Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1907 Hold an Auction

Hearing this, Zhao Yang showed excitement on his face.

"Sister, can you continue?"

"Go." The mysterious girl said lightly, "I will give you some good things next."

Just when Zhao Yang was fighting against the Dark Clan, the Supreme Sect publicly announced that it would open the forbidden area of ​​the sect.

"Forbidden place?"

"What is the forbidden area of ​​the supreme sect?"

"There must be a chance against the sky."

"I don't know if we have a chance to be selected?"

All of a sudden, the entire heavens were shocked by this news.

But soon Keats, the suzerain of the Supreme Sect, stood up and explained that there is an enlightenment stone in the forbidden area of ​​the Supreme Sect, which can allow monks to enter the state of enlightenment. Supreme magic.

Hearing this, all the monks in the heavens were very happy.

However, there are also monks who can see that not everyone is qualified to go.

Sure enough, the suzerain of the supreme sect then said that the nine taboo forces outside the territory and the eight taboo forces on the taboo road can each send [-] disciples, and each family with half-step forces can send [-] disciples. The strength of each family can send three disciples.

Even so, the number of people who are eligible to go to the Supreme Sect is still an astronomical figure.

Zhao Zu ordered the Sixth Patriarch to go to Yanhuangzong to ask what should be done about this matter?

Zhao Wudi received the Sixth Patriarch at the gate of the Great Mountain Protecting Formation, "The Yanhuang Sect has a grudge against the Supreme Sect."

"What's the grudge?"

"It's inconvenient to tell you this."

"I understand."

The Sixth Patriarch went back and reported the incident to Zhao Zu. Zhao Zu immediately said that we would not participate.

Everyone realized that Zhao Yang was involved in this matter, so no one said it was wrong?

Let's talk about Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang, who had the power to defy the sky, solved the three continents in the next five years.

That day the mysterious girl gave him three universe bags.

"There are [-] million top-grade divine stones in the first universe bag."

"The ultimate divine stone?" It was the first time Zhao Yang had heard of the concept of the ultimate divine stone.

"The ultimate god stone is aimed at the two levels of half-step taboo and taboo." The mysterious girl explained, "The heavens have not yet bred a god stone of this level."

"What's the use of the ultimate god stone?"

"Except for the top grade god stone can increase the cultivation base of the taboo realm, and of course it can also serve as the energy source of taboo-class warships and war puppets." The mysterious girl said lightly, "I think you have also seen the war puppets in the early stage of taboo, how powerful is it? Garbage?"

"Can you step over?"

"No, the best divine stone can make those who have just stepped into the early stage of taboo go to the peak of the early stage of taboo, but they can't do it if they step up." The mysterious girl pointed to the second universe bag and said, "There are three in the second universe bag. A longevity peach tree."

"Longevity Peach Tree?" Zhao Yang's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He has already seen the effect of the longevity peach tree.

"The third cosmos bag

There is a bell of Enlightenment. "

"Enlightenment Bell?"

"When the enlightenment bell rings, anyone who hears the sound will enter the state of enlightenment. Of course, the closer the distance, the better the effect."

"Can the Enlightenment Clock be used all the time?"

"When the Dao on the Enlightenment Clock is exhausted, there is no way to use it."

"Then how many times can this Enlightenment Bell ring?"

"Based on the current scale of your Yanhuang Sect, you can ring about a hundred times."

a hundred times?

This number really exceeded Zhao Yang's expectation.

"Sister, do you have any materials for the Forbidden Realm?" Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something, "I'm not far from the Forbidden Realm, and I thought that after reaching the Forbidden Realm, I would be able to refine the Forbidden Realm's mountain protection formation."

"I've gathered so many from three continents." The mysterious girl was taken aback, "So, go and destroy a few more continents."

"it is good."

Zhao Yang is already familiar with the matter of being the mastermind behind the scenes.

In order to obtain more resources, Zhao Yang destroyed five continents at once.

Following the destruction of the last continent, three Qiankun bags appeared in front of him.

"There are [-] million top-grade divine stones in the first universe bag."

"In the second Qiankun bag, there are semi-taboo array materials, implement materials and medicinal materials, as well as array materials, implement materials and medicinal materials in the early stage of taboo."

"It's half-step taboo, it seems like I won't be able to use it soon." Zhao Yang thought about it

Just say what you want.

"The energy multiplier mirror will be upgraded again after your cultivation base reaches the forbidden realm, and then you can upgrade the half-step forbidden realm to the early stage of the forbidden realm."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang was moved.

"Of course, those who have been upgraded cannot be upgraded again." The mysterious girl said again.

This is also normal.

If you can continue to upgrade, then you only need to refine low-end ones.

In fact, Yanhuangzong's current half-step taboo warships and war puppets are all upgraded from the level of the peak of the god emperor.

That is to say, if Zhao Yang wants a taboo level, he needs to refine a half-step taboo warship or war puppet.

And this is nothing to Yanhuangzong!

"Of course, there are also a lot of artifact materials of the peak of the emperor, the high level of the emperor, and the middle stage of the emperor."

"The third Qiankun bag contains some scattered resources." The mysterious girl introduced, "First, 100 yuan enlightenment stone, which can increase enlightenment; second, 1000 million drops of taboo source liquid; Third, one hundred stone beasts from the early taboo period."

"The stone beast in the early stage of taboo?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

You must know that Yanhuangzong lacks the fighting power of the early stage of taboo.

And if you have these hundred stone beasts in the early stage of taboo, do you still have to worry about it?

"Are these resources adequate?"


"In addition to this, I will teach you two more taboo peak exercises." The mysterious girl said here, and two volumes of incomparably mysterious appeared in Zhao Yang's sea of ​​consciousness.

Ao's skills.

After Zhao Yang absorbed these two volumes of exercises, he found that these two volumes of exercises were more difficult than the Heaven and Earth Jue taught to him by the mysterious girl.

But Zhao Yang was very happy.

Because he needs this kind of challenge.

Yan Huangzong!

On this day, the Daozi of the Heavenly Dao Clan came to Yanhuangzong.

"Sect Master Lin, where is Sect Master Zhao?" Dao Zi looked around and asked softly.

"He's in retreat. If you have anything to do, it's the same as telling me." Lin Caihan said lightly.

"It's like this. Our top sects have enjoyed too much fortune all the time, so the ten top sects outside the region decided to hold an auction. We are going to auction some rare resources." Daozi paused at this point Dun, "Now that the Hongmeng clan has become a thing of the past, we believe that Yanhuangzong has strength and is qualified to become a member of the top ten top forces."

When Lin Caihan was meditating, Zhao Yang's sound transmission suddenly sounded in her ears.

"Promise him."

The corner of Lin Caihan's mouth showed a hint of joy, and then she nodded towards Daozi and said, "Our ten top sects are auctioning, so who is the target of the auction?"

"Naturally, it is a power outside our territory. Of course, our top ten top powers are not allowed to buy, let alone through agents."

"When is the auction?"

"The auction will be held in the Dao City of the Dao Clan in one month."

"How many auction items does each faction need to prepare?"

"At least three."

(End of this chapter)

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