piles of sacred stones, but the energy dissipated by these sacred stones was hundreds of times that of top-grade sacred stones.

"Husband, what kind of divine stone is this?" Lin Caihan asked excitedly.

She always felt that the main reason why the war puppet in the early stage of the taboo was not high in combat effectiveness was energy.

And now with these divine stones, this problem may be solved.

"Extreme grade divine stone." Zhao Yang explained, "Extreme grade divine stone can improve the cultivation level of taboo realm..."

Following Zhao Yang's eloquence, all the girls realized how precious the top-grade sacred stone is.

Then Zhao Yang took the girls to see various materials on the half-step taboo level, the early stage of the taboo level, the peak of the God Emperor Realm, and the high level of the God Emperor Realm.

"Statistics." Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan and said.

Lin Caihan and Tang Yiren came to a conclusion after detailed statistics.

"You can build [-] early-stage taboo warships, [-] early-stage taboo battle puppets; [-] half-step taboo battleships, [-] half-step taboo battle puppets; A war puppet at the pinnacle of the God Emperor..."

Listening to this data, Zhao Yang nodded lightly, "Go, go and see the disciples of Yanhuangzong."

Disciple of Yanhuangzong

Get used to practicing in the square.

When they saw Zhao Yang coming, their eyes were full of hot light.

"I have been away from Yanhuangzong for more than ten years, and everyone has achieved a lot. Today I will give you a chance." Zhao Yang said here and took out the ancient clock given to him by the mysterious girl.

The moment the ancient clock was struck, the sound of the chiming sound spread in all directions.

Soon the entire Yanhuang Sect was echoed by the sound of bells.

Including Zhao Yang, everyone soon entered the state of enlightenment.

And this enlightenment lasted for three full days for the monks present.

"I think these three days of enlightenment saves ten years of hard work."

"Ten years of hard work may not necessarily have such an effect. My aptitude has increased by more than ten times in an instant. I had only a half-knowledge of some avenues before, but now I understand clearly."

"I think I'll be able to break through the current realm soon."

"This state of enlightenment makes me mesmerized."

The top officials of Yanhuangzong, including Zhao Yang, also got a lot of benefits.

"As expected of the Enlightenment Bell." Zhao Yang murmured.

"Husband, can this Enlightenment Bell still ring?" Lin Caihan asked with eyes full of expectation.

"The Enlightenment Bell will ring once every ten years." Zhao Yang looked around the audience and said loudly.

The disciples of the Yanhuang Sect below immediately shouted.

Which sect and force has this opportunity?


After enlightenment ended, Zhao Yang took Lin Caihan to his study.

Zhao Yang handed Lin Caihan an Enlightenment Stone.

"If you want to realize the Tao in the future, you just sit on it and practice." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"This is the Enlightenment Stone."

"Do you know the Enlightenment Stone?" Zhao Yang looked at Lin Caihan in surprise.

"When you went to the Dark Clan before, the Supreme Sect invited all the major forces to go."

"It seems that the Supreme Sect regards the Enlightenment Stone as a treasure."

"It caused quite a stir at the time."

"Then I will also take out an Enlightenment Stone in this auction." Zhao Yang said lightly.

And in the following time domain, the powerhouses from the Three Thousand Continents rushed to Dao City one after another.

Dao City is a city built by the Tao people with a lot of money.

It is known as the first important town outside the territory.

When Zhao Yang rushed to Daocheng, many powerful people saluted him, after all, Yanhuangzong is also known as one of the ten most powerful forces.

Besides, Zhao Yang's fighting strength is there.

Taboo mid-level powerhouses can be beheaded.

"Zhao Yang, long time no see." At this moment, a girl not far away called out to him.

Zhao Yang looked at the masked girl and said calmly, "I wonder if your dream has come true?"

"It's still a bit worse." The masked girl shook her head.

Zhao Yang stared at the masked girl for a while before saying, "This is an extraterrestrial event, come here

doing what? "

"I heard that the Supreme Sect is also involved this time, maybe the Supreme Sect will bring out the treasure." The masked girl looked at Zhao Yang with a smile and said, "What treasure have you prepared this time?"

"Is the treasure that Supreme Sect took out related to you?"

"I'm not eligible for the auction, but it doesn't mean I can't get it." The masked girl smiled, "I promised Yizhong, do you think they will give in? Or do they dare to give in?"

Zhao Yang was stunned.

"That is to say, the ultimate beneficiaries of the things auctioned in the auction house are these top forces?"

"You can't say that, what do you have to look at? It also depends on their courage? For example, what I want is broken-level medicinal materials, but if they are cruel, I will eat it on the spot?"

Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

And at this moment, two figures came from a distance.

It was Piao Miao and Soul Invincible.

"It's Zhao Yang." Piao Miao's eyes lit up when she saw Zhao Yang.

"The one next to Zhao Yang is Di Ji." Hun Wudi reminded.

After thinking about it for a while, Piao Miao still walked towards Zhao Yang.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Zhao Yang looked at Piao Miao, who was three points more beautiful than before, "It seems that you have improved a lot during this time."

"By luck, my background broke through to 220 these years." Piao Miao said softly.

Hun Wudi looked at Piao Miao speechlessly, he really wanted to say, can this kind of thing be brought up?

(End of this chapter)

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