Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1725 We Are Saved

Emerald Dynasty!

Ever since Yu Tong learned that the God King had surrendered to the Demon Race, he lived in anxiety all day long.

He didn't want to submit to the demon clan, not at all.

But the God King's decision was not up to him, and he was also locked in the palace, with no chance to get out.

Just when he kept drinking to numb himself, he suddenly felt a chill.

"Yuhua Dynasty betrayed the alliance, surrendered to the demon clan, and should be punished according to the crime." As Qi Zu's voice exploded above Yuhua Dynasty, 30 elite soldiers boarded battleships and surrounded the entire palace.

All of a sudden, the audience was in an uproar.

The soldiers of the Yuhua Dynasty were all dumbfounded.


His own god king became a traitor?

Just when they didn't know what to do, the god king of Yuhua Dynasty soared into the sky. He looked at Qi Zu with a gloomy face and said, "Qi Zu, you must pay attention to evidence when you speak."

"The old patriarch of the Hidden Demon Clan said it himself, and besides, the concubine you just took in must be from the Demon Clan." Qi Zu said, grabbing the inner garden of the palace with his big hand.

A beautiful woman was caught in the air.

"Qi Zu, let go of my woman." The God King of Yuhua Dynasty changed color.

"Not yet." Qi Zu burst out.

I saw that woman suddenly filled with a vast demonic energy, and at the same time her pupils also changed, becoming completely

All black.

"The devil."

"This woman is a demon."

"My God, could it be that our king has really rebelled?"

Qi Zu glanced at the audience and said, "Did you see it? Your king has betrayed the alliance. Put down your weapons and we can let the past go."

The soldiers of the Yuhua Dynasty looked at me and I looked at you, and finally put down their weapons one after another.

They don't want to bear the name of a traitor.

"You are framing." The God King of the Yuhua Dynasty said angrily.

"God King, at this time, are you still obsessed with your obsession?" An old man in a yellow robe said bitterly.

"" The god king of Yuhua Dynasty looked at the old man dumbfounded.

"If Qi Pavilion didn't have the evidence, it wouldn't come here with great fanfare." The old man said leisurely, "I said before that this move you made was wrong."

The God King of the Yuhua Dynasty became lonely, "I am also for the continuation of the Dynasty."

"But you shouldn't be a traitor." Qi Zu scolded angrily.

The God King of the Yuhua Dynasty was silent for a while before he said, "Few people in the Yuhua Dynasty know about this matter, please don't hurt innocent people when the time comes."

"We won't let a bad person go, but we won't wrong a good person either." Qi Zu said solemnly.

Qi Zu said so.

However, after the Yuhua Dynasty, it was difficult to gain trust again.

With the arrest of all the senior officials of the Yuhua Emperor, a soul search was carried out on these guys overnight.



At this time, there is no need to pay attention to human rights.

After the soul search, some people were arrested.

It was three days after the dust settled.

"Yutong, the Yuhua Dynasty will be in your hands from today onwards." Qi Zu patted Yutong on the shoulder, "In addition, in order to prevent further demons from invading, our three pavilions will send a group of experts to help .”

Yu Tong's face changed slightly.

Is this trying to empty him?

"To be honest, we don't trust you completely. Of course, you can also understand it as surveillance." Qi Zu said frankly, "Once you become the king of God in the future, our personnel will withdraw."

Hearing this, Yutong felt more comfortable.

"Besides, I'll tell you about the demons." After Qi Zu narrated, Yu Tong realized how deep the demons had penetrated.

"How should we deal with it?" Yu Tong asked hastily.

"The major god king forces will build a teleportation array next, so that if the family is in danger, they can also be rescued in time."

"It should be." Yu Tong did not object to this matter, "but what about the demons' counterattack?"

"The Demon Race's counterattack is doomed, these few

Last month, we refined a batch of formation scrolls that suppress the magic formation, and now they have been distributed to various sects. "Qi Zu looked at Tong Yu and said, "Next, you Yuhua Dynasty's formation masters have to take action too, to satisfy themselves and at the same time help the major sects. "

"Follow the alliance's dispatch."

In fact, besides the Yuhua Dynasty, there were 31 sects that were suppressed that night.

However, those 31 sects do not have the power of the god king level.

Under the call of the six top powerhouses, the alliance was established again.

All the kings of the gods, as well as the giants, powers, and bosses of the various sects, all participated in this video conference.

The ancestors told the story in detail, and only then did the masters present know what was going on?

The ancestor of the formation said that in order to deal with the counterattack of the demons, the major forces established teleportation formations among each other, and the alliance headquarters worked overtime to build the magic suppression formation.

And just as they were having a meeting, the demons showed their fangs.

Because several exposed demons were uprooted by the alliance during the operation that night, which made them furious and began to retaliate.

Wanshen Gate!

The master of Wanshen sect disappeared suddenly during the meeting, and he reappeared in front of everyone after a while.

"The Wanshen Sect is being invaded by the Earth Demons, please help." The master of the Wanshen Sect disappeared after saying this.

"Wanshen Sect is relatively close to Cangwu Sect, Cangwu Sect you immediately lead the elite

Go to the rescue, we Qige will come later. " Qizu said at this time.

The sect master of Cangwu Sect responded and went offline.

What made the Wanshen Sect Master feel uneasy was that there were too many Earth Demons coming to attack.

The mountain protection array they spent a lot of money to build seems to be unable to hold on.

"Five giants, ten mighty ones, and 23 big bosses, how can our Wanshen Sect stop us?" The eyes of the Sect Master of Wanshen Sect were full of despair after seeing this scene.

Liu Yunyi was also flustered.

Now she is also a giant.

But the Earth Demon Clan has five giants.

Seeing that the formation was about to be broken, a figure suddenly appeared in midair.

"I'm here to help under Miss Caihan's order." The figure said as it patted down with its big hand.

The mighty power of the god king crushed the densely packed soldiers of the Earth Demon tribe.

Even giants are no exception.

The difference is that the giant is still alive.

"Caihan." Liu Yunyi said excitedly, "I knew Caihan would not ignore us."

The master of Wanshen sect was also very excited, "We are saved." The master of Wanshen sect was ready to fall just now.

That figure is a magic weapon of the god king, who has been following Lin Caihan all these years.

It saw that the five giants were not dead, so it slapped down again.

This time, the five giants died.

(End of this chapter)

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