Only then did Zhao Yang beam with joy.

"Presumably you also know that I can know your whereabouts. From now on, you will stay here honestly with me." Zhao Yang looked at the beast and said expressionlessly.

"I'll do whatever you want me to do." The beast was as obedient as a puppy right now.

Zhao Yang then turned and left.

After Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong, he took the more than 2000 Heavenly Blood Grass of the peak of the emperor.

"Now there are enough peak emperors of Yanhuangzong, and almost as many high-level ones." Lin Caihan said softly after some calculations, "We only need to worry about half-step taboo and taboo now."

The progress of the half-step forbidden realm is still a bit slow.

"Maybe we will encounter such a chance on the way to the sixth pass." Zhao Yang said uncertainly.

"Are you ready to go to the sixth level?"


Just when Zhao Yang was about to go to the taboo road, Piao Miao from the ancestral family of the soul clan came to meet and go hand in hand.

But was rejected by Zhao Yang.

"I'm used to walking alone." Zhao Yang immediately went to the road of taboo.

The fifth pass has now been rebuilt by the ten taboo forces of the Taboo Road, but it is no longer as prosperous as it used to be.

Zhao Yang noticed that maybe those forces just regarded this as a transit point.

After thinking about it, he went to Jubao Pavilion.

Jubao Pavilion has a new shopkeeper.

"Young Master Zhao." The shopkeeper saw the shocked expression on Zhao Yang's face.


Who doesn't know that Zhao Yang is a hot existence?

Even taboo-level ferocious beasts can be severely injured.

"Shopkeeper, I want to buy a batch of high-grade materials."

"Is there a list?" The shopkeeper asked quickly.

Zhao Yang handed the shopkeeper a list.

After the shopkeeper glanced at it, a look of shock appeared on his face, "Master Zhao, even if we give you a [-]% discount on these materials, it will cost two trillion yuan."

"[-]% off?" Zhao Yang was startled.

"Our suzerain said that Mr. Zhao will take special care of him."

Zhao Yang took out a universe bag and said, "There are two trillion here."

If it was before, Zhao Yang really couldn't afford it.

But when the fifth level was broken, Xue Shanhe and the treasurer gave Zhao Yang all the sacred stones in the treasury.

Therefore, Zhao Yang is not short of money at all.

"Please wait."

Three hours later, the shopkeeper came here with a young man.

"Wu Tong met Mr. Zhao." The young man saluted Zhao Yang.

"Young Pavilion Master of Jubao Pavilion?" Zhao Yang had heard the name Wutong before.

"I'm taking the liberty to come here, please forgive Mr. Zhao." Wu Tong first confessed.

"Young Master Wutong, please be polite."

After Wutong took his seat, he said frankly, "I told the following before that if you see Mr. Zhao, you must let me know."

"are you looking for me?"

"The thing about the beast."

"I'm here

Before going to the forbidden road, I went to find the beast. "Zhao Yang said softly, "I severely wounded the beast again, but I have no ability to wipe him out completely, but I forced the beast to agree that it must not come out to wreak havoc until I return. "

"In this case, I'm relieved." Wutong couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

After all, with a taboo beast hanging above his head, who wouldn't be worried?

"Also, is Mr. Zhao interested in going to the sixth pass with me?" Wutong sent an invitation to Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang refused, "I'm used to it alone."

"This time I invited Di Ji."

"Miss Diji, the young patriarch of Wanfa Sect?"

"To be exact, the number one beauty in the heavens?"

"Prettier than Piao Miao."

"Yes." Wutong said up to this point, "That guy Jizi is arrogant, but he still bowed down under Diji's glazed skirt."

"I'm a little interested when you say that." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "But women are troublesome sometimes, so I decided to go alone."

Farewell to Wutong Zhao Yang embarked on the road to the sixth pass with two trillion yuan of materials.

The main reason for buying two trillion yuan of materials is that the high-level materials in refining the emperor are consumed too quickly.

That's why he added it?

Not long after he reached the fifth level, an old voice rang in his ears.

"On the way to the sixth level, you will encounter

The beasts with taboo background, of course, the cultivation of those beasts is the same as your current realm. "

"You will get one point for every beast you kill."

"Ten points can be exchanged for a half-step taboo battle puppet."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

A half-step taboo war puppet?

"Is there any resource that can step into the taboo?" Zhao Yang asked immediately.

"When your points reach [-], you will get a chance to draw a lottery. At that time, you will have the opportunity to get taboo-level resources that can take half a step."

A chance for a lottery?

Zhao Yang thinks that the creator of the Forbidden Road knows how to figure out the psychology of monks?

It didn't take long for Zhao Yang to see a fierce beast rushing towards him. Zhao Yang didn't use his mental power, but relied on his own fighting power.

He dealt with the beast within a few strokes.

"The background of this fierce beast is about twenty." Zhao Yang guessed.

Don't think this number is low, Zhao Yang's previous value was fifteen.

"I don't know how many monks can reach the sixth level?" Zhao Yang began to study the characteristics of this beast after killing it.

He wants to kill as many beasts as possible in order to get more points.

But what surprised him was that he had already seen the city in the sixth level, and his points could barely reach eighty.

That's not enough for a lottery.

In fact, he can reach the sixth level now, but

How could he be willing?

So he turned back.

That's right.

He went back.

He chose a different path.

As a result, he encountered the beast again.

It made him happy.

When Zhao Yang reached the fifth level, he got forty points.

Less points.

Zhao Yang realized this and drew a prize first.

In the next moment, a space appeared in Zhao Yang.

There are many tips in this space.

"You can only draw one."

Zhao Yang stared at those kits.

He is guessing which of these tips is more valuable?

"The third one from your left." Just then the voice of the mysterious girl rang in his ears.

Without even thinking about it, Zhao Yang grabbed the third bag on the left.

There are thirty divine fruits in the kit that can step into half-step taboos.


Immediately, Zhao Yang's consciousness returned to the real world.

Zhao Yang is very happy.

Thirty pieces of divine fruit that can step into half-step taboo, this can definitely be called a great gift.

After Zhao Yang collected the thirty divine fruits, he embarked on the journey to the sixth level again.

Soon he found that he only got [-] points this time.

"The system is avoiding me." Zhao Yang realized this immediately.

He thought he might only get ten points if he went back?

Then what should be done?

(End of this chapter)

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