Seeing this scene, the sixth patriarch of the Zhao family hurriedly asked his clansmen to fight a bloody road to rescue Zhao Yang.

When Zhao Yang saw the movement of the Zhao clan, he immediately drove the battleship to kill them too.

The two sides quickly joined together, and then went to the isolated island.

"How many descendants of the Zhao family are you?" The Fifth Patriarch looked Zhao Yang up and down and asked hurriedly.

"I don't know how many generations I am?" Zhao Yang said shyly.

"Then how do you know we're here?" Fifth Patriarch asked in astonishment.

"A while ago when I was practicing, I felt my blood was hot and my heart was excited. I realized that something happened to my ancestor, so I rushed here." Zhao Yang looked around and said, "Where is Zhao Zu?"

"Father, eldest brother, and third brother are stationed in the ancestral court. This is a transit point for the ancestral court." The sixth patriarch said bitterly, "It's just that who would have thought that we would be targeted by millipedes."

"Is this transit point important?"

"This transfer station was taken with great difficulty by us. If this transfer station is lost, the ancestral court will become an isolated island, and there will be no way out in the future if you want to retreat." The Sixth Patriarch said here worriedly, "It's a pity at this time Both the ancestral court and the rear are besieged by millipedes, and there is no way to help us."

"Are you the only one guarding this place?"

"Fifth brother and I were originally guarding this place, but fifth brother received help from the rear and left here three months ago." The sixth patriarch just said here.

The formation master hurried over, "Sixth Patriarch, the energy of the formation is almost exhausted."

"Has the situation become so severe?" Zhao Yang was stunned.

Even the energy to maintain the formation is gone.

"Do you have a high-grade divine stone on you?" The Sixth Patriarch no longer cared about face.


"Can you lend me 30 billion?" The Sixth Patriarch thought of something here, " you have 30 billion?"

Zhao Yang handed the Sixth Patriarch a universe bag, "Here."

The Sixth Patriarch took a look, his eyes were full of surprise.

He didn't expect that Zhao Yang really had so many divine stones on his body?

"Hurry up and replenish your energy." The Sixth Patriarch then handed the Qiankun bag to the formation master.

And just when the formation master was about to leave, Zhao Yang said, "Why is the formation at this transfer station a mid-level God Emperor?"

"Isn't the Divine Emperor's mid-level mountain protection array not enough?" The Sixth Patriarch looked at Zhao Yang in a daze.

"I have a formation scroll here, which belongs to the high-ranking God Emperor." Zhao Yang said and handed a scroll to the Sixth Patriarch, "By the way, it's the Great Mountain Protector Formation."

This scroll was refined by Zhao Yang halfway.

The Sixth Patriarch hastily detained the mountain protection formation of the formation scroll, and after a huge light shield wrapped the entire isolated island, everyone suddenly felt a huge wave.

The millipede's attack landed on the light barrier, and it couldn't even cause the slightest ripple.

"Sure enough, it is the God Emperor's high-level mountain guard formation."

"It seems that the power is still very strong."

"Our descendants of the Zhao family are very energetic."

At this time, everyone in the Zhao clan breathed a sigh of relief, and they looked at Zhao Yang with burning eyes.

"Good boy."

"As expected of a descendant of our Zhao family."

"Stinky boy, why don't you say that you are not as senior as others?"

The Sixth Patriarch has been tense all this time.

Because there is a high-ranking millipede of the emperor in the dark.

It doesn't move, and neither can he.

So the two sides were so exhausted.

"Zhao Yang, let me introduce you to those present." The Sixth Patriarch said with a smile.

Zhao Yang saluted these ancestors one by one.

"This is the younger generation of our Zhao family." After introducing the older generation and the middle-aged generation, the sixth patriarch began to introduce the younger generation.

"Zhao Mingli, the existence of the enchanting order obtained on the taboo road."

Zhao Mingli saluted Zhao Yang, "I've seen the clan uncle."

Zhao Mingli's current cultivation has reached the early stage of the God Emperor, but Zhao Yang is not far from the middle stage of the God Emperor. Zhao Mingli subconsciously feels that Zhao Yang's seniority is higher than him.

When someone called him uncle, Zhao Yang responded.

"There are only three young masters from the younger generation. One is Zhao Mingxun from the lineage of the elder brother. Zhao Mingxun has obtained the King's Order; the other is Zhao Mingyuan from the lineage of the fourth brother. Mingyuan has obtained the Order of Heaven's Pride."


Who is Zhao Mingli from? "

"My lineage." Speaking of this, the corners of the Sixth Patriarch's mouth rose.

"Why does our Zhao family want to fight here?" Zhao Yang raised a key question.

Picture what?

"Points." The Sixth Patriarch said solemnly.

"Points?" Hearing this, Zhao Yang was stunned.

"There are three thousand continents in the heavens and ten thousand realms, do you know that?"


"But in fact there are not only three thousand continents in the heavens and myriad realms. There were many, many continents in the heavens and myriad realms at first, and every thousand years the heavens and myriad realms will destroy weak worlds." The Sixth Patriarch said solemnly, "Now There are only 640 continents left in the heavens and myriad worlds."

"How long is it until the next destruction?"

"Ten years." The Sixth Patriarch said in a deep voice, "The heavens gave the data, and this time three thousand continents will be left, which means that the two continents of 640 will completely disappear from the heavens and ten thousand worlds."

"How many points do we have?"

"Our points are now ranked No. 120." The Sixth Patriarch said with a bitter smile, "So the battles these years have become more and more terrifying."

"Why do the gods do this?"

"It is said to shape a stronger civilization."

"If we want a higher ranking, do we have to kill monks from other civilizations?"

"That's understandable."

After a while, Zhao Yang said, "Should we take all the nearby

Millipede army swept away? "

"In this army of millipedes, there is a high-ranking God Emperor. To be honest, I am not sure that I can take him down." The Sixth Patriarch said in a deep voice.

"The battleship I'm on is a high-level God Emperor."

"What? A high-level God Emperor?" The Sixth Patriarch exclaimed.

If that's the case there's nothing to worry about.

"Battleship, can you find traces of the high-level millipede emperor?" Zhao Yang asked the battleship.

"The trace of that person has been locked." The battleship replied immediately.

"Then let's fight." The Sixth Patriarch said without hesitation, "If we kill these millipedes, our ranking may be higher."


Zhao Yang drove the battleship and unscrupulously fired at the millipede army.

It didn't take long to anger the high-level existence of the emperor.

Just as it approached the battleship silently, the main gun of the battleship suddenly aimed at it.

Then fire.

He was shocked by the Symmetra of the cannonball, and his blood surged up, and just when it was about to retreat, the battleship sprinkled thousands of brilliance.

Those radiances imprisoned his surroundings, and at this moment the figure of the Sixth Patriarch appeared here.

After Zhao Yang ordered the battleship to cooperate with the Sixth Patriarch, he turned into a streamer and rushed towards the vicinity.

He turned into a Shura, and rushed to kill the army of millipedes.

Even the existence of the God Emperor in the early days couldn't stop him from going.

(End of this chapter)

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