Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1862 Sky Blood Grass

Lin Caihan also wanted to have spiritual power after realizing the horror of spiritual power.

Next, Lin Caihan tortured herself in order to give birth to spiritual power, not to mention, after half a year, Lin Caihan really gave birth to spiritual power.

Although her mental strength seems weak, she was born after all.

"My background has reached the value of two hundred." Lin Caihan said in surprise.

Her efforts are worth it.

Now Lin Caihan can be regarded as advancing into the first echelon.

"I didn't teach you the secret art of spiritual power before, mainly because I was worried that you would not understand." Zhao Yang said that he taught Lin Caihan without reservation what the mysterious woman taught him.

You don't even know what spiritual power is, how do you understand the use of spiritual power?

Zhao Yang was worried that Lin Caihan had gone astray, so he never taught it.

"This secret technique looks difficult to practice." Lin Caihan said in a deep voice after scanning it once.

Her wording was different from Zhao Zu's.

What Zhao Zu said was completely incomprehensible.

"To be precise, this is a secret technique that only those with strong taboos are qualified to master. We have mastered it at this level, which is already a lot ahead of us." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You keep saying that the spiritual source stone is scary, I was wondering how scary it is?"

"The sharp sword splits your head directly."

Hearing this, Lin Caihan's face turned pale.

But it was soon replaced by tenacity.

"There has never been a cultivation level that can be obtained for nothing in this world."

Lin Caihan tried it.

This time she passed out directly.

It took three days for her to wake up, and her face was full of panic at this time.

"It was terrible. At that moment, I thought I had fallen." Lin Caihan said with lingering fear.

"I love and hate the spiritual source stone." Zhao Yang said softly.

Lin Caihan felt it and said with a smile, "My spiritual power has increased by one tenth."

"Yeah, if I didn't have so many improvements, I wouldn't dare to continue trying." Zhao Yang nodded.

"I'll take my time." Lin Caihan really wanted to try again, but when she thought about the pain before, she felt that she should wait for a while.

When Zhao Yang and Lin Caihan were inspecting Yanhuangzong, Tang Yiren walked towards them.

"Husband, the sixth level of the taboo road has opened."

"It turned on at this time?" Zhao Yang frowned.

"Husband, what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried that the beast will appear when I go to the taboo road." Zhao Yang expressed his concern.

As long as the taboo road is gone, it will not be able to come back in a short time.

"This is indeed a hidden danger." Lin Caihan nodded, "But it's been half a year, hasn't that beast recovered yet?"

Lin Caihan's words reminded Zhao Yang.

"Shouldn't that beast

What opportunity did you find? "Zhao Yang couldn't sit still after realizing this.

He hurried to the outside world.

After being outside the territory, he began to capture the news between heaven and earth.

But after a long time there is no gain.

"Sister, where do you think that beast is hiding?" Zhao Yang asked after hesitating for a while.

"You fought that beast, right?"


"Your spirit once had an imprint on him."

Zhao Yang suddenly realized something when he heard this.

He began to understand.

He traces the spiritual power related to himself between heaven and earth.

Immediately, images appeared in his mind.

It didn't take long for him to see a huge figure squatting on the ground and gnawing bright red grass on a wasteland.

"Sister, what are those grasses?"

"Heaven Blood Grass." The girl replied, "One plant can make a cultivator reach the peak of the God Emperor."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang's expression suddenly changed.

"Sister, there seems to be a lot of Sky Blood Grass in that wasteland, right?"

"In that wasteland, there used to be two existences from the taboo realm bleeding here. After their deaths, their bodies and blood turned into Sky Blood Grass."

Zhao Yang no longer hesitated and rushed over there.

After arriving at the wilderness, the majestic spiritual power turned into a long river and wrapped it towards the beast.

After half a year of practice, Zhao Yang's spiritual strength is on the basis of the previous

It skyrocketed a lot again.

He felt that there was no problem in dealing with this beast.

After the beast persisted for a while, Sa Yazi wanted to run away, but was quickly blocked by Zhao Yang's mental strength.


Its head exploded, followed by its body.

Blood drenches the entire nearby area.

Of course Zhao Yang knew that it was not so easy to kill a taboo beast, because it didn't take long for the beast to appear in place.

"My master is just sealed. If you kill me, my master will not let you go." The fierce beast spoke out.

"According to my current progress, do you think I will care after your master comes out?" Zhao Yang said indifferently.

As long as it is sealed, don't think about it in a short time.

"How are you doing?"

"Of course I killed you."

"I didn't offend you, why did you kill me?"

"I'm about to set off on the Forbidden Road, and I'm worried that you will do evil during this time."

"Well, how about I promise to stay here while you go to the Forbidden Road?"

"Let you stay here and devour the Sky Blood Grass to restore your strength?" Zhao Yang sneered.

"I don't need to devour the Sky Blood Grass!" The fierce beast said a little timidly.

Zhao Yang's eyes flickered.

"There's no need to kill it." The mysterious girl's voice sounded in his ears, "Its blood and bones are all

It is the material of the refiner. "

Hearing this, Zhao Yang suddenly thought of something.

He picked up a bottle and poured the blood of the beast.

He remembered the array secret technique given to him by the mysterious girl, and one of the secret techniques required the blood of ferocious beasts.

And the blood of the taboo strong and ferocious beast should make the formation more effective.

"Can't I kill it now?" Zhao Yang whispered.

"It's still a bit difficult for your current mental power to completely wipe it out." The mysterious girl said lightly.

This made Zhao Yang realize that he had to work hard.

"Since you said so, I will give you a chance." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

A look of surprise appeared on the fierce beast's face.

"Don't worry, I will never leave this area until you come back from the Forbidden Road." The beast said sternly.

Zhao Yang nodded.

With a wave of his hand, hundreds of war puppets appeared around him.

"Harve all the Sky Blood Grass for me."

Hundreds of war puppets moved quickly.

It didn't take long to harvest all the Sky Blood Grasses in this place to clean gold.

"There are only more than 2000 plants." Zhao Yang said a little unhappy.

He thought there were more?

"More than 2000 plants are not satisfied?"

"It would be great if there were more than 2000 half-step taboo plants." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

"You will encounter relevant opportunities when you go to the sixth level of the forbidden road." The mysterious girl said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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