"It is indeed not enough." Zhao Yang said with a smile, "I am here this time to buy a batch of high-level warships of the God Emperor and a batch of high-level battle puppets of the God Emperor."

"How much do you need?"

"I need ten high-level warships of the God Emperor, and twenty high-level war puppets of the God Emperor." Zhao Yang was also furious at this time.

"After the discount, you need 800 billion."

Zhao Yang gave the other party so much without the slightest hesitation.

After the other party took it, he said wait a moment.

Two hours later, he handed over ten warships and twenty war puppets to Zhao Yang.

After Zhao Yang put these things into the Qiankun bag, he hurried towards Yanhuangzong.

After arriving at Yanhuangzong, I did not receive any news from the Death Continent.

"There are our people stationed in the four moats of the Death Continent." Tang Yi came over, "As long as there are people from the Death Continent, we will know immediately."

"What about the first mountain, the first valley, and the first pavilion?"

"Their territory has begun to shrink in an all-round way. As long as there is any change there, they will leave the dead continent as soon as possible."

After thinking about it, Zhao Yang went to the First Valley's residence in the Death Continent.

The First Valley Master and Leng Aoxue received Zhao Yang.

"Is the matter critical?" The owner of the first valley asked worriedly.

"Things are more critical than you imagined. When I heard the news, I

There is a bad premonition in my heart. "Zhao Yang said solemnly, "Most of the powerhouses in the Death Continent will return. I suggest that you transfer immediately. "

The face of the first valley owner changed drastically.

At Zhao Yang's level, his intuition is very accurate.

"Leng Aoxue, transfer immediately." The first valley owner ordered immediately.

Zhao Yang then went to the First Mountain and the First Pavilion to explain the situation to the two supernatural forces.

The two supernatural forces understood the importance of the matter, so they immediately began to transfer.

In fact, Yanhuangzong has also started to transfer.

It took three days for the three supernatural forces to transfer all the arrangements for many years, and it took five days for Yan Huangzong to transfer the arrangements for many years.

leave in a hurry.

Very embarrassed.

Soul Sky Continent did not understand the movement of God's Domain.

The blue crucian carp went to Yanhuangzong immediately.

"Why did you suddenly evacuate from the continent of death?"

"The strong outside the Death Continent will return soon." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"A strong man from outside the territory?" Blue crucian carp was startled.

"In addition, I want to know if the strong outside of your Soul Sky Continent have any connection with your Vermilion Bird Sect?"

"No." Blue crucian carp shook his head, "At that time, it was the Four Elephant Sect who went out of the territory, and they had nothing to do with our four major forces." Speaking of which, she looked at Zhao Yang suspiciously and said, "What's wrong?"

"Your Soul Sky Continent ranks second outside the region." Zhao Yang said with emotion.


Zhao Yang introduced the second meaning to the blue crucian carp.

After listening to this, the blue crucian carp was in a bad mood, "Our Soul Sky Continent is so powerful?"


"Can we go outside to find them?"

"First, you don't know the space coordinates; second, do you have the ability to pass through the sky?"

Blue crucian carp thought for a while and looked at Zhao Yang with bright eyes, "Can't you go through the moat? You can take me there."

"To be honest, I don't want to have contact with the existence of your Soul Sky Continent." Zhao Yang refused, "The current God's Domain is still very weak compared to your Soul Sky Continent."

Blue crucian carp immediately understood what Zhao Yang meant.

God knows what kind of impact it will have if the strong men from Soul Sky Continent return?

The blue crucian carp left feeling a little disappointed.

Zhao Yang returned to his small world to build a killing array.

That's right.

Kill the array!

Zhao Yang can now build a high-level killing formation of the God Emperor, and as long as the construction is successful, he can use the energy multiplier mirror to create a killing formation of the peak of the God Emperor.

And just when Zhao Yang and the eight great gods had just successfully built two killing formations, Yan Huangzong's spies suddenly delivered the news of the return of the strong outside the Death Continent.

"It seems that my prediction was correct." Zhao Yang sighed lightly.

his first

Immediately summoned the senior officials of the Yanhuang Sect, "I am announcing two things now, first, the disciples of the Yanhuang Sect will return to the sect immediately, and no one is allowed to go out without my order; second, the ancestral court of the sect will be handed over to Lin Caihan. "

Lin Caihan held objections at this time, "I'll go there with you, leave the ancestral court to Mingyue."

Looking at Lin Caihan's firm eyes, Zhao Yang nodded slightly, "Okay."

After Zhao Yang confessed again, he brought fifteen warships at the peak of the God Emperor Realm (the Zongmen left a battleship at the peak of the God Emperor) and 22 war puppets at the peak of the God Emperor (the Zongmen left a god emperor battleship) The war puppet of Emperor Peak) went to the border area between the Death Continent and the God's Domain.

In fact, this area has always been garrisoned by three top forces.

Therefore, when Zhao Yang's fleet came, all three major forces were frightened.

"These fifteen battleships are all from the God Emperor Realm, right?"

"From the power emanating from them, it can be confirmed that these warships are all in the God Emperor Realm."

"The problem is that I am also in the God Emperor Realm, but why do I feel a little weak in front of them?" Gao Boya expressed his doubts.

Soon the first pavilion owner, the first mountain owner, and the first valley owner arrived one after another.

And when they saw Zhao Yang's fleet, they were all shocked.

"Sect Master Zhao, these warships?" The first pavilion master asked with hot eyes.

"These fifteen warships are all god emperors.

Pinnacle level. "Zhao Yang pointed at the 22 war puppets at this point, "They are also at the peak level of the emperor. "

"Peak God Emperor?" All the monks present gasped in fright when they heard this word.

You must know that the strongest existence in the four continents is the five god emperor peaks in Longyuan Continent.

But now Zhao Yang showed the existence of 37 peak god emperors.

In other words, Yanhuangzong can push the entire Longyuan Continent horizontally at any time.

It was at this time that they realized that Yanhuangzong had hidden so much?

"Why did you bring so many strong people here?" Leng Aoxue suddenly realized something?

"Because the lineup of the Death Continent is not much weaker than ours." Zhao Yang said leisurely.

Zhao Yang's words startled the monks present.

"Quick back." At this moment Zhao Yang suddenly shouted.

The battleship under his feet warned him that a large number of strong men were rushing towards this side.

The first pavilion master, the first mountain master, and the first valley master hurriedly ordered his subordinates to run quickly.

They haven't run far yet. Tens of millions of soldiers rushed towards this side under the leadership of the twelve figures.

The breath of the twelve figures headed by them was so fierce that everyone's breathing almost stopped.

Their faces were full of killing intent, and the way they gritted their teeth seemed to push God's domain horizontally.

But when they saw the fifteen warships that intercepted them, they were stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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