Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1810 Ding Chengzu

After the Ding clan confirmed that all the eight peak gods invited by Zhao Zu had left, they once again led an army of 200 million to the Zhao clan aggressively.

"Zhao Zu, do you still have help?" Ding Zu asked jokingly at Zhao Zu who had rushed over.

In his eyes, Zhao Zu is already a fish on the chopping board.

Zhao Zu glanced around and said indifferently, "How confident are you that you brought the five peak god emperors here?"

"Could it be that this lineup can't take down your Zhao family?" Ding Zu sneered.

But then he stopped laughing.

Because he saw three figures appearing behind Zhao Zu, and those three figures were the same as him, and they were also at the peak of the God Emperor.

"This... who are you?" Ding Zu asked loudly after he calmed down.

He didn't expect Zhao Zu to hide.

"If you want to inquire about my identity, there is no door."

"Do you think I'll tell you?"

"If you want to fight, you will fight."

Seeing the existence of these three peak god emperors, Ding Zu would not dare to make a move for a while.

After pondering for a while, he contacted the Emperor of the Ding clan.

Not long after, six god emperors came from the Ding clan.

It has to be said that Ding Zu hated the Zhao family, otherwise he would not have transferred all the peak god emperors.

"Our twelve peak god emperors want to defeat your five peak god emperors, I don't think there is much problem.

"When Ding Zu said this, he wanted to see panic and loss on Zhao Zu's face.

Unfortunately not.

Because Zhao Zu waved his hand and three battleships appeared behind him, and these three battleships were exactly the same as the ones under his feet.

"The battleship at the peak of the Emperor?" Ding Zu's eyes almost popped out, "Where did you get it?"

"Where did we get it, you don't need to care about it." Zhao Zu asked lazily, "I just don't know how much chance you have now?"

"Twelve against eight, we still have a chance of winning!" Ding Zu gritted his teeth.

"Believe it or not, if we try our best, we can still take away two or three of your god emperors." Zhao Zu's eyes turned cold when he said this, "I just don't know if you can bear this loss?"

Ding Zu was silent for a while before he said, "But since then, your orthodoxy will be gone."

At this time, Da Zu shouted to Ding Zu, "If we surrender, can you let us go?"

"Surrender?" Ding Zu's eyes showed surprise when he heard these two words.

He didn't expect Zhao Zu's son, Dazu, to say such a thing.

"Evil animal, what are you talking about?" Zhao Zu pointed at Da Zu furiously.

"Father, what Ding Zu said is right, if we can't win, what's the point of fighting off two or three of their god-emperors?"

"Father, I think elder brother is right, we still surrender."

The Sixth Patriarch Shi echoed, "I believe the Ding clan will give us dignity."

"Shut up, you can say such things." The third ancestor said with red eyes, "Our Zhao clan must not surrender."

"Third brother, can you understand the situation?" Dazu said with emotion, "We are not the opponents of the Ding clan, so don't make fearless struggles."

"Brother, I didn't expect your bones to be so soft." Sanzu said through gritted teeth.

"Shut up." Zhao Zu growled.

The Great Patriarch, the Third Patriarch, and the Sixth Patriarch all shut their mouths at this moment.

"We have some things to discuss." Zhao Zu looked at Ding Zu.

"As long as your Zhao clan submits to our Ding clan, we will definitely show our sincerity." Ding Zuyi said sternly.

"I didn't say surrender." Zhao Zu snorted coldly.

"I believe you will make a wise choice." Ding Zu said with a smile.

As Zhao Zu and others left one after another, a sneer appeared on the corner of Ding Zu's mouth.


What I value are the three battleships of your Zhao family's peak god emperor.

As long as he got these three warships, he would attack Zhao Zu and others without hesitation.

But now I have to be patient.

One day passed.

Two days have passed.

Three days have passed.

Every day Ding Zu would send someone to remind him, but the person he sent told him that there was a quarrel within the Zhao clan.


Hearing this, Ding Zu felt relieved, but after waiting for another three days, he gradually felt that something was wrong.

"Go invite Ding Chengzu." Ding Zu said in a deep voice.

Ding Chengzu is the existence of the Ding family who obtained the strongest god-king order.

Ding Zu felt that it was necessary for this man to show up as a deterrent.

Millennium Continent!

Weiyang Zongzhong!

Zhao Mingxun has been living in guilt these days.

Even if he is accompanied by the beautiful Hai Tang for a long time.

"Can't let go of the Zhao family?" Haitang asked softly this day.

Zhao Mingxun was silent.

"Go and have a look." Haitang said softly.

Zhao Mingxun stood up hastily.

Haitang sighed deeply when she saw this scene.

It seems that Zhao Mingxun still can't let go after all.

Forget it.

Let's go with him.

Haitang summoned a warship of the peak of the emperor, carrying Zhao Mingxun towards the ancestral home of the Zhao clan.

An hour later, they arrived near the ancestral court of the Zhao family.

"The Zhao clan is still there?" Haitang was very surprised.

It stands to reason that as long as the Ding Clan makes a move, the Zhao Clan should be utterly destroyed.

What's the situation now?

At this moment, a battleship came towards this side from a distance, and standing on the battleship was a young man who was as handsome as jade.

When the boy's eyes fell on Zhao Mingxun, he

He said indifferently, "Zhao Mingxun, why are you not in the Zhao family's ancestral court?"

"Zhao Mingxun has joined our Weiyang clan." Haitang stood in front of Zhao Mingxun and said sternly.

"Marriage?" Pianpian's face was full of ridicule, "Why didn't I notice that you have such a hobby before?"

"Ding Chengzu, do you want to fight?" Haitang said a little unhappy.

"I'm not interested in fighting with you." Ding Chengzu shook his head, "I'm here today to destroy the stubborn Zhao clan." Having said that, he looked at Zhao Mingxun playfully and said, "Will you help later?"

Zhao Mingxun blushed, not knowing how to answer?

How could he not understand that Ding Chengzu was humiliating him?

Ding Chengzu laughed loudly, and he drove the battleship towards the mountain guard formation of the Zhao clan.

Ding Chengzu is very arrogant and arrogant.

Even if the five god emperor peaks of the Zhao clan stood in front of the mountain protection formation.

"The fact that your Zhao clan has been tossing so far has exceeded my expectations." Ding Chengzu stopped when he was [-] meters away from Zhao Zu, "But after I came, this farce should end. "

"How to terminate?" Zhao Zu said lightly.

If Zhao Zu didn't dare to be so calm before?

Ding Chengzu took off the token from his waist and threw it high.

"Did you see it?" Ding Chengzu said arrogantly.

(End of this chapter)

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