These girls are all beautiful, and some of them are even more stunning than Haitang.

But Zhao Yang still declined.

"Thank you for your kindness, but forget it." Zhao Yang said and stretched his waist, "I got up too early today, I have to go back to rest." After finishing speaking, everyone went back with stunned expressions. "

The corner of Weiyang Sect Master's mouth twitched fiercely.

She would like to say how lame your reason is.

Can you stop being so perfunctory?

"Zhao Zu, I hope you can still consider the alliance between the two clans." Weiyang Sect Master looked at Zhao Zu and said.

"I will consider it carefully." Zhao Zu nodded.

As for the result?

Is it important?

After the Weiyangzong people left, Zhao Zu and his party came to Zhao Yang's courtyard.

They found Zhao Yang lying on a rattan chair, one maid was pinching his shoulders, and the other was beating his legs.

Just as Zhao Yang was about to stand up, Zhao Zu stopped him.

"There is no need to salute, that... can you show me your taboo order?" Zhao Zu rubbed his hands.


How many taboo orders are there in the entire territory?

Zhao Yang smiled and threw the taboo order to Zhao Zu.

The senior officials of the Zhao family immediately surrounded them, staring at the taboo order and looking at it non-stop.

"Zhao Yang, why didn't you say that you have a taboo order from the beginning?" Zhao Zu asked puzzled after returning the token to Zhao Yang.

"If I said that I have a taboo order from the very beginning, it will inevitably make the people lazy." Zhao Yang said carefully, "Actually, if the suzerain Weiyang didn't break out today, I wouldn't even plan to talk about it."

Only then did the faces of everyone show a look of sudden enlightenment.

"And how many younger generations of the Zhao family are there?" Zhao Yang asked after thinking about it.

"There are many young people who are not talented." Zhao Zu replied.

"Call them all over here." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Zhao Zu and the others suddenly realized something, and it didn't take long for hundreds of younger generations to come to Zhao Yang's courtyard.

They looked at Zhao Yang with longing and anticipation in their eyes.

In fact, they can also guess some.

Zhao Yang stared at these guys for a while and selected five teenagers and five girls, "Let the rest go."

The younger generation who were not selected showed annoyance on their faces, but they left in an orderly manner.

"You guys report your background respectively." Zhao Yang said softly.

"Uncle Clan, my background is a high-level god king."

"Uncle Clan, my background is the mid-level god king."

"Uncle Clan, my background is the early stage of the God King."

These ten young men and women revealed their backgrounds one after another.

"Next, I will train them into three high-level god emperors, three middle-level god emperors, and four early-level god emperors." Zhao Yang said calmly.

hear here Zhao

The senior level of the clan showed surprise.

The biggest problem facing the Zhao clan today is that there are too few god-emperor-level powerhouses.

It is true that they now have a batch of God Emperor-class battleships and war puppets that can be mobilized, but there are too few God Emperor powerhouses in their group, which is always a drawback.

Zhao Yang is now helping to train the ten god emperors, which will undoubtedly enhance their strength.

At this moment, the entire outside world suddenly shook violently, as if destroying the world.

Zhao Yang asked in astonishment, "What happened?"

"The ranking is over. The continents ranked outside the three thousand ranks have just been annihilated." The Sixth Patriarch said with a sad look on his face.

Hundreds of continents.

If you say it's gone, it's gone.

It took Zhao Yang a long time to get used to the news.

"What if the monks from that continent go to another continent?" Zhao Yang asked.

"This one can survive, but you can't go there on a large scale, otherwise other continents won't agree." Dazu responded.

Zhao Yang checked the news of Soul Sky Continent, Longyuan Continent, and Death Continent through the token.

It turned out that Soul Sky Continent ranked second.

This ranking greatly exceeded his expectations.

"Why is Soul Sky Continent so strong?"

"The Martial Soul of the Soul Sky Continent is the strongest auxiliary method, which is recognized by the strong outside the region, and only the Dao Clan can stabilize them.


"Tao family?"

"This ethnic group is born with Taoism, do you think it is strong?"

"All of them are born with Dao body?"

"The Dao body is also divided into pure and incomplete, but even if it is incomplete, it is much better than ordinary monks."

Zhao Yang then went to check the ranking of Longyuan Continent, and to his surprise, the ranking of Longyuan Continent was 84th.

"Longyuan Continent actually has 84 people."

"There are half-step taboo powerhouses in Longyuan Continent." Zhao Zu paused at this point, "In fact, the top [-] have half-step taboo powerhouses in command. By the way, why do you care about Longyuan Continent? ?”

"Shenyu has collided with Soul Sky Continent, Longyuan Continent, and Death Continent a few years ago." Zhao Zu and others were surprised by Zhao Yang's words.

"One of these three continents is stronger than the other." Dazu said worriedly.

"Soul Sky Continent ranks second, Longyuan Continent ranks No. 80, and Death Continent ranks No. 90 and fifth." Zhao Yang said helplessly when the third ancestor said this, "Our God Realm is the same as Soul Sky Continent and Longyuan Continent. The relationship with the mainland is not bad, but the relationship with the continent of death is not good. When the two continents first collided, I killed the four peak god emperors and the nine high-level god emperors in the death continent."

Everyone's faces turned green when they heard this.

"What else did you do?"

"God's Domain divided up the Death Continent."

"This..." Zhao Zu and others were moved.

Feel the scalp go numb.

It is too cruel to offend others.

"I suddenly felt that I had to go back and prepare." Zhao Yang said hastily.

"Do you know how many peak god emperors there are in the Death Continent?" Zhao Zu called Zhao Yang.

"How many?"

"One half-step taboo and 36 god-emperor peaks."

Zhao Yang nodded.

After he returned to Yanhuangzong, he told Lin Caihan, Mingyue, Tang Yiren and other senior officials of Yanhuangzong about this incident.

Lin Caihan and the others were taken aback.

Only then did they realize how big a mess they had made?

"This ranking has just ended, and the strong ones from the Death Continent may return." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"What should we do?" Mingyue asked solemnly.

"For now, we can only rely on a large number of peak god emperors to frighten the Death Continent." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"It's a pity that our cultivation base is still at the early stage of the God Emperor." Lin Caihan said with some annoyance, "Otherwise I would be able to refine the God Emperor's high-level battleship."

"Don't worry too much." Zhao Yang said softly, "I just want to inform you, and then remember to tell the first pavilion, the first mountain and the first valley about this matter."

Then Zhao Yang went to the taboo road again.

After activating the token, he came to the fifth level.

The boss of Jubao Pavilion was stunned when he saw Zhao Yang, "Young Master Zhao, the warships and puppets you bought last time shouldn't be enough, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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