Zhao Zu despised their behavior in his heart, but he didn't show it in the slightest.

"Everyone, don't worry, but you have to act more realistically when the momentum is strong." Zhao Zu changed his voice when he said this, "But if you let me know who is obedient, don't blame me for turning my face."

"Of course, you may think that it doesn't matter if I turn my face, but don't think about the battleships in the early days of the God Emperor."


That's right!

Zhao Zu was threatening these guys at this time.

"Don't worry, we still have this bit of integrity."

"Eating is short-handed, how can we eat a second one?"

"We don't do things that don't pay attention."

Zhao Zu saw these guys express their opinions one after another, so he led them to the front of the mountain guard formation.

"Patriarch Ding, what do you intend to lead an army of 200 million?" Zhao Zu asked in a deep voice, looking at the old man standing on the prow of the God Emperor's peak battleship.

Looking at these twenty warships, he is drooling.

If the Zhao family has so many warships, who are they afraid of?

Wouldn't it be possible to survive in the cracks all these years?

In fact, this is also the accumulation of the Ding family.

The road of taboo has been opened not once or twice in these years, but the Zhao family has not achieved anything in these years.

"Your second child hurt my third child, should I avenge this revenge?" Ding Zu said with a stern look on his face.


When Zu heard that Ding Zu mentioned the second child, he immediately flew into a rage, "My second child hurt your third child, but your third child is fine, but my second child was killed by a sneak attack."

"My third child is precious. He has a crush on your second wife's wife. It's her blessing, but he dares to attack my third child. This is the way to kill him." Ding Zu's words made Zhao Zu wish he could die now. dash forward.

But he knew he couldn't.

If he fights alone, he really may not be Ding Zu's opponent.

"Your Ding family wants to take us down, so be careful not to have such a good mouth." Zhao Zu said that the eight gods behind him, including the great ancestor of China Unicom, all released them without restraint.

"Are you going to fight against our Ding family?" The ancestor of the Ding family asked with narrowed eyes.

"It's the rule to take people's money and eliminate disasters with them."

"You don't need to scare us with the Ding family. I have been wandering for many years, and what I do is to lick blood."

"Yes, the big deal is that we will defect to a powerful orthodoxy."

The patriarch of the Ding family was silent for a while before saying, "Zhao Zu, you should know that the group of guys behind you are nothing but fools. If there is a real war, I don't believe they will help you."

"You'll know if you try it." Zhao Zu said forcefully.

Ding Zu looked at Zhao Zu's lineup, and was a little uncertain for a while.


Zhao Zu, I can retreat today, but what about the future? The patriarch of the Ding family sneered, "Believe it or not, I can defeat them one by one." "

"Please." Zhao Zu said lightly.

Ding Zu took a deep look at Zhao Zu, then waved his hand and led the army away.

As a result, a god emperor bid farewell to Zhao Zu after half a day.

"The Ding clan is putting pressure on my clan, Lao Zhao, I'm sorry, I have to leave."

"It's not been a day yet." Zhao Zu said with some dissatisfaction.

"I don't want the warships from the early days of the God Emperor." The God Emperor ran away after speaking.

It has to be said that the Ding clan has a great influence.

In just three days, the emperor Zhao Zu paid a lot of money to leave six of them.

"Old Zhao, we are leaving too." At this time, the last two god emperors also stood up.

"Yes, to be honest, the two of us stand up and have no deterrent effect on the Ding family."

Seeing the two god emperors also leave, Zhao Zu's heart was full of bitterness.

"I'm ashamed of Zhao Yang. I'm sure I can last for half a month, but it's only been four days." Zhao Zu showed a sad look on his face.

The two are far apart.

"Why should the ancestor belittle himself?" At this moment, a clear voice came from outside the hall.

Who else is it not Zhao Yang?

"Zhao Yang, why did you come back so soon?" Zhao Zu said excitedly when he saw Zhao Yang.

Zhao's top management is also very


They felt that Zhao Yang probably had a way to deal with the Ding clan.

"Zhao Yang, you..." The Sixth Patriarch didn't know how to ask this question.

"Everyone follow me." Zhao Yang said and walked out of the hall.

When Zhao Yang came outside, three figures appeared beside him with a wave of his hand.

These three figures exude a heavy aura, but when they really feel it, they are like heaven.

"The existence of the three peak gods and emperors." Zhao Zu looked at the three faces with surprise, "Why don't you introduce these three?"

"What are you introducing? They are the puppets of the peak God Emperor." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.


"A war puppet at the pinnacle of the God Emperor?"

"If that's the case, our Zhao Clan will have five god-emperor peaks."

"But it seems that Wu Zun is not the opponent of the Ding clan?"

After experiencing the surprise, the senior management of the Zhao clan thought of a key question.

That is, with the current lineup, they are still not the opponents of the Ding clan?

"If the five masters are not the opponents of the Ding clan, then do you know if the nine masters are their opponents?" Zhao Yang said four warships suddenly appeared in midair.

The coercion of these four battleships made the high-level people present look shocked.

"Zhao Yang, these battleships are not the battleships of the peak of the God Emperor, right?" the Sixth Patriarch said.

Swallowing saliva while talking.

"It doesn't seem to be useful to deal with the high-level god emperors of the Ding clan, right?" Zhao Yang said with a slight smile.

"Can you give me one at that time?" The Sixth Patriarch rubbed his hands together and asked.

"You want to ask the ancestor about this?" Zhao Yang pointed at Zhao Zu.

At this time, Zhao Zu's heart was full of turmoil, "After the Zhao family has these four warships, I don't think even the Ding family will dare to act rashly."

"Zhao Zu, can you delay a little longer?"

"What do you mean?" Zhao Zu looked at Zhao Yang puzzled.

"I got so much in a hurry, and every time you delay for a day, I can get another battleship or puppet that is the peak of the God Emperor?"

"Really?" Zhao Zu asked quickly.


"If this is the case, I think it's okay to delay for a few more days." Zhao Zu said immediately.

"Okay, Patriarch, I have to take a battleship with me."

"no problem."

Immediately, Zhao Yang drove the battleship of the God Emperor Limit and left here.

In fact, he didn't go far away, but hid nearby, waiting quietly.

The energy multiplier can only be used once a day. If there is no such limit, he wouldn't have to be so sneaky?

The energy multiplier mirror is one of his biggest secrets. Even if the Zhao family has the same blood as him, it must be kept.

(End of this chapter)

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