Ancient Immortal Doctor Lin Caihan

Chapter 1688 The Firmament Palace Was Attacked

Seeing Lu Yuan's arrogant posture, Bai Lu wished to slap him to death.

"Zhao Yang is recognized as the number one son of God, how can you beat him?" Bai Lu said through gritted teeth.

Son of God?

Which god would dare to challenge Zhao Yang?

Why are you?

"Just because I am Lu Yuan, just because I am undefeated." Lu Yuan struggled to get up while talking, "Zhao Yang, one year later, here we will fight."

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die." Zhao Yang said indifferently.

"It doesn't matter whether you live or die." After saying this, Lu Yuan returned to Shangyin Academy.

"Young master Zhao, can you keep your hand?" Bailu looked at Zhao Yang pleadingly.

"Do you really think this guy can make the Shangyin Academy flourish?" Zhao Yang looked at Bailu pityingly and said, "He is so overbearing before he becomes the suzerain. It's falling apart."

Egret fell silent.

"The Son of God group has always been arrogant, but I have never seen such a disrespectful one." Zhao Yang said lightly, "You have never established rules with him, so that he has come to where he is today."

"In a year, I'll kill him."

Bai Xue finally realized the seriousness of the matter.

"That... son... can you not kill Lu Yuan?" Bai Xue asked cautiously.

"Lu Yuan already hates you to the core, I won't kill Lu Yuan,

Believe it or not, Lu Yuan will destroy your Shangyin Academy in the future. "

Snow White fell silent.

This matter is too big.

"Master of the White House, what do you think?" Zhao Yang looked at Bai Lu.

After struggling with Bai Lu's eyes, he still said, "I can't control the confrontation that Son of God only saw."

In fact, Bai Lu didn't want to give up on Lu Yuan. After all, Lu Yuan was the son of God in Shangyin School, and he might be able to reach the realm of God King in the future.

"I know you are worried about the future of Shangyin Academy, so you let Bai Xue follow me for a while." Zhao Yang thought for a while and said, "I will return you a goddess at that time."

"Goddess?" Bailu looked at Zhao Yang in amazement and said, "Are you sure?"

"Everyone present today can be a witness. If I say I will send you a goddess from Shangyin Academy, then I will give you a goddess." Zhao Yang said lightly.

Egret showed surprise on his face, "Then I have to thank Mr. Zhao."

Bai Ning struggled for a while, but still said shyly, "That... Mr. Zhao, are you interested in training me?"

"Get lost." Zhao Yang cursed angrily.

Bai Ning smiled wryly.

But he also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, he can be sure that Zhao Yang will not trouble him anymore.

Zhao Yang looked at Wen Ji at this time, "Which sect do you want to go to? Even if it is a god-king-level force, I can recommend you to go."

Zhao Yang felt that he still had this

save face.

"I...can I follow you?" Wen Ji said boldly.

"Follow me?" Zhao Yang didn't expect Wen Ji to make such a request.

"I don't know if you are short of maids who serve tea and water?" Wen Ji dropped her head after saying this.

Ouyang Xiaona looked at Wen Ji's appearance, and she realized that she had underestimated her best friend.

It is true that she can choose a power at the level of a god king, but which power at the level of a god king can compare with being Zhao Yang's maid?

"Do you have a family?" Zhao Yang asked after pondering for a while.


"If you are my maid, you will have to sever ties with the family."

"Ah!" Only then did Wen Ji realize that there was such a harsh request, "Can I come back to visit my parents once in a while?"

Zhao Yang shook his head.

After a moment of silence, Wen Ji still shook her head, "I don't want to."

After all, Wen Ji still couldn't let go of her parents' affection.

"It's human nature." Zhao Yang didn't think there was anything wrong with Wen Ji's choice?

"Then can I be Miss Bai Xue's maid in the future?" Wen Ji thought for a while before saying.

Zhao Yang was stunned.

Bai Xue was stunned.

The monks present were also stunned.

But then they realized that Wen Ji was very smart.

Zhao Yang just made it very clear that he will train Bai Xue to become a goddess.

She is a handmaiden to the Goddess, and will

Who dares to bully her?

"What do you think?" Zhao Yang looked at Bai Xue.

"Yes." Bai Xue nodded.

It's not a big deal.

"The guards will take you to my courtyard later, by the way, there are three maids in my courtyard now, and you will be my No.4 maid in the future." Bai Xue said softly, "If you behave well in the future, I will consider having you as my personal maid."

"Thank you, miss." Wen Ji said in surprise.

Ouyang Xiaona is not too envious at this moment.

Who would have thought of helping Zhao Yang answer a question, and there would be such a heaven-defying opportunity?

When Zhao Yang left, he left behind a war puppet who was at the pinnacle of the God Realm. Zhao Yang's order to the war puppet was to monitor Lu Yuan 24 hours a day.

On the battleship, Bai Xue looked at this for a while, and then looked at that for a while.

"As the little princess of Shangyin Academy, don't you have a battleship?"

"Battleships are too expensive, and I don't want low-level ones." Bai Xue explained.

As Zhao Yang said, he brought Bai Xue to the bow of the ship.

"My lord, what are you bringing me here for?" Bai Xue had just said this when she saw the same warship appearing beside her.

"This battleship is for you." Zhao Yang said as he jumped onto the battleship with Bai Xue.

"What level is this?"

"A high-level living god realm."

"Wouldn't it be too precious

? "Bai Xue exclaimed.

Life God Realm high-level ah.

A battleship that only God King-class forces have!

What she didn't know was that Zhao Yang could give her even more precious warships, but there was no way to explain the battleships at the peak of the God Realm.

For example, Zhao Yang, he doesn't need to be born at the peak of the God Realm to go out.

Because only supernatural forces have warships of this level.

"Here, you take it." Zhao Yang said lightly.

"Then thank you, my lord." Bai Xue said with a smile.

After Bai Xue bound her identity to this battleship, she began to hang out on the battleship.

After strolling around, his eyes and face were full of excitement, "In the future, when I am in a bad mood, I will take the battleship and go wherever I want?"

"The weapons and ammunition on the battleship are enough to support you in five large-scale battles." Zhao Yang looked at Bai Xue and said, "Once the ammunition is not enough, go to Qige to buy it for supplement."

"Hey, okay, son, where are we going now?"

"The Sky Palace." Zhao Yang said after thinking about it.

Sky Palace!

Zhao Yang got Jian Wuji's sect.

Now that Zhao Yang has become famous, it's time to go back and have a look.

"Sovereign, how long can the psychic stele last?" Xu Yi, the deputy suzerain of the Sky Palace, asked anxiously looking at the psychic stele that was fighting with two old men.

Cracks have already appeared on the psychic stele, and it looks like it won't last long.

(End of this chapter)

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