Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1904 The transfer station was attacked

These resources have increased the forces of the major taboos a lot.

The Zhao family lineage!

Zhao's lineage also participated in this auction, but they didn't even enter the door.

This made Zhao Zu and others resentful.

"It's all influenced by Zhao Yang." Zhao Mingyuan muttered.

"Shut up." Zhao Zu yelled at Zhao Mingyuan, "Without Zhao Yang, our Zhao clan would have vanished."

"But now all the taboo forces are developing rapidly, but our Zhao family is still standing still." Zhao Mingyuan said in a deep voice, "And Yanhuangzong, what did it do? Yanhuangzong didn't even let the gate go. Let's go in."

"As long as the Yan Huangzong does not fall, no one in our Zhao family will dare to move?" Zhao Zu said solemnly.

It's just that in the following time, Zhao Zu saw the continuous development of other ethnic groups, and he was still worried for a while.

Ten years have passed in this way!

The resources obtained by various ethnic groups from the Supreme Sect have been transformed into forces one after another.

Therefore, the various ethnic groups also began to move around.

On this day, the transfer station of the Zhao family was blown up.

The other party's attack was too fast, even though Zhao Zu and Da Zu rushed over, the Fifth Patriarch, Sixth Patriarch and a large number of clan members still fell.

This place turned into ruins.

Yan Huangzong!

"There are 520 monks of Yanhuangzong who have reached the half-step taboo, and [-] monks who have reached the peak of the emperor.

Hundreds of statues, 37 have reached the high level of the god emperor, 320 have reached the middle level of the god emperor, and [-] million have reached the early stage of the god emperor. "Lin Caihan introduced.

"Are there so many in the early days of the Divine Emperor?" Zhao Yang asked in surprise.

"This doesn't match the originally designed legion configuration." Mingyue said softly.

"I will be able to condense time crystals after my cultivation reaches the taboo realm." Zhao Yang paused at this point, "In this way, the standard of the Supreme Legion is still [-], of which the legion leader and two deputy legions Long is the cultivation level of the peak of the taboo, one hundred high-level taboos, one thousand mid-level taboos, and the rest are early-stage taboos."

When Zhao Yang said this, he was in an uproar.

Want to know how many forbidden realms there are in the whole world?

"Although this goal is a bit bigger, how many times have we revised it over the years." Lin Caihan said with a smile, "For example, we will move forward step by step according to this goal."

"I agree with my sister's point of view." Tang Yiren said in agreement.

"The Supreme Legion will follow this standard." Zhao Yang said decisively.

"The cultivation bases of the head of the king's legion and the two deputy head of the army are at the high level of the taboo, among which [-] are in the middle level of the taboo, [-] are in the early stage of the taboo, and the rest are half-step taboo, the number of the king's legion Control it at [-]."

"The commander of the Purple and Gold Legion and the repair of the two deputy commanders

In order to be in the middle stage of the taboo, among them, there are 100 in the early stage of the taboo, [-] in the half-step taboo, and the rest are at the peak of the emperor, and the number of the Zijin Legion is controlled at [-] million. "

"The cultivation bases of the head of the Golden Legion and the two deputy heads of the army are in the early stage of the taboo. Among them, there are 1000 gods at the peak of the god emperor, [-] gods at the high level of the god emperor, and the rest are middle-level gods. The Golden Legion The number is controlled at [-] million."

"The rest of the monks are all incorporated into the reserve force, and the strength of the reserve force must be above the life god state, that is, the weakest ones must also reach the god king state."

Lin Caihan and others were shocked and speechless after hearing Zhao Yang's ambitious plan.

This is really too scary.

"Husband, how long will it take to reach this point?" Xu Huier asked softly.

"If I can condense time chips, not to mention the peach trees that bloom every 800 years and bear fruit every 800 years, just say the more than 40 sacred trees. After they ripen once a year, do you think resources will still be a problem?"

Xu Huier and the others were all shocked when they heard this.

Every time the Hundred Treasures Tree can produce [-] high-treasure fruits that have stepped into the half-step taboo realm, [-] middle-treasure fruits that have stepped into the peak of the God Emperor, and [-] low-treasure fruits that have stepped into the high-level of the God Emperor.

The problem is that there are forty such fruit trees in Zhaoyang.

What a concept.

They bloom and bear fruit at one time, Yan Huangzong can have three hundred and a half

Step taboo, [-] god emperor peak, [-] god emperor high-level.

If Zhao Yang's time fragment can make these forty plants bloom and bear fruit within a year, then Yan Huangzong only needs 300 years to complete Zhao Yang's grand plan.

"It's still a bit challenging to say that." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Yanhuangzong currently has 320 warships with half-step taboos and 120 war puppets with half-step taboos; there are 12 battleships at the peak of the god emperor, and [-] war puppets at the peak of the god emperor. [-] statues..." Only after Lin Caihan spoke eloquently did Zhao Yang know how far Yanhuangzong had reached.

"One-third of the resources of the four continents you brought are sealed, and the rest is almost consumed." Lin Caihan said leisurely.

The main reason is that the middle and high levels of Yanhuangzong have all grown up.

Zhao Yang also had some headaches.

Resources are running out so quickly.

"My plan is to have 30 warships with a half-step taboo, 30 war puppets with a half-step taboo; 100 warships with a peak god emperor, [-] war puppets with a peak god emperor; [-] high-level warships with a god emperor. [-] ships, [-] high-level war puppets of the God Emperor." Lin Caihan said softly at this time, "As for the war puppets and warships in other realms, they will be treated as cannon fodder in the future."

Zhao Yang nodded.

Just when he was about to connect with the mysterious girl, he was in charge of supervising

The warship controlling intelligence suddenly delivered a message.

The transfer station of the Zhao family was attacked.

Hearing this news, Zhao Yang's face suddenly darkened.

"I'll go to the transit station to have a look."


Zhao Yang then rode the ferocious beast towards the transfer station of the Zhao family.

In fact, Zhao Yang is no longer worried about Yanhuangzong's safety.

Yan Huangzong currently owns 320 warships and 120 war puppets of half-step taboo.

Of course, it would be very difficult for Yanhuangzong to kill taboo high-ranking ones.

After all, if they can't fight, they can run, right?

The transfer station of Yanhuangzong.

When Zhao Yang arrived here driving a fierce beast, he saw the sad Zhao Zu.

"Old Ancestor, do you know who made the move?"

"I don't know, the other party erased all traces before leaving." Zhao Zu shook his head.

"There are not many companies in the whole region that can achieve such a level in such a short period of time?" the third ancestor said angrily.

"Time Martial Soul, I want to trace the source." Zhao Yang mobilized the Time Martial Soul.

When the time martial spirit is running in this world, in his eyes, time is constantly going backwards.

But when he wanted to see the appearance and aura of the shot, he spat out a mouthful of blood with a puff.

(End of this chapter)

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