Generally speaking, the existence of the early stage of the god emperor can be resurrected once, the existence of the middle-level god emperor can be resurrected three times, the existence of the high-level god emperor can be resurrected ten times, and the existence of the peak god emperor can be resurrected thirty times.

But they were imprisoned at this time.

Even if they can be resurrected hundreds of times, they will still be beheaded one by one by the war puppets in the end.

At this time, the upper management of God's Domain finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Over the years, the continent of death has been like a sword suspended above their heads.

Now it's finally solved.

"What about the Death Continent?" the first pavilion master asked in a deep voice.

"If you want to grab it, you can grab it, but I don't recommend killing their masters." Zhao Yang said after pondering for a while, "Because we still need them to guard the moat."

Having said that, Zhao Yang summoned a battleship, and then he waved at Lin Caihan.

Lin Caihan jumped onto the battleship.

"Go to the three great moats in the Death Continent." Zhao Yang said softly.

The natural moat in the east of Death Continent collided with the west of God's Domain, so the west of Yanhuangzong is safe in the short term.

Southern moat!

When the battleship appeared in the southern Tianzhu, tens of thousands of soldiers looked at Zhao Yang.

The main and secondary guns of the battleship immediately activated the aiming system.

"What do you want to do?" A mid-level God Emperor

Said anxiously.

"The existence of the four peak god emperors and the nine god emperor high-level existences in your death continent have been beheaded by my god domain just now." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

Hearing this, expressions of shock and anger appeared on the faces of tens of thousands of soldiers.

"Are you here to kill them all?" the mid-level existence of the God Emperor said sadly.

"On the contrary." Zhao Yang shook his head, "I'm helping you stop the powerful existence in the moat."

"Are you so kind?" The mid-level God Emperor looked at Zhao Yang in surprise.

"You strong men from the Death Continent want to invade our God's Domain. As a cultivator in the God's Domain, I will naturally fight back." Zhao Yang said lightly, "But most of your cultivators from the Death Continent are innocent." Having said that, Zhao Yang Hanging the badge on his waist, "Do you know this token?"

"Taboo?" At this moment a teenager exclaimed, "Why do you have a taboo?"

"Of course I got it on the taboo road." Zhao Yang glanced at the young man and said, "I will kill the high-level and peak god emperors in the sky, and I think you can contend with the rest of the sky beasts." .”

After the words fell, Zhao Yang drove the battleship deep into the depths of the natural moat.

"What should we do?" At this moment an old man asked.

"He got a taboo order, and the only thing we in the Death Continent can deal with him is

The existence of the same level, the problem is that the same level has to be a peerless genius who has received a taboo order. "The young man sighed leisurely, "Furthermore, he is driving a warship of the peak of the God Emperor, and the possibility of us wanting revenge is zero. "

"Aren't we going to take revenge?" A woman asked angrily.

"What are we going to take for revenge?" the boy asked back.

Let's talk about Zhao Yang, Zhao Yang drove the battleship all the way to the moat beast's lair, and it didn't take long for him to find a god emperor peak moat beast.

Zhao Yang used the token to imprison the opponent, and then let the war puppet kill the opponent.

Then continue in-depth.

After beheading two high-ranking Heavenly Moat Beasts of the God Emperor, Zhao Yang drove the battleship away from Heavenly Moat.

"In the future, if you are faced with an irresistible existence, you can go to Yanhuangzong to seek support." After Zhao Yang said this, he went to the northern Tianzhu.

Zhao Yang drove the battleship away after all the god-emperors in the three moats were dealt with.

And at the border, he saw the masters of the first mountain, the first pavilion, and the first valley adapting to the rules of heaven on the death continent.

"Should our Yan Huangzong give up this great mountain and river?" Lin Caihan said at this time.

She felt that the peach tree she planted turned out to be picked by them

There was something unbalanced in her heart.

"You can take a

The elite of Zhiyanhuangzong opened up a territory in the continent of death. " Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

"Really?" Lin Caihan asked in surprise.

"On the one hand, restrain the major sects of God's Domain from poisoning the Death Continent, and on the other hand, also secretly guard against the four great moats?" Zhao Yang said with a smile, "Now that my cultivation has reached the early stage of the God Emperor, I will not be able to do so in a short time. I will leave God's Domain, so you can do whatever you want."

After returning to Yanhuangzong, Lin Caihan and others narrated to him what happened in these years.

"So Longyuan Continent is quite particular." Zhao Yang said lightly after listening.

"That's right, after we mentioned your name, Longyuan Continent showed goodwill, and we haven't sent strong people to spy on it these years." Mingyue said softly.

Zhao Yang summoned three warships and three war puppets.

"Next, I will conduct a period of retreat. You can decide what to do with these three warships and three war puppets."

Now that his cultivation base has been promoted to the God Emperor Realm, and his original skills have also been promoted to the God Emperor Realm, it does not mean that many of his supernatural powers have also been promoted to the God Emperor Realm.

He needs a long retreat.

And the four continents are relatively calm at present, because they are all adapting to the way of heaven on each continent.

But this does not include Yanhuangzong.

Under the leadership of Lin Caihan, the Yanhuangzong went to the Great Hall of Death.

After a series of investigations, Lin Caihan finally came to the conclusion that the eastern part of the Death Continent is the richest.

Therefore, Yanhuangzong established branch sects in the core area of ​​the east.

There were not many monks brought by Lin Caihan, only three thousand.

But out of these three thousand, one thousand have reached the God King Realm, and the remaining two thousand are either giants or great powers.

This kind of configuration is far from being possible even by transcendent forces.

Along with these [-] monks, there are [-] God King-class warships and [-] God-King class battle puppets.

The arrival of Yanhuangzong caused dissatisfaction among many forces, but after Yanhuangzong pushed down several long-standing forces, no one in the entire east dared to disrespect Yanhuangzong.

In fact, Yan Huangzong's lineup can completely suppress the entire eastern region, but in order to better manage the forces in the eastern region, Lin Caihan established a strong force in the local area.

The lineup of this force has reached as many as one hundred thousand.

Five years later, the powers of the first pavilion, the first mountain, and the first valley of God's Domain also adapted to the rules of heaven on the death continent.

It was only when they headed for the army that they discovered that there were some mid-level god kings on the Death Continent.

This made the first pavilion owner, the first mountain owner, and the first valley owner very painful.

As a last resort, they asked the Yanhuangzong for help, and Lin Caihan immediately ordered the middle-level god emperor to guard Tianzhu.

(End of this chapter)

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