Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1773 Zhao Wudi Is Birth

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

"Can you deal with the high-level God Emperor?" Leng Aoxue asked tentatively.


Hearing this, Leng Aoxue stopped asking.

The Yanhuang Sect completed the relocation in just half a month, and there were only three hundred disciples left in the previous sect.

These three hundred disciples have two tasks.

First, to maintain the normal operation of the sect; second, to be responsible for teaching the new disciples.

Yanhuangzong has recruited [-] disciples one after another in the past half month. If you count the [-] disciples from Yaochi who came here today, there will be [-] disciples.

These two groups of disciples were trained separately.

Actually this is normal.

Even the three superpowers cannot devote themselves to cultivating disciples of other sects.

"Concubine Jin, I will arrange for people to train the three thousand disciples you brought here." Zhao Yang looked at Concubine Jin and said, "My plan is that before they leave, your background will reach the early stage of the God Emperor. Yue's background has reached the high level of a god king."

Concubine Jin's eyes widened involuntarily when Zhao Yang said this, "What are you talking about? My foundation has reached the early stage of God Emperor?"

God Emperor!

If Concubine Jin's background reaches this level, wouldn't it mean that Yaochi will be able to sit on an equal footing with the three super powers in the future?

"That's right." Zhao Yang nodded.

"Why don't you leave such a precious resource to Yanhuangzong?" Concubine Jin hesitated for a while, but still expressed her doubts.


"The emperor of Yanhuangzong is enough." Zhao Yang said with a smile.

There are already more than a dozen god emperors in Yanhuangzong, and after Zhao Yang got the gift of martial soul, the number of god emperors in Yanhuangzong has climbed even more.

But Zhao Yang is now strictly controlling the number of god emperors, otherwise Yan Huangzong can create a large number of god emperors every minute?

"My lord, my lord, do you think I can become a high-level god king?" Xiao Yue asked quickly, grabbing Zhao Yang's sleeve.

She has dreamed of becoming a god king all her life, okay?

Zhao Yang not only fulfilled her desire to become a god king, but also guaranteed that she would become a high-ranking god king in the future.

High-level God King!

Doesn't it mean that he has surpassed most of the Sons of God?

"That's right, God King High Rank." Zhao Yang said with a slight smile, "If the situation changes in the future, you may be allowed to go one step further."

Xiaoyue was so excited that she didn't know what to say?

"I remember you said that there is one at the giant level, three at the powerful level, ten at the big man level, and thirty at the early stage of the living god state, right?" Zhao Yang continued.


"In this way, I will help the giant to be promoted to the middle stage of the god king, I will help the three of the powerful level to be promoted to the early stage of the god king, I will help the boss level to be promoted to the giant, and I will help the three who are in the early stage of the life god state to be promoted to the first stage of the god king. Almighty, as for the rest of the soldiers, they will all be promoted to Dashou or to the early stages of the God Realm."

Following Zhao Yang's eloquence, both Jinfei and Xiaoyue were shocked.


"Do you know how much resources it takes to train them to this level?" Jin Fei said in a deep voice.

"You don't need to worry about resources, the Yanhuang Sect will take care of it, you just need to rest assured to practice here."

"What about the exercises?"

"Yanhuangzong will provide you with god-level exercises and god-level exercises that are suitable for you. Of course, you must not leak these exercises in Yaochi." Zhao Yang continued.

"We will never reveal it." Concubine Jin still understood the rules.

"I once went to Soul Sky Continent, and I got a Martial Soul in Soul Sky Continent." Zhao Yang said slowly.

Concubine Jin looked at Zhao Yang in a daze.

She didn't understand why Zhao Yang mentioned this all of a sudden?

"For the monks in the Soul Sky Continent, the martial soul is everything. For example, if you have a martial soul at the god-king level, then you will definitely be able to reach the god-king in the future without any accidents." Zhao Yang pointed at Jinfei between the eyebrows.

Soon Concubine Jin felt a lotus flower appeared in her sea of ​​consciousness, and that lotus flower exuded holy and pure golden light.

"what is this?"

"This is the holy martial spirit I bestowed on you, it will allow you to unimpededly ascend to the realm of the god emperor in the future."

"Can you bestow?"

Zhao Yang nodded slightly.

"My lord, what about me?" Xiao Yue shouted hastily.

"You can wait until tomorrow." Zhao Yang said lightly.

If the martial spirit is bestowed without restraint, what's the deal?

Are the heavens still in chaos?

Even taboos have to follow certain rules.

In the following time, Zhao Yang ran back and forth on both sides, but spent most of the time under the sacred tree.

He practiced and enlightened under the sacred tree.

Time passed day by day like this, whether it is the disciples of Yan Huangzong or the disciples of the major forces, the power is advancing by leaps and bounds.

A year has passed.

Two years have passed.

Three years have passed.

Ten years passed quickly.

Ten years is nothing to the existence of the God King Realm, because it takes too long for them to improve, but the Death God Realm and the Life God Realm have achieved considerable development.

On this day, a figure suddenly walked out of a mysterious secret environment.

"Haha, I've finally taken a step forward." The figure laughed wildly.

If Zhao Yang were here, he would definitely recognize that this was his rebellious son Zhao Wudi.

Zhao Wudi couldn't be happier at this moment.

Not only did he restore his previous cultivation, but he also went one step further.

He could finally take revenge on God King Tuoba.

He headed towards the dynasty of God King Tuoba.

King Tuoba established a dynasty named Tuoba Dynasty.

When Zhao Wudi's figure appeared in the Tuoba Dynasty, all the senior officials of the Tuoba Dynasty were shocked.

Because Zhao Wudi did not hide his aura, he quietly

Standing firmly above the Tuoba Dynasty, he unscrupulously released his aura.

"Tuoba Yang is wrong, you get out of here." Zhao Wudi said in a thunderous voice.

"Young master, do you know what you want to do with my god king?" A giant stood up tremblingly.

Zhao Wudi stared at the giant, "Tuoba Yanyu, don't you know me?"

The giant stared at Zhao Wudi for a while, and a figure gradually appeared in his mind.

"You are Zhao Wudi God King Zhao." The giant's pupils shrank fiercely.

How could he not remember Zhao Wudi?

The Tuoba dynasty came to power by stepping on the god-king sect established by Zhao Wudi.

"Was Tuoba Yang wrong?"

"He went to the first mountain to hear the sermon."

"You tell him to come now."

The giant quickly contacted Tuoba Yangcuo through the token.

"Have you contacted?" Zhao Wudi asked.

"We got in touch, the God King is on his way."

"Then there's no need for you to exist." Zhao Wudi said before making a move.

His palm turned into a sky-hanging curtain and slapped down, the mighty divine king's aura caused the entire imperial city to collapse.

And after the city dissipated, all the monks living in this imperial city were turned into pieces, and this extremely prosperous imperial city in the past was turned into ruins in an instant.

After completing these, Zhao Wudi stood quietly on the ruins and waited.

(End of this chapter)

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