Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1801 We Are Saved

After Zhao Yang reached the fifth pass, he gradually learned a terrible fact.

That is, the taboo road is basically prepared for the major forces on the taboo road. As for the Tianjiao of the three thousand continents, they are just here to make soy sauce.

If Zhao Yang hadn't been under the help of the mysterious woman, he wouldn't have been able to afford the inheritance of the God Emperor.

"Can you help us in the First Valley to build a middle-level killing array for the Emperor?"

"Kill the formation?"

"The beasts in the moat have involved a lot of our energy."

"Materials need to be provided by you, First Valley."

"You give me a list."

Zhao Yang immediately handed Leng Aoxue a list.

Looking at the materials on the list, Leng Aoxue clicked her tongue.

She had a vague feeling that the first valley was probably incomplete.

After Leng Aoxue left, Zhao Yang returned to Yanhuangzong and continued to practice.

ten years!

20 years!

30 years!

Fast forward 30 years.

The god kings of Soul Sky Continent, God's Domain, Death Continent, and Longyuan Continent have been promoted to the peak of God Kings one after another.

It seems that they are not far from the God Emperor Realm, but they know that if they want to reach the God Emperor Realm, they will not be able to do it without years of accumulation.

However, the descendants of the five top powers in Longyuan Continent and the four top powers in Death Continent have all set foot in the God Emperor Realm.

The heirs of the five top strengths in Longyuan Continent are not afraid

Yes, but the heirs of the four top powers are worried.

They were worried that Yanhuangzong would liquidate them.

What they don't know is that they are thinking too much.

Because the senior officials of Yanhuangzong set foot in the God Emperor Realm as early as ten years ago.

In recent years, the middle and high levels of Yanhuangzong have also set foot in the realm of the emperor.

Currently, there are over a hundred Yanhuangzong people who have set foot in the God Emperor Realm.

Do you think Yanhuangzong needs to worry about the four god emperors in the Death Continent?

When Zhao Yang was cultivating that day, his blood was suddenly scorching hot, and when he opened his eyes, he felt a burst of excitement again.

"what happened?"

"Why do I suddenly have heart palpitations?"

"Did something happen to the ancestor?"

Fortunately, the palpitations soon dissipated.

But the haze in my heart can't go away.

After pondering for a long time, Zhao Yang still contacted the mysterious woman, "Senior, what happened to my ancestor?"

"Your ancestor is fine, but something happened to your second ancestor." The mysterious woman said after a while.

"Second ancestor?"

"Your ancestor had seven sons, and all seven sons have become god emperors."

Hearing this, Zhao Yang felt a sense of bewilderment.

Are the ancestors of the Zhao family so good?

"They have been fighting outside the territory all these years."

"Where is the outside world?"

"Continue to go deeper along the moat, when

After going deep to a certain point, you will come to the outside world. "The mysterious woman paused at this point, "Actually, you are also qualified to go outside the territory now. "

"How can I find the ancestors?"

"I will give you the space coordinates then."

"After I make arrangements, I will go outside the territory." Zhao Yang said immediately.

Now Zhao Yang has traveled a long distance in the early stage of the God Emperor, but there is still a distance to break through to the middle stage of the God Emperor.

He found Lin Caihan and told them the news that they were about to go outside the territory.

"Leaving again?" Lin Caihan said with some reluctance.

"I will leave after establishing five killing formations and five protection formations." Zhao Yang said softly.

The second ancestor had been fine all these years, but now he was killed suddenly. Zhao Yang realized that something happened to the ancestor.

Zhao Yang wants to go as soon as possible.

Then Zhao Yang and the eight great gods joined forces to build five killing formations and five guardian formations in just half a year, and then used the energy multiplier to upgrade these ten formations to the high level of the God Emperor Realm.

In fact, God's Domain is currently very safe.

The five top experts in Longyuan Continent will not touch Yanhuangzong.

The premise is that they are sure that Zhao Yang has fallen.

As for the Death Continent, there are battleships and puppets at the peak of the God Emperor sitting there, and there will be no problem in a short time.

After Zhao Yang confessed, he took a high-level battleship of the God Emperor to go.


Here, I have to mention the ten mid-level god emperor warships that Zhao Yang bought before, and these ten warships have also been upgraded to the high god emperor level by Zhao Yang's energy multiplier state.

It can be said that Yanhuangzong's current combat power is unprecedentedly strong, which is why Zhao Yang is relieved to go outside the territory when he is not in the mid-term of the emperor.

He traveled all the way on the battleship, and when he reached the deepest part of the sky, he saw the source worm again.

But he was no longer afraid.

Because his taboo order can completely imprison this source worm, but he still has no ability to kill this source worm.

After bypassing the source worm, he continued on.

As I was walking, I suddenly felt a boundary membrane.

His hands touched the boundary membrane and felt a lot of information.

After he put away the battleship, he walked towards the boundary membrane.

This time he passed the boundary membrane unimpeded.

The outside world is nothingness.

There are no rules of heaven, and there is no gleam of light.

Zhao Yang summoned the battleship at this time, "Go forward according to the space coordinates."

After Zhao Yang gave the order, the warship turned into a streamer and moved towards the space coordinates.

To Zhao Yang's surprise, it took half a month for the high-ranking battleship of the God Emperor to arrive near an isolated island suspended in the boundless darkness.

That isolated island bloomed with exuberant brilliance, illuminating an area with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers.

And all around the isolated island are densely packed with bugs

, those bugs were charging towards that isolated island without fear of death.

However, the protection of the isolated island is all-round, and those bugs are shot down one by one.

But Zhao Yang noticed that the formation guarding the isolated island was already very weak, in other words, it wouldn't last long.

"The array runes are very weak, as if they don't even have much energy." Realizing this, Zhao Yang ordered the high-level warships of the God Emperor to open fire.

The god emperor's high-level warships fired the order runes.

A big sweep.

At this time, the monks in the isolated island saw a warship frantically killing those bugs, and their eyes showed inconceivable expressions.

"what's the situation?"

"How can someone save us?"

"Who would be so kind?"

While those monks were talking, Zhao Yang's voice rumbled in the air.

"The descendants of the Zhao family in Shenyu came to visit their ancestors."

Now the monks in the isolated island were all startled by Zhao Yang's words.

Soon several figures hurriedly came to the front of the mountain guard formation.

"You say you are a descendant of the Zhao family in Shenyu, but what proof do you have?" A middle-aged man asked in a deep voice.

Hearing that Zhao Yang directly mobilized his own blood, the monks on the isolated island became excited when the energy of the blood surged into the sky.

"It's my Zhao family's blood."

"I didn't expect my descendants of the Zhao family to have such amazing talent and beauty."

"Our Zhao family is saved."

(End of this chapter)

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