Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1905 Consumption of Power of Creation

"Zhao Yang, how are you?" Zhao Zu said emotionally.

The third patriarch hurriedly stepped forward to support Zhao Yang.

"The other party covered up the secret. I wanted to trace the source, but I was backlashed." Zhao Yang said with a gloomy face.

After all, his cultivation was still a little lower.

"Zhao Yang, the deceased is gone." Zhao Zu comforted, "You are the most important in the Zhao family."

"Sister, can I revive the fifth and sixth patriarchs?"

"The god-king and powerhouses have gained immortality, so it is difficult for them to be resurrected. This is the way of balance in the way of heaven." The mysterious girl said lightly.

"What if I use my words to follow?"

"Do you know what it takes to speak out?"

"I didn't know it before, but now I realize that the power of creation seems to be consumed as soon as the words are spoken."

"That's right, it's your fortune that is consumed." The mysterious girl changed her voice when she said this, "Now that you are soaring into the sky, the fortune has been consumed, which may affect your future chances."

"I think tribe is more important than chance." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while.

"Then you can make a move."

Zhao Yang no longer hesitated, he looked at the ruined transfer station, and said loudly, "Resurrect me."

As his voice fell, a mysterious wave emanated from his body, and at the same time, one figure after another appeared in midair out of thin air.

"Five Patriarchs."

"Six Patriarchs."

"Zhao Huaiyuan."

"Zhao Minjie."

"They're all resurrected."

"Uncle Clan, how did you do it?"

Just when the members of the Zhao clan were pleasantly surprised, Zhao Zu saw Zhao Yang's complexion was extremely gloomy.

"Son, don't continue, you will hurt yourself." Zhao Zu said quickly.

Everyone also noticed the difference in Zhao Yang's state at this time.

"It's okay." Zhao Yang gritted his teeth and said.

As time goes by, more and more clansmen are resurrected.

They looked around blankly.

They don't understand that they have fallen, but why are they resurrected now?

"Zhao Yang, don't continue." The Sixth Patriarch said sadly, "If saving me is at the cost of hurting you, I would rather die."

"Zhao Yang, we die as soon as we die, and it's not worth your sacrifice." The Fifth Patriarch also said beside him.

"Uncle Clan, please, don't continue." Zhao Mingli cried bitterly.

Everyone could see that Zhao Yang's condition was getting worse and worse.


When Zhao Yang spat out a mouthful of blood again, the ceremony ended.

Of the 3000 million clansmen at the transfer station, Zhao Yang only saved 300 million in the end.

That is to say, there are still nine out of ten clansmen who have not been saved.

His face showed a gray look, "I'm sorry, I tried my best."


Son, you have done well. "Zhao Zu said with some distress.

The Sixth Patriarch helped Zhao Yang to a battleship.

After several hours passed, Zhao Yang recovered a little.

"Son, what happened to you just now?" Zhao Zu asked softly.

"What I used was a ritual."

"What does the ritual consume?"

"The power of good fortune."

"Then your current power of creation?"

"It's exhausted."

Hearing this, Zhao Zu and others were all shocked.

Want to know why Zhao Yang was able to go ahead of the younger generation?

Relying on one's own good fortune.

But now Zhao Yang's power of creation has been completely lost?

How will you compete with them in the future?

"Zhao Yang, how can you be so stupid?" the Sixth Patriarch blamed himself.

"Yes, I don't regret waiting for death, why don't you feel sorry for yourself?" Fifth Patriarch said with red eyes.

"The power of good fortune is gone, and I will earn it later." Zhao Yang changed his voice when he said this, "Sixth Patriarch, who killed you?"

"The Patriarch of the Hongmeng Clan." The Sixth Patriarch mentioned here with frightened and angry eyes, "Now that his cultivation has been promoted to the middle stage of taboo, he has no scruples."

"Hongmeng Clan?" A cold light flashed in Zhao Yang's eyes, "It seems that I was wrong to let the Hongmeng Clan go." Having said that, Zhao Yang stood up.

"What are you going to do?" Zhao Zu said angrily, "There is no rush for revenge."

"I just lost money just now, and now I've almost recovered." Zhao Yang said lightly, "Some battles should be settled with the Hongmeng clan."

"Zhao Yang..." Zhao Zu was about to say something before he was interrupted by Zhao Yang, "Old Ancestor, you bring the elite of the patriarch, and today we are going to destroy the Hongmeng Clan."

Seeing Zhao Yang's resolute tone, Zhao Zu didn't say anything else.

"Give me three hours."

Zhao Zu quickly mobilized 300 million troops from the rear and the ancestral court, and the 300 million troops sailed towards the Hongmeng Clan on hundreds of warships.

However, under the cover of Zhao Yang's mental power, the whole outside world didn't know.

Half a day later, 300 million troops arrived at the gate of the Hongmeng tribe, and with Zhao Yang's wave, the 300 million troops surrounded the entire Hongmeng tribe.

The masters of the Hongmeng tribe discovered the traces of this army immediately.

It didn't take long for the ancestors of the Hongmeng tribe to appear at the gate of the mountain guard formation.

"Zhao Yang, what do you intend to lead an army of 300 million?" the ancestor of the Hongmeng clan said coldly.

If it was said that he was quite afraid of Zhao Yang before, but after his cultivation reached the taboo middle level, he felt that he could wrestle with Zhao Yang, and even beat the guy who had humiliated him.

That's why he moved Yanhuangzong's real


"You attacked the transfer station of the Zhao family, right?" Zhao Yang asked with a cold look in his eyes.

"Do you have evidence?" Of course, the ancestor of the Hongmeng clan would not admit it easily.

"This is the evidence." Zhao Yang pointed to the two figures walking out of the battleship.

The ancestors of the Hongmeng tribe almost stared out when they saw these two.

"Aren't they dead?"

"Last time I let you Hongmeng tribe go, but it seems that you are not grateful." Zhao Yang's voice rumbled, "Then today you Hongmeng tribe will be removed from the world."

"Let me be removed from the Hongmeng clan, you are so arrogant." The ancestor of the Hongmeng clan just said here, a ray of flame emerged from his mouth, and then his body was burned to ashes in a short period of time.

"how is this possible?"

"The ancestor is the existence of the mid-level god emperor?"

"What flame can burn Patriarch to death?"

"What shall we do next?" The senior members of the Hongmeng clan were all frightened.

But then the two taboo-level powerhouses of the Hongmeng clan were also ignited by the Jinghuo and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.

It has to be said that the development of the Hongmeng people in recent years has attracted worldwide attention.

In the past, the Hongmeng tribe had only one patriarch of the early stage of taboo level, but now the Hongmeng tribe has one patriarch of the middle stage of taboo level and two strong men of the early stage of taboo level.

After Zhao Yang beheaded the three taboo powerhouses, his mental power turned into 22 thunderbolts.

(End of this chapter)

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