Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1774 Lin Caihan Comes

The existence of the god-king level is not easy to take action, because the turmoil caused is too great.

Zhao Wudi wiped out the entire imperial city with one palm. The impact was so great that the entire Upper God Realm knew about it.

The first mountain!

When Tuoba Yangcuo was about to go to the dynasty, his heart suddenly ached, and then he faintly sensed something, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Zhao Wudi, I'm going to tear your corpse into thousands of pieces." Tuoba Yang Cuo's voice resounded throughout the first mountain, and then everyone saw Tuoba Yang Cuo turning into a streamer and leaving.

There are many god kings behind him.

Of course, it also includes the powerhouses of the first mountain.

Yan Huangzong!

Lin Caihan was stunned when Yanhuangzong received the news.

"Zhao Wudi?"

Then Lin Caihan drove the battleship to the Tuoba Dynasty.

After arriving at the Tuoba Dynasty, he saw two figures colliding continuously in the midair. Who is one of the figures if it is not Zhao Wudi?

But at this time Zhao Wudi was in a suppressed state.

Even though Zhao Wudi used many methods, he was still suppressed by Tuoba Yang by mistake.

"How is it possible?" Zhao Wudi's eyes turned red.

He went to Chenghuang Road, and he also got something on Chenghuang Road. Why isn't he Tuoba Yangcuo's opponent?

"Zhao Wudi, to be honest, I'm surprised

I'm surprised you can get to this point, but I haven't stagnated all these years. As early as 30 years ago, I stepped into the middle stage of the king of gods. "Tuoba Yang wrongly sneered.

"Even if you and I are at the same level, you shouldn't fight against me." Zhao Wudi said dissatisfied.

"Normally speaking, I can't beat you, but I have been practicing in the first mountain for ten years, and what I practice is the supernatural power of the middle-level god king." Speaking of this, Tuoba Yang Cuo's palm glowed bronze.

"Today you are destined to perish here."


Tuoba Yangcuo's punch was like a tide, directly drowning Zhao Wudi.

When the punch dissipated, Zhao Wudi was covered in scars all over his body. He knelt on the ground on one knee, panting heavily.

"Zhao Wudi, you are too cautious. You have been practicing secretly all these years. You don't even know about the great changes in the world. If you practice in the first pavilion, I may not be your opponent now. It's a pity that you will never There is no such opportunity." Tuoba Yangcuo walked towards Zhao Wudi while talking.

Zhao Wudi looked up at Tuoba Yangcuo, "I'm not reconciled."

"What can you do if you are not willing?" Tuoba Yang Cuo looked down at Zhao Wudi and said.

"He is not reconciled, and it will be a new one." At this moment, Lin Caihan's figure appeared in midair.

Zhao Wudi looked at Lin Caihan in astonishment, "Mother, why are you here?"

What Zhao Wudi didn't know was that his "mother" sound scared many god kings present.

Who is Lin Caihan?

The existence of the saint class!

The deputy suzerain of Yanhuangzong, Zhao Yang's wife.

Tuoba Yang took a few steps back in fright, with a look of confusion on his face.

Lin Caihan landed lightly beside Zhao Wudi. She stroked Zhao Wudi's head and said softly, "You child, if you don't come to find me in the Central God Realm, you won't find me in the Upper God Realm."

"My identity is too sensitive, and I'm worried that Tuoba Yang will find it wrong, so I've been practicing all these years." Zhao Wudi suddenly thought of something when he said this, "Mom, you go, the disputes here have nothing to do with you .”

As Zhao Wudi struggled to stand up, he protected Lin Caihan behind him, "Tuoba Yangcuo, this matter has nothing to do with my mother, don't involve her."

At this time, Tuoba Yangcuo's expression was as if he had eaten shit, "How about canceling the grievances between the two of us now?"

"What?" Zhao Wudi couldn't help but widen his eyes.

He seemed to have heard something unbelievable.

"I destroyed the power you established back then, but now you have also destroyed my dynasty." Tuoba Yang said tentatively, "Even if we are even, what do you think?"

"You mean you let me go?" Zhao Wudi was a little confused.

he is unknown

Why did Bai Tuoba Yang Cuo make such a request under the premise of having an advantage.

Just when Zhao Wudi wanted to agree, Lin Caihan said helplessly, "Wudi, have you not had the slightest understanding of the outside world all these years?"

"Zhao Wudi, do you agree or not?" Tuoba Yang Cuo said hastily at this time.

"Shut up." Lin Caihan yelled at Tuoba Yang Cuo.

Her voice turned into billowing thunder and fell towards Tuoba Yang.

Tuoba Yang spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow, he only felt that his mind was shaken, and even his physical body was about to collapse.

Seeing this scene, Zhao Wudi's world view will collapse.

what's the situation?

How could mother be so powerful?

"In the past, Yanhuangzong pushed everything horizontally when they descended to the God Realm. No matter how powerful the ethnic groups were, they all prostrated themselves at the feet of the Yanhuang Sect; later, the Yanhuang Sect also established a branch sect in the Central God Realm. Not to mention the intricate forces in the Central God Realm, even if they are invincible The lizard clan had to put away their fangs when they saw Yanhuangzong; now Yanhuangzong has established a branch in the Upper God Realm again. No fear of any sect." Lin Caihan said loudly.

Zhao Wudi couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Mother, what are you talking about? The Yanhuang Sect is not inferior to any sect, even the three supernatural forces?"

"Your father is a saint child, I am a saint, your aunt Mingyue is a saint, and so is your aunt Yiren, which transcendent power do you think can compare?"

"There are four saint sons in Yanhuangzong?" Zhao Wudi's heart was full of turmoil.

"By the way, your sister Zhao Qingqing is also a saint, and now you are far from her opponent." Lin Caihan then said the news that Zhao Wudi couldn't accept.

"How could you be so powerful?"

"Because your father walked the forbidden path."

"The Forbidden Road?" Zhao Wudi gasped, "How dare he?"

"Whether it is the holy son of the three superpowers or the holy son of the demon clan, they are actually defeated by your father." Lin Caihan said lightly, "The father you once looked down on is now the No.1 of the younger generation."

Zhao Wudi didn't know what to say at this time.

"If you want revenge, follow me to Yanhuangzong." Lin Caihan held his son's hand and said, "Your father will pass on your supernatural powers. I can't guarantee anything else, but I don't think there is any problem making you a god emperor." of."

"God Emperor? Mother, are you kidding me?" Zhao Wudi's eyes suddenly lit up.

God Emperor!

A realm that he never dared to hope for in his life!

"When did mother ever lie to you?" Lin Caihan asked with a slight smile.

(End of this chapter)

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