Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1797 The Return of Zhao Yang

"Forbidden land?" the owner of the first valley asked in surprise.

"I have enough strength to go to the first stage, so I will take the disciples of Yanhuangzong into my small world."

"Has the moat not been guarded?" The first pavilion master said worriedly.

"How?" Lin Caihan asked back, "Unless we are willing to be their slaves."

After a pause, Lin Caihan continued, "Besides, if the other party fails to break through in a short period of time, you don't have to worry too much."

In fact, Yan Huangzong is very easy to transfer.

There are only tens of thousands of Yanhuangzong disciples, and they can be transferred if they are said to be transferred.

One year!

What Lin Caihan didn't expect was that the igniting of the two war puppets only blocked the thirteen powerhouses for a year.

Seeing this scene, Lin Caihan ignited a battle puppet again.

This is also the only high-level battle puppet of the God Emperor.

Her heart is bleeding.

But there was nothing she could do.

"Husband, why don't you come?" Lin Caihan prayed secretly.

Not knowing if Lin Caihan's prayer had any effect, Zhao Yang, who was practicing on the forbidden road, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Why did you feel palpitations just now? Could it be that something happened to Yan Huangzong?" After realizing this, Zhao Yang quickly walked towards the entrance of the forbidden road.

Now his cultivation base has reached the realm of the emperor, and his speed is more than ten times faster than before.

So it didn't take long for him to walk out of the forbidden road.

When to get out

At the moment of the taboo road, he smelled some messages from God's Domain.

"Death Continent Invasion."

"The peak of the four great emperors."

"Yanhuangzong has detonated three high-ranking war puppets of the God Emperor in order to stop the powerhouses of the Death Continent."

"The situation is critical."

When Zhao Yang received these messages, he immediately headed towards God's Domain and the mountains of Death Continent.

Although Zhao Yang's current cultivation base is still in the early stage of the God Emperor, even someone who is at the middle level of the God Emperor may not be his opponent.

When his figure appeared near the mountain, it caused many monks to exclaim.

"Who is that?"

"It seems to be Zhao Yang, the patriarch of the Yanhuang Sect."

"Zhao Yang has returned from the forbidden road."

"Great, with Zhao Zongzhu's King's Order, we don't have to be useless anymore."

A group of elite troops are stationed here to defend the Death Continent.

"Husband." Lin Caihan saw that Zhao Yang's face was full of excitement.

Zhao Yang stepped forward and took Lin Caihan's slender fingers, "I will help you avenge."

Lin Caihan nodded slightly.

"You have completed your mission." Zhao Yang said to the lit battle puppet, "Now it can dissipate."

The remaining consciousness of the war puppet disappeared without a trace after hearing Zhao Yang's voice.

The four top powerhouses and the nine top powerhouses on the other side of the mountain looked at each other in blank dismay.

what's the situation?

Why is God's Domain here?

Make the puppet dissipate?

"You are quite courageous in the Death Continent." Zhao Yang walked towards the thirteen figures at a leisurely pace.

The thirteen figures on the opposite side were all stunned.

what's the situation?

A kid from the early days of the Emperor of God challenged them?

Who gave him the guts?

"I'll do it." A high-ranking God Emperor rushed towards Zhao Yang with a long knife in his hand.

His figure appeared in front of Zhao Yang between the calcium carbide sparks.

He ignores gaps in space and time.

It just appeared in front of him so abruptly.

Comes in an instant.

The long knife was raised high, and then slashed down heavily.

Lin Caihan and others are not worried.

Because they know that Zhao Yang has the order of the king, and he can imprison those with higher cultivation bases than him.

But when Zhao Yang raised his hand, they realized that they were wrong.

Zhao Yang wanted to challenge this high-ranking existence of the Divine Emperor.

His two fingers clamped the opponent's long knife, and the huge inertia caused the space under their feet to be torn apart.

"how is this possible?"

"Isn't this kid the early stage of the God Emperor?"

"The god emperor can shake the god emperor's high level in the early stage."

"Clan Chief Han's cultivation has dropped by a level."

"In other words, this guy fights across the ranks."

Just as the God Emperor present was discussing, Wuhen Wuhun was activated instantly.

The invisible fluctuation turned into an earth-shattering murderous intent and slashed towards his body.


The god emperor was injured by Wuhen.

His body staggered back one step, two steps, three steps!

But at this moment, Zhao Yang pointed a finger towards the center of the opponent's eyebrows.

Sword finger!

The sword spirit in his mind is even more dazzling.

The god emperor subconsciously stretched out his hand to block it, but his palm was still pierced.

This is not counting.

After the sword finger pierced his palm, it pierced his brow again.

His body fell limply backwards.


"The emperor's high-ranking patriarch Han was killed."

"how is this possible?"

At this moment, neither God's Domain nor Death could accept it.

You must know that the younger generation on the Divine Realm is still at the high level of the Divine King, but Zhao Yang has already become the existence of the early stage of the Divine Emperor Realm.

The gap between the two sides was further widened.

What the Death Continent couldn't accept was that Zhao Yang crossed the ranks and killed the high-ranking leader of the Emperor Han.

"This kid is tricky."

"Everyone teamed up to kill him."

"At this time, I don't care about morality."

The three high-level god emperors looked at each other, and then attacked Zhao Yang from three directions.

Seeing that their attack was about to fall on Zhao Yang, the token in Zhao Yang's arms suddenly flickered.

The high-level existence of these three god emperors was immediately imprisoned in the

At this moment, they were only a few steps away from Zhao Yang.

Zhao Yang's big hand grabbed the copper furnace of heaven and earth, and threw it towards their bodies.


The body of the first god emperor was smashed into pieces.


The body of the second god emperor was smashed into pieces.


The body of the third god emperor was smashed into pieces.

Now the four top god emperors and the four senior god emperors were frightened.

"what happened?"

"Why didn't they resist?"

"what have you done?"

Just when the Emperor of the Death Continent was panicking, Zhao Yang took out the King's Token and hung it on his waist. The next moment, an invisible wave spread in all directions.

All god emperors with a higher cultivation level than Zhao Yang were imprisoned.

"The Order of the King."

"You actually have a king's order on you?"

"It's over."

At this moment, Zhao Yang summoned a war puppet.

This war puppet is at the peak level of the God Emperor.

"Kill them."

Just as the war puppet at the pinnacle of the god emperor was fighting, a strong man from the Death Continent hurriedly said, "If you kill us, no one can stop the moat beast."

"What does the life and death of your Death Continent have to do with us?" Zhao Yang said nonchalantly, "Furthermore, it won't be too late for us to take action when the Scorpio Beasts completely occupy your Death Continent."

"You... how can you do this?"

(End of this chapter)

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