Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1724 Start tonight

When it disappeared in a flash, the old patriarch of the Hidden Demon Clan held his neck and fell weakly downwards. During the fall, his body also disintegrated inch by inch, and disappeared completely before falling to the ground. .

He was completely obliterated by this sword light.

The remaining three figures were all frightened.

They fled around without thinking.

"Kill them all." Zhao Yang said coldly.

The sword character of the decree disappeared again.

By the time the word "sword" returned to the decree, the color had already dimmed a lot.

Concubine Jin was dumbfounded at this moment.

Because she saw that the three god kings were also killed.

"This decree of yours?"

"Use it again and it will be useless." Zhao Yang said with some distress.

"Do you know that you just killed two peak god kings and two high-level god kings?"

"Don't let this matter out."


"If this matter is leaked, the Alliance will definitely have to ask me what method I used, and besides, those demons are still trying to punish me?" Zhao Yang said helplessly.

"Then what do we do next?"

"Let me operate it." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

After Zhao Yang sent Concubine Jin to Yaochi, he contacted Danzu through the nameplate.

Danzu was surprised that Zhao Yang would look for him.

"Dan Zu, I just got a piece of information."

"Tell me." Dan Zu's expression suddenly became solemn.

"The demons have found a second exit, and now there are not many demons on the Demon Suppressing Monument." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

Dan Zu's face changed drastically, "How do you know?"

"The old patriarch and patriarch of the night demon clan killed me. They told me about it when they thought I had no way to escape."

"do you have anything else?"

"They say that Yuhua Dynasty has become a traitor."

"Don't say anything about this matter, I will investigate it secretly." Dan Zu said immediately.

Danzu quickly contacted Zhenzu and Qizu.

After he said the matter again, the expressions of the two became disturbed.

"Investigate the Yuhua Dynasty first." Qi Zu said in a deep voice, "If there is a problem with the Yuhua Dynasty, then go to investigate the Suppressing Demon Monument."

The connections of the three major forces are very deep, and it was soon discovered that there was a problem with the Yuhua Dynasty.

"The high-level officials of the Yuhua Dynasty have already taken refuge in the Demon Race." Qi Zu said with a sinking face.

"We secretly mobilized some soldiers and let them take the initiative to attack the demon clan on the Demon Suppressing Monument." The ancestor said after thinking about it.

"Okay." Dan Zu nodded.

Soon the three major forces mobilized millions of soldiers and brought a large number of equipment to the Zhenmo Monument.

"Under the orders of the ancestors of Dan, Qi, and Zhen, take the initiative to attack and find out the reality of the demons."

When the representatives of the three major forces said these words, the soldiers of the three lines of defense thought they were crazy.

However, under the full stimulation of the killing array of the first line of defense,

The soldiers of the Demon Race started to retreat steadily.

So millions of soldiers chased after him.

After killing and killing, I found that the back of the demons was empty, and there were no demons at all.

"War puppets go deep." The commander of Qi Pavilion released thousands of war puppets.

These war puppets walked quickly towards the inside.

As time goes by, one after another, the war puppets return.


"Except for some old, weak, sick and disabled, the rest of the demon soldiers are gone."

"This matter must be reported to the higher authorities immediately."

After Danzu, Qizu, and Zhenzu heard the news, they immediately summoned the masters of Yaochi Palace, Qunyao Pavilion, and the Hall of All Beings.

When the three of them found out about this, they were also taken aback.

"I didn't expect to start a war with the demons now." Yaochi Palace Master said in a deep voice.

To be honest, Yao Chi is not ready yet.

"The reason why the demons choose to hibernate is because they dare not start a war against us." The chief of the Qun Yao Pavilion said after thinking about it.

"The most urgent thing is what should we do?" the Lord of the Hall of All Living Beings narrowed his eyes and said.

"First, secretly investigate how many forces have betrayed, and these forces must be pulled out without hesitation; second, secretly investigate the habitat of the demons, it is impossible for the demons to gather in one place; third, your formation Secretly create formations such as the Suppressing Demon Monument, and our five major forces will fully support your formation." Danzu glanced at the audience and said solemnly.

"These three things are all done in secret

, Remember not to startle the snake. "Qi Zu nodded.

"Just do as you say." Su Jin nodded.

Everyone knew that this matter was related to their life and death, so no one dared to be careless.

Danzu then told Zhao Yang about this.

Zhao Yang immediately held the sect meeting.

"From today onwards, disciples of the Zongmen Formation will do their best to create the formation scrolls for the Demon-Suppressing Formation." Zhao Yang said in a deep voice.

"Would you like to create a scroll at the level of the Mountain Protector Formation?" Lin Caihan said softly.

"Yes, many sects need mountain guards." Mingyue also said aside.

"The mid-level, early-stage, and high-level formation masters of the God Realm will divide two-thirds of the formation masters to create scrolls of the mountain protection level." Zhao Yang nodded and said, "As for the rest of the formation masters Just make a normal scroll."

"Can you simplify the scroll?" Tang Yiren said at this time.

"Simplified?" Zhao Yang looked at Tang Yiren puzzled.

"For example, forging magic charms." Tang Yiren said softly, "As long as you put it on your body, as long as the demons approach, it will be automatically activated. Isn't this faster and more efficient than scrolls?"

Zhao Yang's eyes lit up immediately.

"Why didn't I think of this? In this way, order two-thirds of the formation masters to create scrolls at the level of protecting the mountain first, and I will go to retreat." After finishing speaking, Zhao Yang hurried back to his room.

Zhao Yang took out [-] times the time fragments and realized it.

He wants to streamline it in the shortest possible time.

In fact, streamlining is not as simple as imagined.

The daily consumption of energy, the instant triggering when the demons approach, and many other factors need to be taken into consideration.

It took Zhao Yang three days, that is, three years, to research the most suitable formation magic talisman.

Then he called all the formation masters of Yanhuangzong, and patiently explained to them one by one.

With the copying of each other by these formation masters, and Zhao Yang's tireless efforts, these formation masters mastered it within half a month.

"Before we wanted to build a magic-killing scroll, we needed at least three days."

"Now one magic talisman is enough for one day."

"What's even more rare is that less materials are consumed, and the cost performance has been improved many times."

"The suzerain is truly a genius."

A month has passed.

Two months have passed.

Three months have passed.

Under the secret investigation of the six major forces, it was found that 36 forces were involved.

They believe there are more hidden yet.

"When shall we do it?" Su Jin asked.

"Actually, our preparations are still not sufficient." Danzu said in a deep voice, "But we can't wait any longer."

"Yeah, keep waiting, I don't know how many forces will be threatened and then eroded." Zhanzu nodded and said, "Do it tonight."

"Okay, let's do it tonight." Qi Zu responded.

(End of this chapter)

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